Topic: [Opinions][Standard]Where's the Tear Gas?

So I played Rakdos at an RTR draft the other night and I had a total blast given the way the guild runs - you either win big, or you go down in flames.  That aside, I threw together a build that I have almost everything for already that I might run in one of the coming weeks.

Here's the deck "Where's the Tear Gas?"

This is total, all-out aggo like nobody's business.  The plan is to unleash as much as humanly possible.  Which raises the question, what do you defend with?  Defenses comes in several forms:

1)Slumbering Dragon making them think twice before trading attacks.
2) Grim Roustabout staying back with his regeneration.
3) Desecration Demon requiring them to drop creatures.
4) Possibly Rakdos, Lord of Riots - but I'm all about him attacking ASAP too.

I thought, given how much attacking I'll be doing, that it would be good to give them an incentive to keep blocking (even the little ones), enter Curse of Stalked Prey which puts a clock on them when paired with Tormented Soul.  Throw Necropolis Regent as a bomb and another way to add counters, and to say the least, things are getting messy.

Rakdos's Return is really designed to deal spot damage to play Rakdos in a pinch or to get them to drop that pesky one or two cards they're hanging onto for combat tricks.

Traitorous Instinct is a nice trick to drop on them if they play something powerful on the board that I'm not simply going to overrun/overpower.  I recognize Mark of Mutiny and one other one are typically better for this purpose, but that +2/+0 can be huge when I'm coming at them non-stop each turn.  I have Disciple of Griselbrand in the sideboard in case I need to make Traitorous Instinct into a removal spell.

Stab Wound is big for me to simply weaken the enemy's creatures and do damage.  It can be removal in a pinch, but I'd rather it stays on the board to keep the clock running on them.  After all, I'm more interested in outpacing them than any real tricks.

Havoc Festival is just for grins (and to set a clock).  When paired with Rix Maadi Guildmage, I could realistically kill them the first time it halves their life.

The sideboard currently has a LOT of removal to cover my arse in case there are creatures that totally screw me up.  Obviously 4x Dreadbore would be nice, but I don't have those yet.  Nor do I have a playset of Dragonskull Summit or Blood Crypt yet.  I likely won't seek any more of them unless this thing actually works a bit.

Some other thoughts - Daggerdrome Imp and Rakdos Ragemutt both give lifelink while letting me swing without abandon.  Thoughts?  I was tempted to toss in 2x Carnival Hellsteed but figure the top of the curve is best suited at 6 with flyers (aka Chaos Imps and Necropolis Regent).  Do the Hellsteeds have a place?  I'm even tempted to include Racecourse Fury to give things haste.  I'd gladly add one to the cost of a creature to give it haste.  Or is Fervor that much better?  Or do I even need to worry about haste?


Re: [Opinions][Standard]Where's the Tear Gas?

Aww... nobody likes Rakdos?

Re: [Opinions][Standard]Where's the Tear Gas?

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Aww... nobody likes Rakdos?

It's not that I don't like Rakdos, but rather that I'm still trying to figure out decent configurations myself.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: [Opinions][Standard]Where's the Tear Gas?

It's all good.  I know that speed aggro is doing well.  A mono-red rakdos build went 4-0 at my LGS this past friday.  Desecration Demon, Splatter Thug, and Slaughter Games are NASTY.  Beyond that, yeah, I'm spitballing here.

Re: [Opinions][Standard]Where's the Tear Gas?

I've updated the decklist in a few ways. 

At the one drop, I've upped the count of Slumbering Dragon to three.  It can serve as a more effective deterrent this way as I'm more likely to pull them.  Deathrite Shaman also finds its way in here for a variety of reasons, to stop Gravecrawler/Geralf's Messenger/Undying/Scavenge and whatever else.  Also, if I have to miracle Reforge the Soul early, it can let me use any dumped mana to ensure balance.

At the two drop, Gore-house Chainwalker gives way for an additional Thrill-Kill Assassin.  The added one power is nice for the Chainwalker, but deathtouch proves much more useful, especially when Curse of Stalked Prey is on the board.  Grim Roustabout is gone - two for a 1/1 regen or a 2/2 regen that can't block isn't enough advantage to warrant it.

At the three spot, Splatter Thug is a beast with first strike - making him require something the opponent would have at the four spot to stop.  Short of Loxodon Smiter, ramping into Deadbridge Goliath, or a pumped Lotleth Troll nothing is likely to stop him that early.

At the four drop, 3x Desecration Demon is just monstrous.  Rakdos, Lord of Riots helps speed things up even more.  That and he's a 6/6 flying trampler.  Do any damage and he helps get Griselbrand or Chaos Imps onto the field.  I dropped Bloodfray Giant as he can easily be stopped by items at the same cost or less (i.e. Deadbridge Goliath or Loxodon Smiter).  I also dropped Traitorous Instinct (despite it being a potential bomb) as the four drop was far too crowded. 

Other changes, I've swapped Necropolis Regent for Griselbrand as a high end bomb - one that can replenish my hand too.  I've added some small scale spot removal in Pillar of Flame and Tragic Slip.  I also tossed 2x Reforge the Soul into the mainboard to refill my hand once I've dumped everything - this can either keep up the pressure or help me in the event of a Supreme Verdict or Mutilate (after all, if a major aggro deck has one weakness, it's board wipes).

The sideboard now has Cremate in case extra drawing and/or graveyard removal is needed.  More Tragic Slips to provide removal if I'm somehow getting overpowered or outpaced.  And Slaughter Games and Shimian Specter for either mirror games or in case I run into a deck that really bogs me down.  Side those six in and BAM! I'm surgically extracting anything that was overly threatening.

So now I'm open to thoughts.  I know Rakdos isn't the most popular guild and this is a really RTR heavy build, but any thoughts would be welcome.  On the one hand I'm troubled to be at 65 cards, but every piece here has a use and works together quite well.  For instance, Rix Maadi Guildmage works wonders when paired with Tormented Soul, Havoc Festival or Stab WoundTormented Soul and Stab Wound almost guarantee Rakdos, Lord of Riots can hit the field any turn.  Curse of Stalked Prey helps me keep outpacing them and can force them into unfavorable blocks.  It keeps going on and on.


Re: [Opinions][Standard]Where's the Tear Gas?

Personally I'd drop the slumbering dragons, they don't fit, you should be moving faster than your opponent so if they attack you, great! Less blockers for you to deal with, I think it will not be helping you.

Havoc festival is ok, but over costed and going to cause you to lose way more life than your opponents

Just my thoughts

Re: [Opinions][Standard]Where's the Tear Gas?

I guess perhaps they could make use on the sideboard.  The dragons offer the only real defense the deck would have - outside of things at the four drop.  My thoughts on Havoc Festival are just that when it hits the board if I have Rix Maadi Guildmage, they're dead in two turns.

Those would take me to 61.  Where does the one other card come from?

Re: [Opinions][Standard]Where's the Tear Gas?

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I guess perhaps they could make use on the sideboard.  The dragons offer the only real defense the deck would have - outside of things at the four drop.  My thoughts on Havoc Festival are just that when it hits the board if I have Rix Maadi Guildmage, they're dead in two turns.

Yes but you'll probably win before the festival comes out and if not you'll probably have lost all steam and get smashed

Re: [Opinions][Standard]Where's the Tear Gas?

I can see your point.  At the six drop I'd much rather be dropping Griselbrand, Chaos Imps or some combination of the smaller creatures.

Re: [Opinions][Standard]Where's the Tear Gas?

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I can see your point.  At the six drop I'd much rather be dropping Griselbrand, Chaos Imps or some combination of the smaller creatures.

BTW I really like the inclusion of Grislebrand, I think it could give your deck the last push it needs in alot of situations where it might normally burn out against enemies pulling bigger creatures and such

Re: [Opinions][Standard]Where's the Tear Gas?

After getting thoroughly destroyed at FNM, this deck has undergone some MAJOR changes.  Somehow with only 22 lands, I was land flooded for 7 of my 12 total games (each of the 4 rounds I forced a game 3) - but zero match wins.  I even sided out two lands after it happened three times to try and reduce the likelihood of it happening, only to see it take place five more games.

So I started thinking, what is the biggest problem Rakdos faces?  Opposing creatures that can either keep pace, or even nullify any of your elements.  If you're unleashing EVERYTHING and can't get the job done in 6-7 turns, you're likely screwed.  Further, if you're unleashing everything, then you have ZERO defenses.  So this build brings in a few different looks - namely flyers with lifelink.  It certainly helps me outrun you if you have to worry about me gaining life while bringing the beats, much less when they're evasive creatures that I can even keep back to block if necessary *gasp!*

To that end, Thrill-Kill Assassin, Chaos Imps, and Gore-house Chainwalker all bit the dust for Daggerdrome Imp, Vampire Nighthawk (not very creative, but a classic), and some added removal spells (kicking Tragic Slip up to 4x, Pillar of Flame and Annihilating Fire - I know Searing Spear is the same damage for less, but when you see Gravecrawler and Geralf's Messenger as much as I have, it's worth the extra mana).

I also dropped Reforge the Soul for Sign in Blood as the one time I actually did hard cast it to replenish my hand, I pulled crap and ended up giving him the pieces to win the game.  Two life also isn't much of a price when you're attacking with lifelink.

Now Griselbrand sits alone atop the curve as the only card that costs more than four - as a result, I dropped the land count to 20, as the thought of getting land flooded even more is less and less appealing.  It's simple now, as most of the deck can be played with two mana, I just mulligan until I have two lands in hand like back in the olden days.

But what do people think about this deck as a whole?  Is it stronger now than it was?  Any pieces you think are missing? 

What about the sideboard? 

I can say with certainty that Slaughter Games can be a boatload of fun, but beyond that, I'm flexible there.  I figure Liliana of the Dark Realms could offer some added removal or land to work toward Griselbrand or toward her ultimate to dump a HUGE Rakdos's ReturnCremates are to remove anything pesky from the graveyard. 

Am I overlooking anything?

Re: [Opinions][Standard]Where's the Tear Gas?

One thing, I know the gates seem like they're really quite good, the 2 colors in one land, however I like Evolving Wilds much better, why? They thin out the land drops in your deck, you can effectively have a deck with 20-22 lands early game and end up running a deck with more like 16-18 when you really need to avoid topdecking a land

As far as the deck, I didn't see much from Rakdos, the only player I faced at this week's FNM I swept, I was running a mid-range human deck and I found that even a simple fiend hunter t2 absolutely wrecked them, it took out their biggest threat and acted as a wall for their unleashed cackler rendering it useless, and it's inability to block absolutely killed them.

I like the added killing spells, I would say that if you can pick up a dreadbore or two it would be an amazing investment, a Tamiyo or Jace at the wrong time can be absolutely devastating.

I would say shift your curve way way lower, tormented soul is ok but not really worthwhile unless you're running something to pump it up, Diregraf Ghoul seems like the best 1 drop for rakdos, I know that it's garbage as a late-game topdeck since it can't give you the chump block you need but aside from that limited downside it's the unleashed cackler without the downside...

If you're willing to put some value in Vexing Devils would be good in a suicide aggro style, however the way you've got the deck set up it's actually more of a Rakdos Mid-range, you're sacrificing pure aggro cards for cards that will get you into the late game like lifelinkers and cards that slow down your opponent like desecration demon. I think that if you pick one route and stick to it that will help enormously, I'd also say that in aggro more than just about any other strategy consistency is the most important, you've only got a few turns to get it done so you need to make sure that you're getting the cards that get it done in 5-6 turns every game, I ran G/W Human aggro at FNM and I found that you really need to be getting the same couple cards in your opening hand, if I didn't have 2 or 3 of the same 4 cards I wouldn't win the game or even come close, just a thought for you.

Re: [Opinions][Standard]Where's the Tear Gas?

I'm completely with you on the guildgates - when received at the right time, they can be really useful.  Otherwise, they're a dead land drop turn.  I might change them for Evolving Wilds as I think about it more, given that the wilds serve an extra purpose in thinning out the deck, increasing the odds of getting the other items I'm looking for.  I'd obviously prefer to change those over to Dragonskull Summits or Blood Crypts - but sadly that ends up costing like $100 for seven cards (not something most of us are looking to do).

For the Tormented Soul vs. Diregraf Ghoul pairing, I can definitely see where you're coming from, a 2/2 that can be used to chump certainly looks more appealing, until you factor in Curse of Stalked Prey - which lets those souls grow every turn - also giving me another guaranteed hit per turn to ensure I can play Rakdos, Lord of Riots on turn four.

You're saying to make the curve lower?  If I have even two lands here I'm likely able to play my entire hand.  The problem I ran into before was that I would get land flooded and then by the time I'd draw something of consequence nothing I had was even remotely big enough to make a difference.  This is why I've aimed a BIT more mid-range, but still on the fast side.  This way I can actually answer a Loxodon Smiter or Restoration Angel or Thragtusk.  If you're going pure aggro, Thragtusk and Centaur Healer absolutely DESTROY that strategy.  Despite how much everyone is saying the format is aggro-heavy at the moment, it's certainly not a problem to stop given all the options out there. 

I'm definitely interested in a Dreadbore or two and could easily see trading my Rakdos's Return for one.  I'd drop a Tragic Slip and that would give me the space for 2x.  The question is just coming up with them (I've opened more than a box and haven't gotten a single one - had a full playset of Abrupt Decay and two Vraskas, but no Dreadbores.  But is that really the only thing keeping this from being really competitive though?  I can say at my LGS, outside of two people, I really didn't see much in the way of PWs hitting the field.  That might be a fluke though as a lot of people weren't playing decks that had really adjusted for RTR - a few G/B zombies, but I ended up playing someone who was still trying to run U/W delver.

Vexing Devil could be nice, but I'm just not seeing it given that the life gain is washed out by the afore mentioned Thragtusk/Centaur Healer.  I'd much rather have those spots with Annihilating Fire or something to that effect that I can choose to either remove a threat or ding their life total.

I hear you about the need for consistency to have an effective aggro strategy, which again is a reason why I think I'm moving more toward mid-range, as I like the versatility that affords.

What about the sideboard?  Do I need to make a shift there?

Re: [Opinions][Standard]Where's the Tear Gas?

I see what you're saying, I'm just making suggestions about sweeping changes given that you said you're getting blown out, I'm not sure how much minor tweaking is going to save you.

Sideboard looks ok, I'd like to see a more diverse one tho, I don't see artifact hate, I  don't like curse of death's hold, when would you side it in? Tokens will be pumped by something or other by the time you get to 5 mana, and you'll probably either  need a game winner by then or lose in the next couple turns

Ah the issue of shocklands, if you can get them, great, if not, oh well it could be alot worse.

Re: [Opinions][Standard]Where's the Tear Gas?

I didn't really go for artifact hate because, to be honest, what artifact really is going to make any waves in standard at the moment now that the mirrodin block has rotated?

I can see where I might want some anti-enchantment spell(s), but what are there in R/B that achieve that?  I'm thinking things like Cremate can help because you could exile Rancor when it hits the graveyard.  But other than that, what sort of enchantment hate is in R/B?

For tokens, I have Mutilate and just other added removal.  You can drop any creature that would overpower mine.  Since I haven't seen anyone figure out a populate build that drops 5-10 creatures relatively quickly, I wasn't too worried about there being a wealth of targets.  Curse of Death's Hold is more meant to help break a stalemate.  Given the semi-mid-range status of this deck, I can see where I might would get bogged down (which a full aggro deck would run into as well).  Those could help resolve this delay, as my creatures would have the upper hand once again.  It could also serve as mass removal against most zombie builds if it gets drawn out like that, as Gravecrawler won't do much if he dies instantly upon coming into play.

I guess I should open a new thread and take votes for which of my standard builds people think are most likely to do well... as this is one of four options I'm sitting on for me to play.