Trade posted and accepted. Thanks, everyone!
151 2012-11-16 13:49:57
Re: [TRADED] H: Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas + myr/artifact cards for trade (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
152 2012-11-15 18:04:55
Re: Possible to include Edition / Detail Icons in Trading Opportunities? (4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Hi, I found this topic in my search of the forums today. Has there been any traction on this update? I was looking through the trading opportunities section yesterday and found a trader with whom I could have started a very large trade. I'm glad I checked their profile, however, as they were looking for all foils only for those cards.
If you good folks at Deckbox still plan on adding edition and/or foil icons here, that would be a big help. Thank you very much!
153 2012-11-15 15:58:37
Topic: [TRADED] H: Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas + myr/artifact cards for trade (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey folks,
I've been working on a UB artifact deck centered around Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas for some time now, but it's not coming together as I had hoped. Since I primarily play W/R/B, I've decided to abandon this idea and offer Tezzeret and all other items in that deck for trade.
Here's the deck: Aside from Tezzeret, some key pieces up for grabs are:
Myr Galvanizer x 2
Myr Superion x 1
Palladium Myr x 2
Perilous Myr x 2
Seat of the Synodx 2
Vault of Whispers x 2
See my signature below for links to my tradelist and wishlist. Thank you!
154 2012-11-08 10:35:33
Re: H:Snap/AngelofSerenity/HallowedF W:Scars Block/M12/Old Ravnica (13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I can supply you about 20 or so, and would be happy to pull from my inventory.
Trade offer sent. Let me know if you're interested.
155 2012-11-08 03:38:33
Re: want: old cards have:new stuff and cash (12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
OK, I have all my old cards logged in my inventory (and tradelist). All are white and green cards from Revised, Fourth, Fallen Empires, Legends, Ice Age, Arabian Knights, and a couple from Homelands. About 90% are what I would consider "good" condition (mostly wear around the edges). Let me know how you'd like to proceed. Thanks! 27&p=1 (this should be the direct link to a filtered view of my inventory)
156 2012-11-06 14:15:48
Re: want: old cards have:new stuff and cash (12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
OK, great. Give me a day or two do get this done. I'll follow up with you.
157 2012-11-06 13:24:47
Re: want: old cards have:new stuff and cash (12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have about 200-300 green and white commons and uncommons from Fallen Empires, Antiquities, The Dark, and Ice Age that I haven't logged in my inventory (except for Kei Takahashi). All are lightly played or near mint; they were given to me by a friend who no longer plays MTG. If you're interested, I can get them logged and accounted for. There's no high-dollar cards in the lot; I checked.
158 2012-10-23 09:09:19
Re: make mobileusers want to strangle you less: add a link to your profile (14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
And, behold: they all made Deckbox a more perfect union!
Seriously, excellent suggestion and solutions here, folks. I've followed suit.
159 2012-10-21 02:03:32
Re: H: tokens for trade ($0.10/each) --- TRADED (6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Done and done! Thanks for the trade!
160 2012-10-21 01:47:08
Re: H: tokens for trade ($0.10/each) --- TRADED (6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
How would you feel about your Mind Funeral for the lot?
161 2012-10-21 00:06:27
Topic: H: tokens for trade ($0.10/each) --- TRADED (6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey, everyone! I have the following tokens for trade. I don't use tokens, so I'm happy to part with each for $0.10 in trade value. If you start a trade with me, just indicate what you want in the comments and we'll go from there. Thank you!
* 3/3 green beast token M12 x 1
* 1/1 white bird token RTR x 1
* 2/2 white cat token SoM x 1
* 3/3 green centaur token RTR x 1
* 2/2 blue drake token M13 x 2
* 0/0 black germ token MB x 1
* 0/1 white goat token M13 x 1
* 1/1 red goblin token M13 x 3
* 4/4 red hellion token M13 x 1
* 1/1 red human token AVR x 5
* 1/1 white human token DA x 5
* 1/1 white human token AVR x 4
* 2/2 white knight token RTR x 1
* */* green ooze token RTR x 2
* 1/1 colorless pentavite token M12 x 1
* 1/1 green saproling token RTR x 1
* 1/1 green saproling token M12 x 1
* 1/1 white soldier token M12 x 2
* 1/1 white soldier token M13 x 1
* 1/1 white soldier token SoM x 1
* 1/1 white soldier token SoA x 1
* 1/1 white spirit token Inn x 1
* 1/1 blue thopter token SoA x 1
* 2/2 black zombie token Inn x 3
* 2/2 black zombie token AVR x 1
* 2/2 black zombie token M13 x 1
* poison counter x 3
162 2012-10-20 23:57:23
Re: still need G/W cards and tokens (12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
SCG has the Angel token for $0.25. I'd be happy to part for $0.10 and can make it part of a larger trade.
163 2012-10-20 23:42:30
Re: still need G/W cards and tokens (12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have a 4/4 angel token from Avacyn Restored I'd be happy to trade with you. I have a 3/3 M12 beast token and two */* RTR ooze tokens if you want those as well. LMN
164 2012-10-16 00:42:20
Re: H: Abrupt Decay, Olivia W: RtR Duals, Lotleth, Armada Wurm (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Sending you a trade now. Thanks!
165 2012-10-15 16:09:54
Topic: H: Armada Wurm, W: Olivia Voldaren (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey, folks. So, the most valuable card from my RTR fat pack was an Armada Wurm. I'd like to trade it straight up for an Olivia Voldaren to complete my RB vampire deck. Of course, I'm willing to add additional cards to flex out the trade. Thanks!
166 2012-10-15 13:56:35
Re: RTR Trading (26 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I also have one Loxodon Smiter that I'd be happy to trade to you. See the notes from our recent trade offer.
167 2012-10-14 12:06:53
Re: RTR Trading (26 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have a Sphinx's Revelation if that already hasn't been offered to you. LMN
168 2012-10-10 00:07:31
Topic: H: RTR Steam Vents; W: M13 Dragonskull Summits, Retreats, Cathedrals (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I pulled a Steam Vents from my RTR fat pack and would like to trade it for Dragonskull Summits (M13 only, please), Clifftop Retreats, or Cathedral of War. No foils, please.
Note that I'll be away from my inventory until this Friday, so I won't be able to ship until then. Thanks!
169 2012-10-01 16:12:33
Re: H: Golgari, Rakdos and Izzet Guild boxes (life counters are gone) (15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I'd also like the Radkos life counter. Let me know what you value the trade at and I'll see what I can work up. Thank you!
170 2012-09-27 13:39:32
Re: Anybody have Champion of the Parish they would like to trade? (7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have one Champion to trade. Of the items from your tradelist, I'd be willing to trade for either Gisela or Seachrome Coast.
171 2012-09-26 09:28:44
Re: So, a wee small rant about tradelists & trading (17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
This thread has been very helpful for me. I just started the practice of removing cards in active trades from my tradelist, as well as from my wishlist, and will continue to do so. I appreciate the guidance you've all shown here. Thanks!
172 2012-09-26 09:25:56
Re: I want your Doomed Travelers and Midnight Duelists (10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I've about half my request filled so far; thanks for the trades, folks! I'd still welcome up to four each of Travelers and Duelists.
173 2012-09-26 09:24:10
Re: W: Cathedral of War x 2, H: Zealous Conscripts, Solemn Simulacrum, etc (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Got a great trade on this request. Thread closed. Thank you!
174 2012-09-25 18:57:55
Topic: W: Cathedral of War x 2, H: Zealous Conscripts, Solemn Simulacrum, etc (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey, folks. I'm looking for two Cathedral of War for a white solder/exalted deck I've built.
The more valuable items I can offer from my tradelist include:
Grand Abolisher x 2
Solemn Simulacrum x 2
Zealous Conscripts x 2
Archangel x 2 (AVR)
Parallel Lives x 1
Here's my complete tradelist: Let's make a deal!
175 2012-09-24 09:08:14
Re: I want your Doomed Travelers and Midnight Duelists (10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Thabo93: I've several Elite Vanguards ... I'm switching them for the Travelers and Duelists to keep my human soldier decks Standard. Core 2012 will rotate out with Return to Ravnica in two weeks.