
nsongster wrote:

I've got 2 D-spheres, I think we can work something out (I want a lot of your fun EDH cards, UG specifically)

I don't think I have anything you are looking for but if you want to send a trade that's fine with me. Look through my tradelist/Inventory

Looking to get 4 Detention Spheres and a terminus. Have my inventory some stuff is gone due to other trade but we can work something out.

Send me a trade so we can work something out.

I have a good amount of the cards from it. I think I traded a few things from since no one around here plays commander. So let me know if you are interested start a trade with me.

I have a Thragtusk if you are interested.

I have 3 if you are interested


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have things like Thragtusk and other I need one snapcaster trade me if you are interested.


I have a Solemn Simulacrum

morg272 wrote:

post a pic plaese

here http://imgur.com/a/Lhgb8

morg272 wrote:

post a pic plaese

I'm not home at the moment I can when I get home

Hit me up with an offer I can post pictures later if anyone wants them

http://imgur.com/a/Lhgb8 Here are the cards


Hey everyone I updated my inventory check it out see if there is something you need and we can make a trade!

I'm looking to trade my Thragtusk, Sunpetal Groves, Hinterland Harbors, Garruk Relentless, and other cards for Esper Cards.

1x Jace, MA


1-2x Snapcaster Mage(High Priority)
2x Terminus


4x Isolated Chapel
4x Watery Grave
4x Godless Shrine
3x Glacial Fortress
4x Drowned Catacomb

Fixed what I wanted section.


Actinide wrote:

Are you trying to do that straight across?  I can do that if so.

Well they are a dollar or 2 less than sunpetals I kind of want to make it a little more equal not losing money. Send me a trade we can work something out?

As the title says just looking to trade for 4 catacombs


Looking to trade these thragtusk for Lilliana of the veil or Snapcaster or both in a trade send me a trade so we can work something out.

Coyote1023 wrote:

Do you have any interest in FNM promo lingering souls?

I don't think I would value them any higher I don't care which I actually get.

I'm looking to trade my Sunpetal Groves, Hinterland Harbors, Garruk Relentless, Angel of Serenity, and other cards for Esper Cards.

1x Jace, MA

1-2x Snapcaster Mage(High Priority)
1x Lingering Souls
2x Terminus


4x Isolated Chapel
4x Watery Grave
4x Godless Shrine
4x Glacial Fortress
4x Drowned Catacomb


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

So like around 35 is what you are looking for or more? Cause  for that much I'd be more interested in other things but I guess I'd have to know the rares and stuff. I sent a trade talk to me on there.


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Ahh okay did you get like booster boxes or something? well let me know a price I'mm pretty interested.


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm kind of interested. How did you acquire all of these cards were they threw opening packs or what? What are you willing to sell all of them at?


(26 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have angel of serenity