Sorry for the late reply and the mis-tag, your user should be unflagged now, you can send emails freely.
1,952 2013-05-23 04:53:06
Topic: Warhammer:Invasion Faith and Steel (0 replies, posted in Announcements)
The new set for Warhammer:Invasion, Faith and Steel is now imported.
Happy deckbuilding!
1,953 2013-05-05 15:25:39
Re: [Discussion]The Bad Trading Report process (32 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
About the de facto style of the current rating system; if an additional rating was added to +1 feedback, we could separate the rating of a trader's honesty (card sent, in (relatively) described condition) and a trader's conduct.
If a user selects +1, a simple 3-star rating element could display, possibly with each labeled Speed, Packaging, Attitude. Traders can give a 0, 1/2, or 1 rating in each category, or ratings can be a full a range 0, 1/2, 1 - 4 1/2, 5.
If the former is used, on a user's Trades/Feedback page, an expanded graphic could be displayed, showing the 3 categories as 3-star averages, e.g. for 3 1-star ratings and a half-star rating in one category would be shown as 2.5 stars; averaged, increased 300%, and rounded to nearest .5 (<.75).This would leave +1 and -1 as either legit or scammer/dishonest, and neutral feedback can be eliminated, moving the feedback usually left there to the additional ratings of +1 feedback. This would give a permanent and visible place for relevant information on a trader's ethic.
Yep, multiple feedbacks sounds like a good idea! We'll think about adding that in some way.
1,954 2013-05-03 07:47:01
Re: [Discussion]The Bad Trading Report process (32 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
We have decided to start applying some of the suggestions.
1. All members who are moderators only in thir subcommunity forum are now marked as Community Admin instead of Moderator. We now have a handful of people marked as Moderator, and Laura, Catinca and myself marked as Deckbox Team.
2. I have updated the BTR posting rules . We will now forbid people to post in BTR threads unless they have important, relevant information about the case being discussed. Moderators and Deckbox Team are extempt from this rule.
Modertors can delete posts that are against the rules at any point on BTRs, or to ask BTR submitters to fix their sumissions according to the rules, offer suggestions or corrections.
For now we will keep the Deckbox Team members as being the only people to actually "bold-post" with official requests and resolutions on BTR threads. We will be discussing this though. We appreciate everyone offering to help with this, and will be considering widening the number of people responsible, but for now we'll do it ourselves.
Please keep the discussion going, if people have further suggestions do not hesitate to discuss them here. We'll be reading!
1,955 2013-05-02 09:04:12
Re: [Discussion]The Bad Trading Report process (32 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Good arguments on all sides.
The "feedback levels" right now represent in my mind (possible the help pages should be updated):
Neutral: a poor experience with a trader, that might be subjective or not, that caused a bad communication, slight delays, a bit of stress, but in the end was resolved without loss of value or too much aggressive fighting. We don't interfere with these, you can say what you want, if you think you don't deserve it we won't do anything about it anyway. This does not influence your positive trade percentage at all.
Negative: a very poor experience. Whoever receives this would be aggresive, dishonest, using obscene language and threats. Other people with negative ignore their trading partner, ignore the admin emails and are generally unreliable. There is still no material loss here, no cards stolen.
The problem in the past when we were not 'policing' feedback was that some people leave negative out of spite, they lie about it, and do things to mess up trade histories of good and honest traders. We did not really want to get involved in these kinds of discussions, but the truth is it brings down the value of the community and pisses off honest people. And we should protect those kinds of people for the community to foster.
While we did not police feedback, we still got emails to from people receiving unfair negative feedback. So we still had to do an investigation and judge the situation, only it happened behind the scenes. And while some people did send us emails about it, and we solved it, others when getting to score +4 -1 after 5 trades, for no reason, and just left the site. So it seemed like an official process was needed, as negative feedback is (for good reason) regarded as an important indicator.
Maybe we should clarify to people that although there are stricter rules for negative feedback, it does not mean that person is a scammer or a thief. (If he's a scammer he will be flagged as one and banned). It just means that one particular trade did no go smooth and he was difficult to talk to.
1,956 2013-05-01 18:44:02
Re: [Discussion]The Bad Trading Report process (32 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I have moved the discussion from here.
The observation that some people are strictly moderators in their own community and others have powers over most of the forum has been noted, and we shall probably change the way that is displayed.
Also it has been noted that people would like less off-topic conversations in the BTRs and I kind of agree, only I'm not sure if we should enforce that drastically or not yet. We're thinking about it. We will definitely move multiple-post discussions out of there if they're not relevant to that specific case (like now).
Last but not least, HikingStick offered a friendly opinion / advice for you Actinide, in a tone that was not at all commanding or accusing. So I think your aggresivity is not warranted in any way.
Moderators are moderators because they help us and most of all they help other users with information and advice. I personally think they do a great job at that and that many people are grateful for it.
Let's keept it friendly.
1,957 2013-04-29 10:05:05
Re: deckbox pricing and tcg pricing? (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
When does this stuff sync or is it on the fly when you load a card's detailed page?
It is synced daily from tcgplayer. In this case the tcgplayer API does indeed give us 53.20 as a low price, even though their page has 2 other lower prices in the list.
We'll ask them about it, but I think, like Youry says, there are "softening" the extremes of the price range so that they prevent wild price fluctuations caused by some vendors.
1,958 2013-04-28 10:57:08
Topic: Mtg: Dragon's Maze (4 replies, posted in Announcements)
This weekend brings us the last set in the Return to Ravnica block, Dragon's Maze.
We have now imported the cards to our database, prices should be updated as well for all of them. Check them out here: =i&o=d
This time we have opted to mark this new edition as legal in Standard, Extended and Modern straight away, as it is less confusing for everybody. Please be advised though that your decks will only be legal to play in sanctioned tournaments after the official release next weekend. The legality information is updating right now, should be correct for all decks in a couple of hours.
We hope everyone had fun at prereleases. Happy deckbuilding!
P.S. We have fixed 2 big-ish issues these last days, one with inaccurate reporting of inventory values and another with access issues for TMobile users. Check out the announcement post for more details:
1,959 2013-04-27 19:06:29
Re: Why are the totals on the export not the same? (5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Thank you for reporting this. It was sadly a serious bug in our inventory value calculations.
Please see the thread we posted in announcements for further details:
1,960 2013-04-27 19:04:57
Topic: Inaccurate inventory value calculation, TMobile issue status (2 replies, posted in Announcements)
Inaccurate inventory value calculation
Sadly we have found a serious old bug we had in the inventory value calculation (The sum you are shown when clicking Show Value). Cards with multiple printings in the same edition were being calculated multiple times by mistake.
This caused the value shown to be exagerated, with the error margin going up to 20% in some extreme cases . If you are often checking your collection value or tracking it regularly, please update it to the value displayed now which is the correct one.
We're very sorry for this issue and hope it never happens again. Thank you to YouryDW for reporting this.
TMobile issues
Since last year we had reports of TMobile users in the US not being able to access the website from their phones through 3G. The issue was solved yesterday.
Many heartfelt thanks to HikingStick who has discussed with the TMobile tech support people and has convinced them to fix this problem!
1,961 2013-04-27 08:10:01
Re: Problem for people that could not access (17 replies, posted in Announcements)
Wooow HikingStick, that is excellent news! Many thanks!
1,962 2013-04-26 13:58:43
Re: Problem for people that could not access (17 replies, posted in Announcements)
Wow, that's a great accomplishment HikingStick, thanks! Be sure to let us know when they get back to you.
I think you're right with the announcement, and I will make an announcement post and move all the T-Mobile discussion in there. Users will see it in their news feeds afterwards.
1,963 2013-04-19 13:17:52
Re: Problem for people that could not access (17 replies, posted in Announcements)
Checking back on this issue since we've been reminded via email to support that T-Mobile users still have problems.
Sadly this issue is out of our control. TMobile are using some IP ranges internally that they are not allowed to be using, and they are blocking various websites because of it ( being one of them).
I highly recommend opening a ticket with them or asking them in support about it. If you do, be very specific that the problem is you cannot access sites with IP addresses like "" AT ALL BECAUSE OF THEIR NETWORK.
Some support people will not understand what that means, but maybe you can get to someone who does and registers your complaint. Their IT guys have to fix this problem on their end or you cannot access any website with this range of IP addresses.
Sorry again for these troubles.
For further reference, other websites have this issue too:
1,964 2013-04-18 21:30:53
Re: When Applying Trades... (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I think they only get removed if the details of what your trading for matches the details of whats in your wishlist. Ive noticed that too when I receive the cards I trade for
That is correct. And it is indeed a bug on our end, they should be removed from your wishlist if you don't have details in your wishlist set.
1,965 2013-04-11 06:29:11
Topic: Warhammer:Invasion The Ruinous Hordes (0 replies, posted in Announcements)
Hello everyone,
The new set for Warhammer:Invasion, The Ruinous Hordes is now imported.
Besides the database update there were also a couple of fixes, one for an issue preventing new users from sending emails. Messaging should again work fine for everybody.
Happy deckbuilding!
1,966 2013-04-10 19:46:36
Re: [Feature Requests] (13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I stress the importance of making the inventory private and not viewable to everyone. Almost every trader I deal with asks for cards from my inventory and it's been real tedious telling everyone I only trade from my tradelist when it's written in my profile. There's no reason for it to be visible to everyone when we have tradelists. I wish this request will be seriously considered.
Thanks for all your suggestions (many of them we very much like!).
We're especially now thinking of inventory privacy, I think I'm leaning more in favor to allowing password protected inventories.
1,967 2013-04-10 19:45:21
Re: iDeckbox - an unofficial Deckbox iPhone app (39 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
sebi, please give us an API for decks, so I can make a utility to export decks to octgn format. I prefer building decks in deckbox since it shows me what I own and need, then I create it manually in octgn to do some testing with my friend over the internet.
Octgn export is coming soon, directly on deckbox, even before the API
1,968 2013-03-20 14:12:48
Topic: Hidden safe with Magic cards (1 replies, posted in General Discussion)
For those of you who follow reddit this might not be news, but here it is anyway ouse_ever/
In short a guy found a locked safe walled in his garage, and it turns out it was full of magic cards. Pretty valuable stuff, too.
1,969 2013-03-19 10:32:21
Re: trouble sending emails (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
We have some thresholds that trigger if you send emails in quick succession. We've had some issues with spammers in the past so we had to add this.
We have now cleared your account, you should be again able to send emails normally.
1,970 2013-03-18 18:29:57
Re: Warhammer and Magic the Gathering database updates (5 replies, posted in Announcements)
Is there an easy way to add 1 of each of the cards from the new dual deck into my inventory?
Yes there is actually! I updated the original post with instructions.
There still seems to be a problem with Geistflame. The others are working fine.
Geistflame should be fine as well now.
1,971 2013-03-17 17:17:30
Re: Warhammer and Magic the Gathering database updates (5 replies, posted in Announcements)
I still can't set the edition of the cards in my inventory to Sorin Vs Tibalt.
Thank you for reporting this. We've now reset some caches, the details editor should now properly display the new duel deck.
1,972 2013-03-17 16:51:13
Topic: Warhammer and Magic the Gathering database updates (5 replies, posted in Announcements)
Database Updates
We've just imported Glory of Days Past to the Warhammer database. You can find the listing at the usual place:
Magic the Gathering gets a new duel deck, Sorin vs. Tibalt:
As a last quick note, we did not forget our promise for trading opportunities and count sorting in inventories . It's still on the way, only a bit slower than anticipated, we did not have much free time lately. Almost there though!
Quick duel deck import
If you'd like to add the duel deck quickly to your inventory you can use Import -> Card List, paste the following list of cards and set the Duel Deck edition in the default settings to the right of the widget. After importing the cards they will then already have the correct edition set.
2 Akoum Refuge
14 Mountain
2 Rakdos Carnarium
6 Swamp2 Ashmouth Hound
1 Coal Stoker
1 Corpse Connoisseur
1 Gang of Devils
1 Goblin Arsonist
1 Hellrider
2 Hellspark Elemental
1 Lavaborn Muse
1 Mad Prophet
1 Reassembling Skeleton
1 Scorched Rusalka
1 Scourge Devil
1 Shambling Remains
1 Skirsdag Cultist
2 Vithian Stinger1 Blazing Salvo
1 Blightning
1 Breaking Point
2 Browbeat
1 Bump in the Night
1 Devil's Play
1 Faithless Looting
1 Flame Javelin
1 Flame Slash
1 Geistflame
1 Pyroclasm
1 Recoup
1 Strangling Soot
1 Sulfuric Vortex
1 Terminate
1 Torrent of Souls1 Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded
2 Evolving Wilds
9 Plains
12 Swamp
2 Tainted Field1 Bloodrage Vampire
1 Butcher of Malakir
1 Child of Night
2 Doomed Traveler
2 Duskhunter Bat
1 Fiend Hunter
1 Gatekeeper of Malakir
1 Mausoleum Guard
1 Mesmeric Fiend
1 Phantom General
1 Revenant Patriarch
1 Sengir Vampire
1 Twilight Drover
1 Vampire Lacerator
1 Vampire Nighthawk
1 Vampire Outcasts
1 Wall of Omens1 Absorb Vis
1 Ancient Craving
1 Death Grasp
1 Decompose
1 Field of Souls
1 Lingering Souls
1 Mark of the Vampire
1 Mortify
1 Sorin's Thirst
2 Spectral Procession
1 Unmake
1 Urge to Feed
1 Vampire's Bite
1 Zealous Persecution1 Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
1,973 2013-02-28 13:36:42
Re: Export option: full set list (including zero qty.) (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I don't think we had that, or if we did it was sort of "by mistake", as I do not remember planning how it would work.
But we might put it back if you find it useful, sure.
1,974 2013-02-22 16:32:33
Re: Database and card scans STATUS (230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
Thanks a lot, imported now