Zeek wrote:

The new card update is a million times worse.  Confusing if I am adding new cards or additional cards.  If I am adding, why does it show multiple editions??? 
Trying to import using the CSV... CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME.  Been doing excel for 20 years... so it is not my experiance with excel.

I too think it might be time to move on as it seems things are going backwards here not forwards sad

The first line shown is the card you just added to your set.

All other lines below are instances of this card you already had in your inventory before. They are shown there so you see an overview of the situation of the card you are adding.

What issues do you have with CSV import? Does the input say that the file is valid and then fail? Can you please send us the csv file you are trying to upload to support@deckbox.org? We'll try to see what is wrong.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

We've uncanceled the trade and removed your feedback. Feel free to finish it now and leave feedback as you wish.

Moving this from Bad Trading Reports to Site Feedback as it is not in fact a Bad Trading Report, even if it is relevant to a currently open one.

Thanks for reporting this. I have just tried and it seems for me it works. Are you sure those cards were present in your inventory with the same details (if there was no red background highlight in the trade listing, then they were present correctly, and they should have been removed).

Which editions were dropped, and which cards were marked? Do you have an example? I have the backup of the old database and I can check.

I would very much want to fix this if it did, you DEFINITELY do not have to reenter everything!

Numb007 wrote:

It is a pain to have to go through EVERYTHING, because it didn't autosave the editions that were saved on deckbox 1.0

What do you mean by 'it didn't autosave'? The editions specified in 1.0 are set now as well.

LootPinata wrote:

I can! Compare my profile to teK here:


I need no cards from his list, and he needs 15 from mine (that's the sum of the min values between his wants and my haves, which I think is how it is being calculated). But on my profile page, it says he has 1 I want and I have 17 he wants.

This is a bit different than atomicashes' problem. In your case I think the trading opportunities on your profile page is not reporting things right. We won't fix this, we will completely remove it and rewrite it as a separate page.

In atomicashes case it seems he's reporting that the intersection he sees when visiting a users profile is wrong. Which we deployed some fixes for a couple of days ago, so I thought everything is fine.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

dlynn wrote:

This feature was removed in the new 2.0 update, will it be added back in?

Yep, we'll try to add it back soon.

atomicashes wrote:
rfioren wrote:
atomicashes wrote:

So I'm not sure whats happening here. When I search for Drogskol Captain and the page loads I can see I have 10 in my wishlist. If I select a user that has some to trade the page loads but drogskol captain isn't in the list of cards I need from them. I'm not exactly sure why.


I posted a separate thread about this issue in the feedback forum. I too am not alway seeing all cards a person has on my wish list when viewing the trading opportunities section.

This is driving me nuts.

It's nearly impossible to set up trades with people when I am unable to see what they have thats on my wishlist. I love the new inventory with all its detail but it seems to be majorly hindering the ability to set up trades effectively.

I thought I fixed this. Can you please give an example of user for which you don't see the Captain in the intersection?


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Helios52 wrote:

After giving all my the cards I have from the Commander's Arsenal the correct editon icon, its giving all the prices for the those cards 0.00 value...

Yep, something is wrong with how tcgplayer names the set... it does not match "Commander's Arsenal". I'll investigate.


(230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Sorry for the delay, we've been very busy with the release and everything lately smile

Updated now: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=31866#p31866


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Since the new release we do have a favicon: http://deckbox.org/favicon.ico (refresh the page if you don't see it properly at first)

Chrome (possibly also other browsers) aggressively cache it though, so it might be that you will only see the favicon when Chrome decides it's time to refresh it for you smile


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Helios52 wrote:

Kinda a small thing I guess but can the set icon for the Commander's Arsenal be added to the edition of the cards that you can actually get in the Commander's Arsenal? I have most of them just listed as Promo but there is an actual Judge promo of the Command tower...

Thanks in Advance smile

We just added Commander's Arsenal a couple of hours ago (see new post in Announcements). You should now see the icon properly.

Database updates

We've been catching up on database updates today:

Warhammer has 2 packs from the new Eternal War cycle:

  Days of Blood and Oaths of Vengeance: http://deckbox.org/games/whi/cards?f=4336.35

Many thanks again to Crux and Entropy for the data!

Magic the Gathering has some fixes for Venser vs Koth images for this set were not displaying properly, and we've imported the card data for Commander's Arsenal, so you can mark those cards in your inventory:

Post release fixes

There are also many fixes and updates for post-release issues, that many users have kindly reported in the last few days. Of these, a couple are worth mentioning here so they do not get lost amongst all the other feedback posts:

  • in deck listings, cards missing from your inventory are now highlighted with a red background

  • by popular demand, the deck count column in inventory/tradelist/wishlist is back. It's now optional, so you have to enable it from the Columns dropdown in your sets. (it will be remembered for that set type from then on)

  • the Power and Toughness columns are back, and chooseable from the same place

  • the Mana Cost filter is now again usable for Magic cards

  • local trades are now displayed again on users trade listings (after the release they were private, now they're again visible to everybody)

  • sorting by price in listings had some problems displaying duplicate rows, these issues are now fixed


Next up will be release 2.1 in the second half of january, bringing the much needed rewrite of the Trade Opportunities. We'll probably set up a preview of the new widgets / pages in a couple of weeks and ask you guys for feedback, as usual smile

Happy new year to everyone!

All fixed now, thanks for reporting

The search you linked works for me, can you check again please if you have an issue with it?

http://deckbox.org/games/mtg/cards?f=17 … 02&v=v

cbwebber wrote:

Can we get address formatting back if possible?  When you are confirming address it's formatted properly, and then when it shows the address for shipping it throws it all on to one line and can be confusing if you have a large address or special information in it.

Should be fixed now.

beo wrote:

The backside images for double sided cards like Reckless Waif do not show on the card description page.

e.g. for Reckless Waif, the img HTML tag points to


I'm running Chrome 23.0.1271.97 m on Windows 8.

Thanks for reporting, it's now fixed.

madoli wrote:

In deck view, when I sort by price, I see extra copies of a card displayed.  For example, one basal thrull appears 4 times (I presume this is due to the alternate art in fallen empires).  Swamp shows up 5 times, due to the 5 swamps in RTR.  Anyone else have this bug?

Thanks for reporting. It's fixed now.

You were right, this was a regression.

Fixed now, Mountain only (correctly) shows once in your inventory even when sorting by price.

This is fixed now. Thanks for the investigation and the examples guys!

apyrexia wrote:

Love the new update! Noticed a bug though. When I try to click the scroll bar of Edit Details to scroll down, it causes the window to disappear. I'm running Safari 5.1.7 on Mac 10.6.8

This is fixed now. Thanks for reporting

Zuul36 wrote:

Only problem I have with this excellent update is when you are adding new cards into Deckbox... the system automatically assigns "1" to your trades.  If you delete the "1" that's in the trade column while still adding cards, Deckbox deletes the card you just added and you have to add it again.  Once you are out of the add cards widget you can manipulate the trading column.

Thank you!

It should only set your traded count to 1 if you are in your tradelist when adding. Can you check again if you are in your inventory and add a card, the counts in the new row that's highlighted should be 1 for inventory, 0 for tradelist.

marumari wrote:

FINALLY.  I finally figured out the bug that was driving me 1000% nuts, with the Edit (inventory) popup.

If you go to change the edition of a card, and you manage to click in the whitespace either above or below the list of editions, in closes the entire popup (both levels).  This happens not infrequently.  The bottom edition should extend to the bottom of that pulldown, and the top edition should probably extend to the top of the pulldown.  Or, at the very least, that whitespace should not close the popup window.

I can take a screenshot if you need, but go around and play with the edition pulldown and click on its edges.  You should see what I mean.


Thanks a lot for finding that! Fixed it now.

Archon wrote:

One thing that I think went backwards in the trading area is the removal of the cancelled trades. If someone had few or no completed trades I would check to see if they had a lot of cancelled trades and avoid them if they did. I started doing this after proposing a trade with the user Vyr1s. He comes up at near the top of my trade opportunities and his profile indicates he is willing to trade worldwide.

We've added the section back smile. It's now visible again at the bottom of the trades page for everyone.

This topic maybe warrants more discussion.

Someone brought up the issue that sometimes they do not care which of the cards they trade. So in your Sejiri Refuge case, you'd like to trade 5 of them, and you do not really care which ones.

The current implementation does not allow that, as you have to mark specifically which ones you wish to trade.

What do you guys think about this? Anyone else preferring the old system?

HikingStick wrote:

Sebi, take a look at my Inventory for Sejiri Refuge .  When looking at the card details via the card database (for MTG), there is an entry in my inventory list with a quantity of -1, for a card with no edition details.

Thanks for the report. It should now actually show 0 as inventory count, which is correct. The fact that it shows 0 inventory count 5 tradelist count we sadly cannot fix ourselves, and it's up to you guys to manually adjust.

The explanation for why this 0/5 issue happens is:

  - before the release you had 10 Sejiri Refuge: 2 from Venser vs Koth and 8 from Zendikar
  - you had 5 Sejiri Refuge in your tradelist
  - none of the 10 were marked as "for trade" in the details window.

So when we migrated this data for the release, your sejiri refuges are displayed separately, 2 Venser vs Koth, 8 from Zen, and we do not know which 5 of those you want to trade. 5 from Zen? 2 from Venser, 3 from Zen? No way to tell. So they appear separately with 0 and 5, a bad side effect of the new system.