Hey. The counts were always in the page's title bar, where they are now. I'm not sure where else they would fit, as the deck action menu is also there on the right side.

We'll think about it.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


There are no rules defining what exactly you can trade, but there also exists no functionality that would help you trade things other than cards. smile

But if you know someone actually wants packs and you can talk to them and agree on the trade chat, it's perfectly fine.

Coming soon smile


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hello and thanks for the nice words smile

For the print feature, I can't promise anything would be implemented soon. But the "Add missing cards to Inventory" option in decks is a good idea, and has been requested a few times too.  It's high on the todo list smile

Thank you for the clarifications. I see now I've read a couple of them wrong smile

jfadeX wrote:

Oops, I meant can you add the function to sort our list of actual decks, not the cards within a given decklist. i.e., If I add 90 decks, I would like the ability to sort or filter my decks from the profile page. Adding tags/sub-names for Type of deck and Colors would further help us view all Green / Red decks that qualify for Legacy (as an example)

This I'm afraid becomes the responsibility of each user to organize into folders smile.

jfadex wrote:

I've attached a screenshot with my effort at visually depicting what I meant with #9, albeit not a very sophisticated one.

This sort of blends in with the prices / edition feature. We'll try to work it in in one way or another. That feature is already in the works, a first version should be available early next week. wink

Hello and thank you for your feedback. We will think about some of your suggestions. Importing improvements are definitely something we want to do in the near future, as are edition specific card values.

Some of your other ones are also already implemented:
  - value of collection View menu -> Show Value
  - all your sets are exportable to csv, and to txt via View - Export and View - Print
  - you can sort any set or deck by clicking on the column headers
  - for various technical and practical reasons it is hard to automatically assign editions to new cards. But if you add them one by one with the Advanced input dialog (the rainbow icon on the left of the Add Card input) then they will be assigned default values.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by number 9.


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)


Check out the Cluj MtG community forum here: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=9 . Also there's a community from Tg. Mures http://deckbox.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=10 .

They're friendly people, ask around smile


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hey phillims, the inventory issues should be fine now.

The decks might still load kind of slow. I have updated the announcement post with some information on these performance problems: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1461

I added an update to the first post with changes from today. Check it out!


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Can you expand a little on this idea, I'm not sure I understand the request.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

We've fixed it for you smile (http://deckbox.org/users/lvl10cpu/trades)


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)



(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, I see your point in this example. We'll think about it!


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

That being said, it is of course always useful to hear about what users would like to do, so all feedback is welcome.

So do not hesitate to post when you encounter scenarios in which a double-column sort would be necessary.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hellnikko wrote:

What would be really nice is having up to 3 sorting categories that you can plug in per column you want. For instance, my first category could be color white, then the second could be price. Then it would sort your highest priced whites first before everything else. Or first could be recently added and then price to see the price what your last haul got you.

In your first example, if you would like to see your white cards in your inventory sorted by price, you would add a color filter, select white, then sort the output by price. You would then get this listing: http://deckbox.org/sets/109185?f=791&s=i&o=d

The second example also does not really work, because all cards have different last_added dates. So if they are sorted by last added, a secondary sort column would change nothing, cards will be in the same order (ordered by last_added).

It is true that right now there is no way to specify a double column sort, and that there are scenarios where this would be useful. But they are pretty rare. We want to do this, but it has a rather low priority. smile


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

We're currently looking at these errors, I hope to fix them by tomorrow.

Inventory listing is really slow for very large inventories (like phillims'). Also very large decks, like Shenanigans that you linked before are pretty slow. We'll keep you posted on the progress of making these a bit faster.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hello LadySnake,

While adding new games would be pretty cool, and has been requested for a couple of other TCGs also, I'm afraid it will not happen too soon as it adds a lot of work and maintenance overhead.

Towards the end of the year, after we clear out some more of the older requested features from our todo list, we might start thinking about it though smile.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

See today's update: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1461 smile


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hello shaten,

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "card number in a collection".


A couple of weeks later than it should have been, we bring you a nice february update. (It's late because I managed to turn my laptop into a brick by spilling a cup of Earl Grey on it sad )

Trading improvements

First, as suggested by many of you, a user's feedback score does not take into account canceled and local trades anymore. This way, instead of saying "+5 out of 20 total trades" your feedback scores will now show a nicer looking "+5 out of 5 finished mail trades".

Secondly, the chat was really annoying because you would miss messages that others wrote to you, as we did not have any kind of notification system in place. We've now made the first step towards improving that, and when you have unread chat messages, there will be a little indicator next to the 'Trades' link in the menu:


In an upcoming version we'll also implement some customizable email notifications.

As suggested by Shoe in a feedback thread, the trade listing could use some more indicators of the trade's status. I heartily agreed, and added some nice icons to the listing. As with most things on the website, if the icons are a little cryptic, mousing over them will show you what each means.


Which decks a card is in

Another long standing feature request, mentioned by many of you, and for good reason, was the ability to track which decks use certain cards from an inventory.

If you visit your inventory, now there is a 4th column, representing how many cards of that type are used in your decks. The number itself is a link to a section of the cards' page which will list exactly which decks that you own contain that card.

It has been discussed in some feedback threads that many people have active decks and unfinished or archived decks, and this tracking should apply only to the decks one marks as active. This is also an idea I like quite a bit, and would like to implement for a future update. (maybe along with deck ratings and history wink )

Joomla plugin

As some people have Joomla websites and forums (via extensions such as Kuena), we have created a small plugin compatible with Joomla 1.5 onwards that enables you to show card links with tooltips on your website. For more information, please see the help page: http://deckbox.org/help/tooltips#joomla.

As always, feedback of all sorts is appreciated smile

Have fun!

Update 23.02.2012

Performance improvements

Since sunday, some people that have a lot of cards in their inventories / wishlists had performance problems when viewing these sets. (Pages loading very long or not at all). These issues have been fixed.

Another performance issue happens with displaying very large decks (300-600 cards). While trying to figure out a way to make these display faster, I have realized that I'm fixing the wrong problem smile.

People are actually using decks to store a large number of cards because there is no concept of a Custom set. So when you want to store a cube idea, or a list of cards from your favorite artist, or a list of loaned out cards, you have no way to do that except creating a deck for it. So making these decks display faster is not the solution, adding a Custom set is. These could be paginated, sortable and filterable, and would be much better at storing and tracking these types of collections. Expect this feature soon.

Trading opportunities

Profile listings has also been slow for people with large tradelists and wishlists because of the dreaded trading opportunities widget. Effectiveness and options for this widget have been discussed a few months back in this thread: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1102.

The truth of the matter is that the widget is near useless for people with many cards in their wishlist in its current implementation. Such an important part of card collecting as finding trade partners deserves a more intelligent and complex report. smile

There is quite a bit more to discuss about this, as it touches on the topic of "tags" (such as marking cards in your wishlist as important or high-prio), and I intend to write a more detailed forum post about it in the Site Feedback section this weekend, also asking for your ideas and input.

Small but important

There's also a little feature in this update, when viewing another user's profile page, the card intersection listing now shows prices. (preypacer, sorry it took so long smile ).



(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Weird, this works fine for us. What browser are you using for this?

If you go to Edit Profile and set it from there, does it work?


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi guys,

As discussed by email, we've removed the accidental feedbacks.

This is a little bit of a delicate issue, as changing feedback seems like something easy to abuse. I am not too sure how bigger sites do that, and if they allow it at any time, but I will check (by bigger sites I mean ebay etc).


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


I've just looked into it, and there was a small issue that has been corrected. You should again be able to send emails smile


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Where would you like to see this information? On the find users page? (http://deckbox.org/users)?

Hmm, I did not know Vanguard is present on Gathererer. I will try to import it this week, thanks for the link!