Second play of this deck: Success!

This is what it looks like with new modifications

First draw, I had an ageless entity, a chalice, and 5 land -> Mulligan
2nd Draw, loam lion, pridemate, whitesun, chalice and 3 land. I took it.

I think that's the key, if I can snag a pridemate or at least a loam with lifelink in my first hand, I might be golden, hoping I can get a chalice or entity later on. I took out elixirs and divine favors, and I was able to pump up my ageless entity to 26/26 in 2 rounds. Edit: Not on round 2, this was after 5 or 6 rounds, then it was 2 rounds later. To avoid any confusion.(Very much thanks for the suggestion of Lifelink... that went straight to my pridemate and is an excellent addition!)

I got up to 36 life, changed one chalice. (Almost changed two if I wasn't forced to discard.)

All in all, very cool. Even with deathtouch creatures, my chalice could slowly kill those with infect or deathtouch as I plow the other players for life gain.

Now I would like to add in some blue to scry and draw more, but that might saturate it too much. Thoughts?


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

how do I define the rare value? I can kind of some up what I got in rares and above, is that right?

Keep in mind, I'm really new. I have no old collection and I started after Innistrad because my friends got me in (and hooked, damn them.) I don't think Zendikar was necessarily a bad choice, but it didn't offer anything new that I could play around with, if that makes sense. Looking at New Phyrexia's cards, that had the stuff that I could mold to my own. I just didn't look up anything on my phone to see which one I preferred.

Borgin, you'll have to define this better for me. Are you going to a card shop or online buying these junk bulk rares (or just FNM, because maybe I'm missing out)? I have to see if these options are open to me because I'm intrigued.

And I thought I understood Peck614, but maybe I need more detail on that also.


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thinking retrospect....

Glad I didn't get M12, should have went with New Phyrexia and not hooked on Zendikar. Some reason, I thought that had a lot of good cards I wanted. Surprisingly, not so much.

Or, just should have bought the cards I wanted directly but I still need time to figure out what I want.


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Okay, okay...

I'm a moron. I said it. I don't regret a thing and I need people to tell me "I told you so."

That way I can learn my lesson. lol


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Excellent insight. I'll definitely keep it in mind.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

agreed. Think I mentioned this earlier, but yeah it makes trying to home in on a certain sort a pain. I think I went as far as a third filter, because I was interested in price and in date added also.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Good question. I was looking to buy/trade, but not for 20 bucks each. Supposedly they are going on ebay between 15 and 105.

Wonder what others have to say.

Spellbooks and treasure hunts did not work as planned. Replaced them with soul seizer instead. And I love the everflowing chalice, they work better than expected.

How is this by itself and then compared to playing multiplayer?

This is another deck that I love the concept and it really does hold it's own. I think the last couple times I've played it and did phenomenal was getting lucky and being underestimated. It's slightly different now then it was then. I had a few more creatures and no spellbooks. Are they a waste in this particular setting?

Also the times it didn't do so well, I misjudged Venser's abilities. I focus on his first one and use the last at the soonest convenience, but ignore the middle which costs me dearly.

And last, I'd like a good sideboard. My friends hate how long it takes for me to switch cards between 4 decks so I thought I'd bring one deck with mini surprises. At least until I find more deck themes. (Sorry, just love the blue and white recently)

Appreciate the feedback in advance!


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

that's just weird. Right when I'm looking for that and I want to edit my cards, they all work without a problem.

Crisis averted! ...But I'm watching you.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Um, yes.

Not sure what I can do for them, but yes.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

aviator13 wrote:

are you logged into your account, that has happened to me before, but then i notice that I'm not logged in

I'm logged in all the time that I know of. I've never had to log in, but now I'll check it out. Good call!


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The only reasons I want a box more than just buying directly what I want:

  • I can get lucky with some high priced cards. This can benefit me in either trades or new deck ideas to utilize.

  • I can come across some cards I didn't think of a use until it hits me right then.

  • I can get extras of cards to get either more family or friends interested and build a deck for them to try.

  • With those cards I find with value, i can also make trades and look at their tradelist for things not originally on my wishlist. I did this once on here and picked some really awesome cards for ideas for decks.

  • I could also score the exact card I wanted along.

As for the pros and cons for buying directly, I'll get exactly what I want and at a cheaper rate, but I'll be stuck with it unless I get bored and want to trade it for something else. I could try to put those cards in certain deck ideas, but I'd be limited.

Am I forgetting something? I hope I'm not just convincing myself I want a box, but I've really thought about buying directly too. Then again if I did, I wouldn't have the interaction I've had with some of the people on here.

As for waiting on the new edition coming in May, I can get one now and get that one later... big_smile

Amen. Sorting by email trades vs. local, most cards to offer, most cards to trade for wishlist, etc.

Shameless bump for this awesome feature!


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I don't know why, but I'm running into a problem while editing some cards and not others. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

For instance, I *was* able to put one of my hero of bladehold as a promo, but I have three of them. And now I can't change it back nor can I change the other two to match. Then I was going through my inventory to update foils and I can't even do them either. It's like it happens on and off, but now it's mostly off.

Help me, Sebiwan Kenobi. You're my only hope!

Yeah, that's the exact deck I was thinking of. Just think I lack the necessary cards to make it work. Think I'll remedy that.  big_smile

Edit: Have you run into infect problems? I can see some of my friends doing that to me as a huge counter to something like this.


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Good point. Perhaps I'm just antsy and feel I've exhausted my trade value for the things I've wanted so far. I suppose I'm just hoping to be lucky with titans or other $30 cards so that I can get the stuff I want.

And when you say to trade all my low end cards, it's easy if they were in high demand. I have a bunch of new stuff and I feel they are saturated already. Nobody wants 4 sanctuary cats or burden of guilts, for instance. I'll be hard pressed to find someone to unload those and more like it for one of their cards.

Can't really base it off one night, but boy did I get my butt handed to me on a plate. This needs work.



(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm not looking to fill a collection, I mostly want to  trade for value. Right now, I don't have any big cards to trade for the multiple cards I want to make my decks more consistent. If core and current isn't the way to go, maybe I should try mirrodin or something before?

And that's another thing: I lack the draw cards for these colors. hmm May need some help there too.

No, those are excellent ideas. Not sure I want to throw planewalkers in it because this group seems to pounce on them immediately and not sure he'll survive that long without a definite defense. I had the mantra's in there before, but I thought it was a low amount compared to the others and it got the boot. And I definitely have the Journals on my wishlist but haven't found an opportunity for a trade yet.

I thought I might be lacking on creatures for the scavengers, but I may make the switch. It's also lower cost and quicker. Thanks!


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

My inventory is pretty substantial now (at least I think so) and mostly with standard and some modern cards. I've bought a box of DA and Innistrad and looking to buy my next box.

What edition do I go for? I'd like to shoot for M12 since the next rollover is going to be coming up or I can go into the Mirrodin block. Mostly everything I've gotten so far that I've wanted came from trades. So there are a couple of options:

a) I go for as old of a box as I can get to attempt higher valued cards for trading since they are most likely in there.
b) Stick with M12 as a good versatile selection for different card and deck ideas. Mirrodin if I'm feeling Infect-y or Artifact-y.
c) Stay current and hit another Innistrad... not sure I want to hit another DA. I pretty much got everything I wanted unless I score another Sorin or Huntmaster. Edit: For Trade only.
d) zany option four.


Oh ho ho ho... I just saw a card I need for my Chalice of Lifes combos.

Unwinding Clock

I play with some good friends usually on Friday nights, so this is just casual play scenario. I have a deck idea that I first got from Tawnos about having a multiplayer deck that focuses on life gain. This is what I got so far, but I think I'm missing something...

I'm missing control, flying defense, and aggro off the top of my head. What I want to do is just piss every one of them off. (Don't worry, we're good friends and will get over it after another beer.) No matter what they tried to do, I'm hoping things go wrong.

Essentially what happens when we play free for all, everyone builds up a defense while doing jabs, then when someone opens up too wide, everyone pounces on the weak. Or, everyone gangs up on me and another person for projecting superiority. This might turn to the latter immediately and this deck idea might go out the window. lol

I even have a friend on here that might read this, but that's cool. I want some challenge, lol.

Anyway, are there any suggestions on cards I might want to acquire? Should I use Spellbook and try to find cards that allow me to draw a ton? Your thoughts and insight would be much appreciated!


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I think you're right on the latter.