Very cool! Send me a message if I have anything that interests you.
1 2015-11-09 22:32:25
Re: H: Flip Jace, Ojutai, bitterblossom, soulfire w: russian ulamog, Ugin (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
2 2015-11-06 17:29:54
Topic: H: Flip Jace, Ojutai, bitterblossom, soulfire w: russian ulamog, Ugin (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hi there! I've got some (hopefully) fun stuff to trade and I'm looking to work on standard ramp and modern tron. I'm looking for 2x russian ulamog, the ceaseless hunger, a pair of Ugins, some Karns, Hangarbacks and others. I might be open to trading from normal inventory, though it depends on what it is. Also my standard inventory hasn't had everything added to it of late, so if you're looking for something or more of something, just ask and I'll look:). Thanks for stopping by!
3 2014-01-13 21:03:50
Topic: H: true-name nemesis w:liliana of the veil (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hi there! I'm looking to acquire a liliana (or more, if possible). I have a true-name I'd like to put towards that end. Let me know if you're interested:)
4 2013-10-25 14:33:03
Re: H: clique x2, cryptic x2, lots more W: RG standard (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Still have some needs to fill and plenty available. I also have spell snares,a remand, thundermaws, blood moon, and lots more.
5 2013-10-25 03:52:53
Re: H: clique x2, cryptic x2, lots more W: RG standard (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I...would actually really like that. Also, I think I've replied to just about all the offers. Appreciate them all:)
6 2013-10-24 22:38:58
Topic: H: clique x2, cryptic x2, lots more W: RG standard (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hi there! As the title says, I'm looking to make a RG standard deck. I have some legacy and (mostly) modern for trade, as well as standard.
I'm looking for 3x Domri Rade, 2x Polukranos, 1 sylvan caryatid, 2x Xenagos, 1x Stormbreath, Garruk Caller of Beasts, Stomping Grounds, Nykthos and much more, so take a look and let's see if we can work something out:)
I might also be interested in acquiring some Kaalia pieces, but my current priority is standard. Thanks for taking a look!
7 2013-08-15 19:54:15
Topic: H: promo cryptic, doubling season, cavern, Thundermaw, Azusa. W:modern (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hi there! I'm currently looking to complete a modern deck, with an edh deck as a lower priority.
I have for trade:
-doubling season (mma)
-cavern of souls
-cavern of souls (Russian)
-promo cryptic (preferably for a regular cryptic plus value, or higher price needs)
-Thundermaw hellkite x 2
-Azusa, lost but seeking
- dragon master outcast
And lots of other fun stuff.
I'm looking for, in order of priority:
-scalding tarns
-misty Rainforests
-Vendilion clique
-remand x 4
-mutavault x 4
-edh stuff
Let me know if you think we can work something out! Thanks!
8 2013-07-25 21:27:38
Re: H: foil Blood Crypt, Doubling Season, Lily otV, others. W: Clique,tarn (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I greatly appreciate your interest, WordOfCommander, but I'm really hoping to trade it as a part of a package for a clique, tarn, or rainforest.
9 2013-07-24 21:37:49
Re: H: foil Blood Crypt, Doubling Season, Lily otV, others. W: Clique,tarn (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Conversation started, Unstable. Looks good, Amarus. I will try to get back to anyone I missed after I get home.
10 2013-07-24 17:41:38
Topic: H: foil Blood Crypt, Doubling Season, Lily otV, others. W: Clique,tarn (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hi! I'm currently looking to complete my first Modern deck and am especially looking for Vendilion Cliques, Cryptic Commands, and Scalding Tarns.
I have the following which might be of interest:
-foil Blood Crypt (RTR)
-Doubling Season (Modern Masters)
-Cavern of Souls
-Thundermaw Hellkite (x3)
-Liliana of the Veil (x2)
As well as other things on my trade list. I also have a Russian Cavern of Souls that I might be persuaded to part with, though I'm rather fond of it.
I'm also looking to finish my Maelstrom Wanderer EDH deck, but that's a much lower priority.
Thanks for looking!
Edit: no longer need cryptics and Jitte is gone. Still looking for more Vendilion Cliques, Scalding Tarns, and Misty Rainforests. Added Liliana of the Veils.