Sebi, thank you for organizing this and your generous donation. You are a force for good in our committee. I'm in for the cost of FNM!
Cheers, Paul
1 2022-03-24 16:53:37
Re: Deckbox community Ukraine fundraiser (9 replies, posted in Announcements)
2 2021-07-14 15:28:53
Re: Maintenance downtime (13 replies, posted in Announcements)
Sebi, thank you for all your hard work on the site. As Cindarin said, if you need volunteers to assist with some of the administrative work just let the community know. I would be willing to assist.
Cheers, Paul
3 2021-05-11 17:18:35
Re: C21 Tokens, Kaldheim Promo Pack, Khm double sided tokens (21 replies, posted in Announcements)
Thanks for update!
Random feature request. A filter on the Trade Opportunities page to filter for only Premium users. This could be a Premium user feature.
4 2020-05-26 13:18:33
Topic: Trading for higher-end FOIL pauper staples (0 replies, posted in Foil Traders)
I am trying to complete my foil pauper cube and just need a few more higher-end FOIL commons to complete it. I am looking to trade for the following cards:
Carrion Feeder ( Friday Night Magic, # 49 )
FOIL Crypt Rats ( Seventh Edition, # 125 )
Jackal Pup ( Friday Night Magic, # 14 )
Man-o'-War ( Arena League, # 41 )
FOIL Miscalculation ( Urza's Legacy, # 36 )
Mulldrifter ( Friday Night Magic, # 109 )
FOIL Nightscape Familiar ( Planeshift, # 48 )
FOIL Ninja of the Deep Hours ( Betrayers of Kamigawa, # 44 )
FOIL Preordain ( Magic 2011, # 70 )
FOIL Rampant Growth ( Seventh Edition, # 262 )
FOIL Snap ( Urza's Legacy, # 43 )
FOIL Star Compass ( Planeshift, # 134 )
FOIL Unearth ( Urza's Legacy, # 72 )
FOIL Yavimaya Elder ( Urza's Destiny, # 124 )
Feel free to send me a trade request to discuss. I am willing to trade from inventory for the right trade.
Thanks for looking.
Cheers, Paul
5 2020-05-26 13:16:50
Topic: Trading for higher-end FOIL pauper staples (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I am trying to complete my foil pauper cube and just need a few more higher-end FOIL commons to complete it. I am looking to trade for the following cards:
Carrion Feeder ( Friday Night Magic, # 49 )
FOIL Crypt Rats ( Seventh Edition, # 125 )
Jackal Pup ( Friday Night Magic, # 14 )
Man-o'-War ( Arena League, # 41 )
FOIL Miscalculation ( Urza's Legacy, # 36 )
Mulldrifter ( Friday Night Magic, # 109 )
FOIL Nightscape Familiar ( Planeshift, # 48 )
FOIL Ninja of the Deep Hours ( Betrayers of Kamigawa, # 44 )
FOIL Preordain ( Magic 2011, # 70 )
FOIL Rampant Growth ( Seventh Edition, # 262 )
FOIL Snap ( Urza's Legacy, # 43 )
FOIL Star Compass ( Planeshift, # 134 )
FOIL Unearth ( Urza's Legacy, # 72 )
FOIL Yavimaya Elder ( Urza's Destiny, # 124 )
Feel free to send me a trade request to discuss. I am willing to trade from inventory for the right trade.
Thanks for looking.
Cheers, Paul
6 2020-04-17 15:02:02
Re: Ikoria import, Thalia, Secret Lair, CSV fix (9 replies, posted in Announcements)
Thanks for the update and your continued hard work on this great resource!
7 2018-08-03 03:03:42
Topic: W: FOIL Unhinged Plains, other D&T foils. (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Looking for 1x FOIL Unhinged Plains. Also looking for 2x Prerelease Settle the Wreckage , 1x FOIL RTR Rest in Peace, and 2x Prerelease Gideon, Ally of Zendikar. Always willing to trade from inventory for the right cards. Thanks!
8 2018-07-07 05:33:36
Topic: W: Foil INS Ghost Quarter x3 (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Looking to trade for 3x Foil INS Ghost Quarters. Willing to trade out of inventory. Send me a trade request. Thanks!
Cheers, Paul
9 2018-04-13 20:50:02
Re: Grand Prix Promo: Mutavault (2 replies, posted in Announcements)
Sweet, thanks for all your hard work!
Cheers, Paul
10 2017-12-04 16:28:33
Re: Iconic Masters (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Bump. I also just pulled a Foil Aether Vial
Sent you a trade request for the foil Vial. Cheers, Paul
11 2017-11-22 16:35:24
Topic: W: FOIL IMA Aether Vials (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Title says it all, perhaps willing to trade from inventory to boot. Cheers, Paul
12 2017-09-06 20:43:29
Topic: Want 4x World Magic Cup Qualifiers Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Howdy! Title says it all. Foiling our Eldrazi and Taxes. Willing to trade out of inventory, particularly for multiples. Send me a trade request if interested in taking a look.
Thanks, Paul
13 2017-04-24 18:08:58
Re: Has anyone tried trading IRL cards for MTGO cards? (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I've tried, never worked out well. has a physical store and trades paper for MTGO at a bonus. Likely your best bet. See:
14 2017-01-20 20:50:12
Re: LF Foil/Promo Commons/Pauper Cube Items (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Do you have a cubetutor link to your pauper cube? I have been looking to update mine, and I see a bunch of cards in this sample alone that I haven't tested before.
I actually just use Adam's list, see:
I play my cube with old friends that used to play Magic, but don't follow it much anymore. That way we can do a quick draft or pack war and they can see a mix of old and new cards. I figure Adam puts more time/effort/thinking into it then I ever could, so I am happy to use his list. I am foiling it out as a fun side project.
Cheers, Paul
15 2017-01-19 14:09:02
Re: LF Foil/Promo Commons/Pauper Cube Items (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
FNM O-ring on its way, yeah! Still looking for more foil commons! Please take a look. Thanks!
16 2017-01-17 19:57:13
Topic: LF Foil/Promo Commons/Pauper Cube Items (0 replies, posted in Foil Traders)
Greetings all! I am hoping to finish out my foil pauper (all commons) cube. I am looking to trade for foil versions of these cards. If the card has a foil promo (such as Rancor, denoted by a * below), I am looking for that version of the card. English only, and no full art. I am willing to trade out of Inventory for higher value cards or for large swaths of these. I can provide a password for Inv as needed. Start a trade and let's talk. Thanks!
Armillary Sphere
Barren Moor
Carnivorous Death-Parrot
Chainer's Edict*
Crypt Rats
Death Denied
Diabolic Edict
Forked Bolt
Goblin Heelcutter
Halimar Depths
Into the Roil
Izzet Chronarch
Journey to Nowhere
Kodama's Reach
Kor Skyfisher*
Maze of Ith
Momentary Blink
Nezumi Cutthroat
Nightscape Familiar
Ninja of the Deep Hours
Oblivion Ring*
Porcelain Legionnaire
Pouncing Kavu
Rampant Growth
Rend Flesh
Rift Bolt*
Rushing River
Scuzzback Marauders
Searing Blaze
Thought Scour
Winged Coatl
Yavimaya Elder
17 2017-01-17 19:55:05
Topic: LF Foil/Promo Commons/Pauper Cube Items (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Greetings all! I am hoping to finish out my pauper (all commons) cube. I am looking to trade for foil versions of these cards. If the card has a foil promo (such as Rancor, denoted by a * below), I am looking for that version of the card. English only, and no full art. I am willing to trade out of Inventory for higher value cards or for large swaths of these. I can provide a password for Inv as needed. Start a trade and let's talk. Thanks!
Armillary Sphere
Barren Moor
Carnivorous Death-Parrot
Chainer's Edict*
Crypt Rats
Death Denied
Diabolic Edict
Forked Bolt
Goblin Heelcutter
Halimar Depths
Into the Roil
Izzet Chronarch
Journey to Nowhere
Kodama's Reach
Kor Skyfisher*
Maze of Ith
Momentary Blink
Nezumi Cutthroat
Nightscape Familiar
Ninja of the Deep Hours
Porcelain Legionnaire
Pouncing Kavu
Rampant Growth
Rend Flesh
Rift Bolt*
Rushing River
Scuzzback Marauders
Searing Blaze
Thought Scour
Winged Coatl
Yavimaya Elder
18 2016-10-26 03:31:24
Re: H: Bunch of Foil Basis (32) (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Trade started.
Cheers, Paul
19 2016-10-21 20:25:52
Re: W: Noble Hierarch H: Foil Karn, Launch Emrakul (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Send me a trade request. I have a MM2015 Noble for the Cavern of Souls. I am also looking for foil basic lands for my pauper cube, which you have a few of.
20 2016-08-26 12:31:26
Topic: W: Pauper Cube Foils (0 replies, posted in Foil Traders)
Howdy all,
I am looking for pauper foils for Styborski's pauper cube, I prefer promos and first printing foils. No trade too small to ship in a PWE. Take a look at my foil wishlist** and propose a trade.
Thanks for looking!
Cheeers, Paul
21 2016-08-17 14:29:40
Re: W: Fetid Heath & Pauper Foils/Promos (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Bumpity bump bump.
22 2016-08-15 15:41:31
Topic: W: Fetid Heath & Pauper Foils/Promos (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I am looking for a Fetid Heath and pauper foils/promos for my pauper cube. No trade is too small for the pauper foils. Cube is here: Send me a trade offer and we can go from there. Cheers, paul
23 2016-06-30 11:53:34
Re: New Feature: Reporting Pricing Errors (14 replies, posted in Announcements)
Yep, makes sense.
Working now on looking through the reports we received, and adjusting the pricing algorithms a little bit for cases that are often wrongly priced. I definitely want to improve this slowly to the point where we have some spike detection / warning mechanism for users.
That is welcomed news! My guess is the reporting mechanisms could be pretty sensitive. I mean, one report on a price would be normal and requires attention as time warrants, 2 or more likely means the card's price is spiking and should have a disclaimer.
I know I follow MTG finance/markets on blogs and reddit just for fun, and have warned people on the Deckbox forums when prices are volatile. It would likely only take a few interested and willing community members reporting spikes to make a difference. Once you vet folks you could even grant more weight when certain people report a price issue/spike.
I am just spitballing ideas here, but I think you could definitely crowdsource much of this.
Cheers, Paul
24 2016-06-29 17:54:11
Re: New Feature: Reporting Pricing Errors (14 replies, posted in Announcements)
This is a nice feature, thank you Deckbox crew!
If you want to increase the functionality further you could add a "price confidence meter" next to the link that indicates the number of times a price has been reported in say the last 24 hours. Ideal the more reports, the more off the price is, and the more leary user should be about trading it at the current Deckbox price. This would be great for overnight spikes in the market that are not reflected in the Deckbox price yet. It could definitely reduce the "feel bads" for people trading cards away that have spiked in other markets (say TCG), but not Deckbox.
Cheers, paul
25 2016-06-08 12:50:46
Re: New Feature: Upload card photos & scans (15 replies, posted in Announcements)
This is a sweet update, thank you! I am an Android user and would be willing to test the app if you need testers. Running an LG G2 on Verizon network with Android 5.0.2.