Hi profwumbo
Nice deck, totally see your angle and vampires is a hard tribe to beat when they go off!
firstly, looks a bit low on ways to draw though... (drawing 1 is simply replacing itself + 'other effect'). looks like you want to be fast so you need to draw early
couple of options:-
Costly Plunder to make use of some of your tokens, that will fall fowl to Goblin Chainwhirler any way https://deckbox.org/mtg/Goblin%20Chainwhirler. you havce one in side but i would consider main boarding and adding a couple more.
or, the much more expensive (but still vamipre) is Twilight Prophet https://deckbox.org/mtg/Twilight%20Prophet
+ 'ascending' shouldent be too hard with all the tokens etc.
Champion of Dusk https://deckbox.org/mtg/Champion%20of%20Dusk is the cheaper version of twilight prophet but no flying.
Another big threat (also making use off your tokens) is Demon of Catastrophes https://deckbox.org/mtg/Demon%20of%20Catastrophes. playing this turn 4 wold ether draw out opponents removal or force them to throw most or all their flyers under it, if they cant, 3-4 turns and its game over.
I would maybe add a few lords like Legion Lieutenant https://deckbox.org/mtg/Legion%20Lieute
also Forerunner of the Legion https://deckbox.org/mtg/Forerunner%20of
ting=37779 if you want to bolster up your tokens out of Goblin Chainwhirler range + 2 can boos each other.
Alternate token creation ideas are Regal Bloodlord https://deckbox.org/mtg/Regal%20Bloodlo
ting=39472 what with all the life gain.
Secondly, maybe look at some other removal. as you are running black & white it is hard to go past, cast down, murder and seal away.
Vicious Offering https://deckbox.org/mtg/Vicious%20Offer
ting=38514 what with all the tokens might be good too, and cheaper than cast down and seal away. I would run 3-4 of each of what ever you pick though.
Regarding numbers, I would avoid 1 toughness creatures and play cards crucial to your strategy, which is go wide / over run battle field.
with this in mind i would drop anything over 5 mana and only run a couple. you want you threats out by turn 4 and 5 and to keep fludding the battle field.
I also read this rule of thumb once
4x if you really want to start with one in opening hand / win conditions
3x if you would like to see it by turn 5 and is core to deck / win con
2x if you can win without it but gives you different answers or more dynamics and is a bonus if you draw it on time / late game
1x if you have a way to search for it when you need it (specific strategy) and also same as above.
Side boarding Bloodcrazed Paladin for Goblin Chainwhirler or board wipes might be a good call too.
Ashes of the Abhorrent is a good shout and maybe look at Invoke the Divine https://deckbox.org/mtg/Invoke%20the%20Divine could even main board 1.
Duress may also be good to side for control match ups
If you could spend maybe £5 on removal and £10 on some creatures and this deck would be super fast and hard to deal with once you get your board presence.
Forsaken Sanctuary would be good to help mana screw but if you could spend another £16-20 on a play set of Isolated Chapel or abit less on some more Unclaimed Territory (they have dropped a bit recently) that would also be great (land is often as expensive as the rest of the deck!)
Hope this has given you some ides...
have fun and let me know what you go for and how you get on