Title says it all really.

Tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/164090?s=j&o=d
Wishlist: http://deckbox.org/sets/164091

I have decided that I will let everything go for $150 if anyone wants to grab the whole lot.

Hey everyone, I've decided to get out of paper magic for good and switch to MTGO.  Therefore I'm clearing out my tradelist for Paypal cash and/or MTGO tickets.  I also have 39 Zendikar lands for trade (5 Islands, 8 Plains, 8 Mountains, 10 Forests (One Foil), and 8 Swamps).

Hit me up with offers!  I usually take about 65% to 70% of current store value.

Tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/164090?s=i&o=d

Well, that doesn't make me feel any better...  I've dropped the price to $30 per pack.

On a whim last week I ordered 3 packs of Revised from ChannelFireBall for no reason, and suddenly realized I really need that money for Christmas gifts, and I remembered I'm a poor college student who really shouldn't be spending $50 on a single MTG Pack.  I'm getting them in the mail today, but I'd really like to just sell them off.

I figure I'd like to get $30 per pack (usually go for about $40 to $50).  These are unopened (I don't even have them in my possession yet) and untampered packs.  I will be accepting payment via Paypal only.  Shoot me a trade if you're interested!

Hey guys, I was deciding what type of Modern deck I wanted to make next, so I figured why not just go all out and make Jund.  I'm breaking up all my other decks, so pretty much everything is available for trade. 


Hey everyone, I'm looking to grab some U/G Scapeshift stuff.  I'm currently waiting to see if someone accepts a rather large trade, but feel free to send offers in the meantime!  Feel free to add stuff from my inventory as well and I will consider it ( I am not trading anything listed in my Affinity deck).

Tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/164090?s=i&o=d
Wishlist http://deckbox.org/sets/164091

I'm starting a collection of Tragic Poet's, so shoot me your trades!

Shameless bump.  Still looking for the cards on my wishlist, and a Mountain and Swamp!

Just need a Mountain and Swamp now!

Decided I just wanted to grab the basic lands in trades!  (And a City of Ass if anyone has one).

Hey everyone, I'm looking to finish up my Un-collection and need one of each land from Unhinged.  Shoot me your trades!

Tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/164090?s=i&o=d

For sure interested in the Worldwake boosters.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have one of each of these just for a full set of Unglued/Unhinged.  I'm interested as to why you want 4 of each.  xD

Need to finish off the sideboards for my Modern Affinity decks.


Hey everyone!

I'm looking to trade for and/or buy cards currently on my wishlist.  I am willing to trade some cards in my inventory, so if it's not on my wishlist, propose it anyways!  I will also pay for cards if people are willing to sell them.  I usually offer about 65% to 70% of their median value.


I got a booster box for $125 from Coolstuffinc (the last box), but no, I would not spend $150 on this.

AgainstOne wrote:

interested in tormod's crypt from the dark?  or just M13 ones?

Just M13 really.

Wishlist: http://deckbox.org/sets/164091
Tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/164090?s=i&o=d


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Pretty much the best thing I've read this weekend.  Would read again.

EDIT:  Still great after a second read.

Hey everyone,

Im looking for three specific cards left on my wishlist: 3x Ajani Vengeant, 2x Reveillark, and 2 Wall of Omens.
I hopefully already have a trade for the Arid Mesa's.

Tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/164090?s=i&o=d


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sent you a trade!


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I now have a bunch of Zendikar lands, new planeswalkers, some fetchlands, and more!


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Still need most of these!  I have just cracked open a box of Zendikar and New Phyrexia, so my tradelist will be update tonight with a bunch of new rares!

Also started a trade.  tongue