My LGS is doing it again tomorrow.

This friday in the shop for fnm I will have minimum box prize pool divided amongst top 8 and I will also be doing a little dice game for a booster box to one lucky winner. Heres how its going to work. Each player will roll a 20 sided die upon registration, than rolls again in round 2 and 3. The top 10 people with the highest combined totals out of those 3 rolls will get to roll again in round 4 and than the top 5 people will roll one last time in round 5. whoever has the highest combined totals, gets a booster box regardless of what they place in the fnm.
M14 Prerelease info : $25 entry. sealed deck. 3-4 pack prize pool (mimimum) PER ENTRY. 6 different times/events.
1st one is right after fnm. scheduled as friday midnight prerelease. when saturday morning rolls around 12:01 AM
than 6pm and 10pm saturday. 3 more events on sunday. 2,6,10pm. (sunday is smaller crowds w/faster tourneys for those interested)
Hobbies and More
15819 main st
La puente, CA 91744

If any of you in socal in the san gabriel valley area come on over and play at FNM this week for your chance at winning a whole box to yourself. Don't worry 2nd to 8th still gets the usual pack prizes.

15819 Main St
La Puente, CA 91744
United States


(9 replies, posted in MTG California)

I quit about a year ago because it wasn't for me. But MJ was fun while it lasted, never got the priveledge to play and smoke though.

I have one yeva, I'll send a trade.

I have a GTC Breeding Pool. I'll send a trade.

I got some nut collectors. I'll send a trade.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Well I'm very interested, I'll see if I have anything for you.

I collect promos so there's some on the list I'd like. I'll send a trade.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm interested in the FNM Acidic Slime, Clinging Mists, and the Silverhearts.


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Are you interested in Master of the Pearl Trident instead of Lord of Atlantis? I have one, I'll send a trade regardless though.

I have a master of the pearl trident, I'll trade you.

I have 2 promos, I'll look through your list. What do you value the pilgrims at?


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm going on sunday, let me know how all of yours go smile

I only have one duelist, I'm not sure if you want to trade with something so small but I'll make an offer anyways.

I have 2 captains, I will send trade.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I only got one red sun zenith, would you accept that?

I have a cathedral of war. I'll send a trade right now.

I've got a trading post I don't need. I'll send a trade.


(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

The only sphinx I have is an Argent Sphinx. I'll send a trade.

I have one, I'll send a trade for that cavern of souls.

Peripheryy wrote:
Helios52 wrote:

Im interested in atleast 2 of your Mwonvuli Beast Trackers. I didnt know this was even the promo. What do you value them at?

Also, you have a bunch of good stuff. Let me know if you want to do a bigger trade. I'd be interested in the thragtusks or sublime archangel.

I'm interested in a beast tracker and a strangleroot. I also have a thragtusk up for trade, i'll send a trade.

Will do, I'll send a trade over.

I have the red, black, and green ones if your still intrested. 3 out of 5 not bad.

I have a couple dotp promo nocturnus, and I was wondering if anyone would want to trade for normal nocturnus or a m10 promo nocturnus.