Thank you.
The comments are really appreciated.
I'll be playing Re-animator as it is the most consistent (at winning).
The Jund Control was based off of this one,, with a couple budget changes (I can't afford the necessary huntmaster of the fells's at this time). I guess it's more midrange, as the point is to steady play... The sideboard definitely needs some work, as does the creature selection... More nighthawks would definitely help here. The Havoc Festival is to help against Sphinx's Revelation, which is seeing play in almost every deck. The life-gain from the Thragtusks isn't necessary, if Havoc Festival is out, as they'll most likely be played with Rancor on them, then on their LTB beast token. Thanks again for the comments here.
The Favored Winds actually does alright, but after some play testing, it will be tweaked for more counter-magic. It is my budget deck, and is quite fun to play, but could really use some card draw to help move through the deck (Need some Sphinx's Revelations). Keep in mind this deck's creature presence doesn't need big bombs, as even 1/1's generally end up being 3/3's by turn 5. The Mindshrieker playes well with the Phantasms... The Angel of Serenity's may not be the best choices, but they provide spot removal AND creature recycling if necessary... I could probably sub these out though for something that makes more sense such as something that cantrips or more battlefield enhancers. Overall, this deck needs some money cards and tuning. I was blown away by a Duress and Slaughter Games.
The Re-animator is my friend's, based off of a previous PT or GP deck.
It's really designed to jump right into Mulching for lands while chumping a bit until Unburial Rites brings out the bigger creatures. The Angel of Serenity's do help quite a bit, always insuring spot removal of tokens, bombs, and bringing things like my Thragtusks back into my hand for casting (if/when AoS goes away). I will be subbing a Loxodon Smiter in place of a Centaur Healer which should provide better presence. I'm going to test some with a couple Farseeks tonight. I like the Mulchs though as they feed the graveyard as well, but we'll see how the play testing goes.
Again, thank you for the tips. I'll let you know the final list as well as what the results are.