Thanks for the tip, HikingStick.

How does that interact with importing it back into the Deckbox library after the fact? I'm guessing I'd have to nuke my inventory and re-import the whole thing to prevent collisions - is that what you've been doing?

Bumping with another update:
this is making inventory management really painful, especially when combined with the more complicated wishlist/tradelist manipulation controls.

Before, I would do the following, when I received an order of cards (outside of a Deckbox trade):
- Click on my Wishlist
- Sort by "Number on Wishlist" or "Number in Inventory"
- Click inside either the Inventory or Wishlist count fields and directly adjust the numbers as required
- Click out to apply

Now, I have to do this:
- Click on my Wishlist
- Click on the Inventory and Wishlist column headers thinking it will sort because I've forgotten and all the other columns sort properly
- Scroll until I find what I want
- Click on the Wishlist column number, and get a "Click to Edit" tooltip when nothing happens
- Move my mouse to the "Tradelist" column or the pop-over icon after the card name and click to get the actual Edit box to pop up
- Click 1-4 times on the "Inventory" button
- Click 1-4 times on the "Wishlist" button
- Click Apply

If there's any way we can get the sorting/in-list card management stuff sorted out soon it'd really be appreciated. I'm glad we got so many cool new features like sane Edition handling, but for me, the basic inventory management before was perfect and it's really taken a serious efficiency hit.

Is there another way that this is intended to be used that makes it a little smoother and more efficient? If I'm just misusing the new UI because I'm used to the old one, please let me know how to sort it out, but even without my muscle memory/mistakes from the old UI, it seems to take at least double the work to do this action that it used to.


Hey Sebi, any update on when we might be able to expect this functionality to be restored?

I'm trying to fill out an order to bring me up to 4-ofs for a set and I'm having a really hard time figuring out quantities without this sort - I'm probably going to wind up exporting the collection list and sorting by rarity/inventory count with GNU tools instead.



If I have a deck with notes which contain new lines, they get rendered as HTML page breaks <br />.

Editing the note and saving it fixes it, but when you reload, it's broken again.

Thanks for the quick response, Sebi.

Prices are indeed showing up properly for me now.

I liked the icons, but highlighted cells might work. If that isn't clear enough, or looks too cluttered, maybe a background image in the count cell with a tooltip-style icon (similar to the notes on spreadsheet cells in Google Docs?) in yellow or red could work, too.

The interface definitely looks cleaner and less crowded overall, but specifically on the card lists it feels like the vertical space is a little too much - I used to be able to view all 60 cards in my deck in one screen-height without scrolling, and now have to scroll to get a good view of my deck, which makes editing/interacting with it a bit harder, and that was one of the biggest draws for Deckbox versus TappedOut or other deck manipulation sites.

I also posted a thread on Reddit (apologies if I jumped the gun, didn't know whether you guys have an account there) which might get some more feedback as people in the US wake up: … w_version/

Hi all,

Another quick post with a feature request/feedback on the new design.

The "deck view" and the "inventory view" pages use different column ordering and it's difficult to switch from one to the other.

On the deck pages, I get price as its own column on the far right, but in the inventory view, it's jammed into the left side of the details column.

Would it be possible to do one of these, instead?

  • Make these pages use the same table/column ordering layout (specifically, remove price from the Details section of inventory view so it can be separate)

  • Provide functionality for drag-and-drop or another method to re-order these columns, with cookie/session (or even DB/profile?) persistence

I care a lot more that Abattoir Ghoul is a zombie (or the edition/foil type/language/etc.) than I do that he costs $0.15, so having that extra information appear in a spot of lower priority would be preferable, to me.

Some people might care more about the card price than the gameplay details, so I can understand showing it either way, but allowing it to be customized per-view would be really nice.


Hi all,

I did a quick search for "missing icons" and didn't see anything relevant, so hopefully this isn't a duplicate.

With the new version, I no longer get the yellow warning or red alert icons in my deck lists which indicate that I don't have enough cards in my library and/or wishlist to complete that deck.

Was this an intentional change, or is it a bug of some kind?

Secondly, lots of my cards currently show $0.00 price: Drowned Catacomb, Glacial Fortress, Plains, Island, and Liliana of the Dark Realms, for some examples. I'm guessing this one might be a caching issue, but figured I'd raise it just in case.

Finally, quick feature request/feedback while I'm here: the vertical spacing on the individual items in a given deck list feels like it's way too much. I don't have a screenshot of the old version for comparison but I'd guess it's at least double.

Is that open to adjustment, if anybody else has the same feedback? If it's just me I'll get used to it, but a poll or something might be a good option. I usually work on a laptop, and have limited vertical screen real estate - I now have to scroll two or three times more than I used to in order to view my entire deck, and it's really made it difficult to get a quick "big picture" view of a list.

Otherwise really liking the new version so far, glad to see the activity. Thanks!


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I do this as well.

Typically, someone else has already purchased it and indexed it as a deck, so what I usually do is search the Decks page for it and then copy that to my library, but it's not a perfect solution.

I don't know if Wizards posts their sealed product lists in an easily consumable format, unfortunately.

One solution might be to add a submission form (either a sub-forum or dedicated site feature) to submit a deck list as an "official" sealed product list, which moderators or site stuff can then review and display in a "Sealed product" category of some kind - that would avoid all the duplication of decks from copying public deck lists, as well as ensure the information was accurate re: card properties, and avoid any issues where someone has made modifications to an Event Deck but not changed the name.