(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:

As a first diagnostic step, when you experience slowness, , can someone please click on the menu in chrome -> more tools -> developer tools. Then on the network tab, check "preserve log", and click around 1 minute, hover over a tooltip or two, then the last icon on the right should be "Export". And please send me the file to support@deckbox.org

Of course, no problem!


(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I've been experiencing slow load times too. I don't even bother to hover a card name's to see the card image anymore because it takes 2min+ to load it.

Edit: I'm in Brazil if that's of any help.

I third that.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This is totally a must here. Just updated my inventory with 1500+ cards in portuguese. Had to look each one up in magiccards.info. sad

The only thing that's missing on this app it's the decklist! It would be considerable more useful then it already is!