I see a lot of decks go with out the one drops. If you end up with scry/shock lands then chances are your not playing anything turn one anyway. I think the BTE is better for this style of deck than the cackler.
Agreed. I've actually run a R/W devotion deck for a few months now (here's my list: http://deckbox.org/sets/589771) so I can speak from experience.
I originally ran 8 one drops but all of them ended up underwhelming both in the devotion department and just as not great creatures, especially in the late game. Burning-Tree Emissary is good early and late, since the mana acceleration always matters unless she's the only card in your hand. Also I think running 4x Chained to the Rocks is almost essential as you need answers to Master of Waves and Desecration Demon or you are most likely just going to lose. If you need the Boros Charms after game 1 you can always side them in.
Once I started playing this deck as less of an aggro deck and more of a midrange/win with Purphoros/Fanatic/Stormbreath from devotion deck I started winning much more often. It has the ability to explode and win out of nowhere and is super fun to play when you curve out.
As for beating U/W control, unless they don't draw Supreme Verdict you will have a hard time winning game 1, but after you board in your Boros Charms (for Verdict protection), Skullcrack (to combat Sphinx's Revelation), and Revoke Existence (for Detention Sphere) your chances go way up.
For Mono-U Anger of the Gods hits most of what they play, and Chained to the Rocks handles Master of Waves. Really this match up is not that favorable for this deck, so it usually comes down to who curves/tempos out first.
Good luck and have fun with this deck, I really enjoy running it!