Thank you Mr. Blocker.  Getting there, piece by piece.

Bumping for 3/3. 

Also added a bunch of stuff to my tradelist!

Daily bump.  Thanks guys, you are getting me towards completion of this deck a lot faster than I had anticipated!

Pretty self explanatory. 

Biggest Wants:
2x Scalding Tarn
3x Arid Mesa
2x Vendilion Clique
2x Batterskull
3x Serum Visions
3x Sulfur Falls
2x Tectonic Edge
Updated 3/5

Some of this stuff, I might be willing to over-trade for if need be.  Send me an offer, I'm sure we can work something out.

We might be able to work something out.  I have two, and I'm definitely interested in V-Clique


(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Alright, so I've done some extensive playtesting on this bad boy.  I have ended up putting in the Boros splash, if only to effectively combat Desecration Demon which is a huge problem for the mono-r build.  My list looks like this now:

4x Rakdos Cackler
4x Ash Zealot
4x Frostburn Weird
4x Boros Reckoner
4x Fanatic of Mogis
3x Purphoros
3x Stormbreath
3x Mizzium Mortars
2x Chained to the Rocks
2x Hammer of Purphoros
3x Boros Charm
4x Nykthos
4x Sacred Foundry
4x Temple of Triumph
12x Mountain

2x Chained to the Rocks
2x Assemble the Legion
Boros Charm
4x Searing Blood
Anger of the Gods
4x Revoke Existance

Planeswalkers can still be a huge pain for me, which is why I main so many of the charms.  I keep all the enchantment hate for control matchups where d-spheres are a big threat to my gameplan.  I think I've made all the revisions that I can think to make, but I'm certainly still up for any advice on how to handle U/W Control, and Mono-U which I haven't been able to test against.

I've also been tinkering with replacing the Cacklers with the BTEs.  Sure I lose all my one drops, but I can make up for it by dropping a BTE into a Zealot on T3, which is way better for devotion.  Also, I can use BTE to activate nykthos.  Is it worth losing my one drops?


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

My foil for your two non-foil.  Sound like a deal?


(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

While Madcap strikes you as a good option on paper (and it will perform in some matchups) it really just invites the opponent to two-for-one given the wealth of removal that is circulating these days.  Perhaps if the deck were more aggro based it would make sense, but I just don't think it'd be a safe move given the current meta.  You might be able to sneak it in if mono-black loses some favor...

I've actually replaced all the madcaps with searing blood, which has been awesome in playtesting.  The last game I played, my opponent had just played a scooze at three life, and was about to reap the GY to stabilize, when I Searing Blooded it in response for the win.  Really fun card.  I didn't have any foundry denizens, but I've also added nyxborn rollickers to replace the BTEs. 

I keep forgetting about the new legendary rule, and that was part of what was spoiling me on nykthos.  I've also found that I can sac Nykthos to the hammer right before I drop another one, which is a lot of fun.  I guess I need to get two more to complete the playset.

I'm still looking at the Boros/Gruul versions, and it looks like if I'm going to go either way with it, boros is the way to go.  I've already got all of the lands and the chained to the rocks and charms, I'd just need to assemble the legions for the sideboard.  I think I'm probably going to bring this deck to this week's FNM as it is to see how it performs, and then see which splash (if any) is going to help in my local meta.

Once again, thanks for all of your help.  You always seem to give excellent advice, and it is much appreciated!


(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

So for starters, why not run the version of this list that is already well documented, established, and such?  I'm normally not one to suggest net-decking, but you're so close to that list I'm not sure I see a good reason to deviate from it.

To be honest, I like putting my own spin on thing.  I like utilizing things in different ways from other people.  I also like bringing out decks that people don't know quite what to expect.  Not to say I don't look to others for inspiration, but I enjoy my own flavor.

TyWooOneTime wrote:

As for things to switch around, you stated an interest in additional one-drops and reducing the two-drops.  So that in mind, I would say perhaps to look into Foundry Street Denizen as another one-drop.   Considering that every creature in the deck is red, you're going to be sitting on a lot of triggers that will ensure it almost never swings for one.

Foundry Street Denizen seems pretty solid, I think I'll probably replace BTE with him, and see how it goes.

TyWooOneTime wrote:

As for the two-drops, I can see where Burning-Tree Emissary might underperform for you, given that it's going to produce the off-color mana when you put it down - not exactly what you're looking for a lot of the time.  I know that it's essentially a free creature and it leads to some pretty crazy devotion on T2-T3, but I could see where another Ash Zealot would be better in this situation.

I have the fourth Zealot, and the rest will probably go to the Denizens mentioned earlier.

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Also, Madcap Skills really doesn't do much for you considering that you're going  the devotion route - you're likely going to win your games as a function of Fanatic of Mogis, creatures pumped by Purphoros, God of the Forge, or Stormbreath Dragon - so to that end, tossing out opportunities for them to two-for-one you aren't exactly ideal.

Good point.  I'll probably choose to run more removal with the spots occupied by madcap right now.

TyWooOneTime wrote:

A few added points, you're DEFINITELY going to want to add the other 3x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx.  For removal, Magma Jet is good for fixing draws, but I would openly explore the idea of Searing Blood in that slot as the added damage goes a long way.

Good luck!

Here's the thing about Nykthos:  Being that almost all of my mana costs are R, and that Nykthos is legendary, I am very hesitant to run it 4x.  Early game, it's basically a dead draw, and god forbid I get two of them early on.  Basically, it can't do anything for me until at least turn three, but more realistically, turn four or five.  Maybe two, but for this build, four seems pretty dangerous.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Daily bump. … 9-02-14-2/

The plan here is pretty simple.  Build some devotion while I'm turning my creatures sideways, and then drop a fanatic of Mogis or two for the win.  Pretty simple, eh? 

Ideal play goes something like this:
T1 - Mountain, Rakdos Cackler
T2 - Mountain, BTE, Madcap on Cackler
T3 - Mountain, Boros Reckoner
T4 - Nykthos, Fanatic, Fanatic

Now that's in a perfect world, which isn't usually the real one.  I have a few issues with the deck, and hope you all might offer some input.

I only have four one drops - I can't seem to find anything else that fits, and I seem to have an overabundance of two drops at the moment.

I'm running pretty light on removal - and I'm not even sure that magma jet is the right thing to be running.  The scry 2 does really help in a pinch, but 2 damage doesn't always get the job done.  I've got some Mortars coming in trade which I think will probably be a better solution.

Madcap Skills - it's a really fun card, but is it the best thing for this deck to run?

I really would like this deck to be competitive, am I screwing myself by staying mono-R?  Is the jump to Gruul or Boros going to make a big jump in how effective this deck is?

Thanks for any help you can offer!

Title really says it all.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Rocc wrote:

Interested in that foil Courser of Kruphix, how much is it going for?

TCG Mid is about $13.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Daily bump.

I went to release night, and drafted a nice pretty foil Xenagos, God of Revels.  While I personally don't have much use for this card, I realize there may be some people on here that might love to have this in their collection.  So here it is!  Come and get it!

I realize that my wishlist is pretty thin right now, but I am more than happy to look through lists to try and make something happen.

Also pulled a foil Courser of Kruphix, which is pretty spiffy, and a non-foil Mogis, God of Slaughter.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sending you a trade offer.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Unfortunately, your tradelist just doesn't have much that is equivalent in value to a Marsh Flats.  Most people aren't keen on trading down their fetches.


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hello people!

I submitted a prototype of this deck awhile back.  I took a lot of suggestions to heart, and I resubmit Mill Bug to you!

Dang, I just realized someone else thought of the name first.  Heartbreaking.  sad

Anywho, the point is to utilize defender cards like Axebane Guardian and Overgrown Battlement to pump cards like Increasing Confusion and Mind Grind to mill the opponent out.  It pretty consistently gets turn 6 wins.

I'm taking this to a modern FNM tonight, but I don't have a sideboard for this at all.  Hopefully someone is online who can give me some pointers.  This will be my first time playing modern in this area, so I have no idea what the meta will look like.  I don't know if I'm going to be facing 'Goyfs or Glistener Elves.  Really, I just want a sideboard that will let me react to different strategies. 

Thanks in advance for any advice!


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

To be honest, they don't really work that well in either build.  Without other faeries to boost their ability, you'll have a hard time getting any actual value out of them.  You'd be better off running actual counters as it stands.

TyWooOneTime wrote:

To be honest, I would suggest going not just to a red splash, but to go full Naya.  Green will give you access to some solid enchantments and a few hexproof critters to have in the SB.  Things like Voice of Resurgence, Witchstalker, Trostani, Selesnya's Voice, Unflinching Courage, etc etc are all worth the splash... They would certainly be more valuable than Messenger's Speed (I'm not sold on that one...).  Hell, Naya even gives access to Gruul War Chant which I think is a MASSIVELY under appreciated card.

The big negative here is that the more you stray away from a mono-white, the less effective Heliod and Nykthos will be.

Naya does seem fun, but my qualms with it mainly include budget.  TBH, I'm not looking for a tier 1 deck here - just something to steal a few wins from people not expecting this kind of strategy, which is my favorite way to FNM.

-Voice is just waaay to expensive for this deck.  $120 for a playset is too rich for this deck's blood.
-Trosti isn't bad, but she doesn't really fit the theme, and her cost is a little too intensive, I think.
-Unflinching Courage could certainly find a home here, for both lifelink and trample.
-Witchstalker is a pretty good sideboard card, but I don't think I could mainboard it.

Man, I wish Rancor was still in standard. sad

First thing you should know, is that Primeval Titan is banned in EDH, so none of your friends should be playing it all.

Another thing to note:  Emrakul has protection from colored spells, not creatures, or enchantments, etc.  Spells are just things that haven't fully resolved yet.  Heck, you can even cast an Oblivion Ring to get rid of him.

Now onto the deck:

The thing that really strikes me is that your commander seems to only be there for his colors.  I would really recommend putting in some things to really help make the most of his abilities.  Here are a few suggestions for that:

Soul Warden / Soul's Attendant - Cheap cards that can net you a lot of life, and a lot of triggers to draw cards and whittle away your opponent's life.

Vizkopa Guildmage/Sanguine Bond/Exquisite Blood - Exquisite Blood plus any of the other two forms an infinite combo, and can win the game right then and there.  There's no reason not to run all three of these cards.

Sun Droplet - Pretty much a free Oloro trigger every turn.

Well of Lost Dreams - Lets you draw at least two extra cards every turn.

Crawlspace - You don't have many blockers.  Limit how many things can attack you.

Phyrexian Rebirth - Boardwipe that leaves you with a (usually) pretty sizable creature.

Counterspell - You're in blue.  Play it.

Pristine Talisman - Mana rock that nets you triggers for your general, and can even pay to activate them!

- - -

I will warn you, having only 8 creatures in your deck is a huge liability.  I see that you're trying to go in a different direction, but I'm not seeing much in the way of wincons for you.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm opening a trade right now.  I have a crap-ton of stuff from your wishlist.

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I'm really thinking the idea of a Sphere of Safety centric deck will take off more with the inclusion of the Selesnya and Azorius scry lands.  You could then essentially build mono-white enchantments but with the added benefit of the blue card draw or the added enchantments from green.  But if I were to focus on your current build, I would suggest definitely including Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, Pacifism, and Arrest in some quantities.

Nykthos definitely has a place here.  I'm torn between Pacifism and Arrest.  I think Arrest might honestly be the better option, unless I end up splashing red, in which case chained to the rocks will be my go to.

MMJuno wrote:

Perhaps Imposing Sovereign in place of Blind Obedience? Would give you more targets for the Auras, in trade for the Artifact half of Blind Obedience. I'm expecting the Creature half is what you're more worried about anyway?

But Blind Obendience has the added benefits of being an enchantment, harder to remove, and gives me the extort ability.  I've already got 22 creatures in this build, which I feel is plenty.

elpablo wrote:

I can see a couple problems with the deck idea in general. 

1) people are packing ways to deal with permanents like sphere of safety.  I'm side boarding bramble crush in my GR deck and cyclonic rift is just a blow out against you. Detention sphere, golgari charm are also both very playable. Thoughtseize and duress can shut you down before you begin. 

2) There is plenty of removal prevalent in the format that just completely hoses your plan for attacking with one big dude. 

3) What do you do against blood baron? 

I'm not saying you can't have fun with the deck or that you won't win some games, but if you sit down from a tier 1, UW or orzhov control and lose don't be surprised.  Theme decks like this usually aren't particularly strong. It's not a terrible idea though and it has a little synergy.  I would wait for born of the gods before I started brewing new decks though.  You're more likely to catch people off guard at that time then at others.

1.) I should be able to outpace a few bramblecrushes with this, same with golgari charm.  Detention Sphere presents a slightly bigger problem, while thoughtseize and duress are probably the biggest issues.  Maybe throw in some Auramancers for recursion?

2.) I'm not limited to just attacking with one big dude.  Creatures are rather plentiful in this deck, and are also pretty easy to stack them in case of mass removal.  Also, saving the God's Willing for the right moment can be a life-saver.

3.) Nobody plays Orzhov in my local meta, so I have never had the displeasure of facing that particular critter.  That's also where the potential splash comes into play, so I have more options (at least in the sideboard).  At this moment, I'm thinking red is the way to go for Boros Charm, Chained to the Rocks, and some burn in the sideboard for this kind of problem.

drock007 wrote:

Splashing red for Boros Charm to protect your heavy investment in the board state is probably a must.  Keep in mind Boros Charm gives all of your permanents indestructible not just your creatures.  Obviously Boros Charm's other options give you some utility to maybe close out a game with doublestrike or doing 4 damage to the face.

While you're splashing red, you also might want to add something like Messenger's Speed so that you can give your Ethereal Armor buffed guy some trample without having to also splash green for something like Ghor-clan Rampager or Unflinching Courage.

Trample will probably end up being pretty critical because your enchant strategy is a Mid-Range one.  What else comes out in the Mid-Range?  Tokens.  Via Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Xenagos, the Reveler, or Master of Waves.

Without trample your Boros Reckoner with Ethereal Armor who is now hopefully huge with first strike is rendered useless when one of those threats hits the board.  He won't even take damage to use his triggered ability because of first strike.

Also splashing red (adding mountains) lets you play Chained to the Rocks for some much needed removal against major creature threats.  It also is an enchantment, helping to fuel your overall strategy.

I think you pretty much sold me on a red splash.  It doesn't hurt that I already have the temples and shocks in boros colors, either.

mooniy wrote:
drgolovacroxby wrote:
mooniy wrote:

My friend recently organized his collection and has approximately 200 Zendikar lands (195 at last tally). Some have sentimental value, but he might be interested in trading you the rest. I'll get back to you with details! Which ones do you want most?

I'd also be willing to trade for pretty much any or all of those.

Great! You seem to have a pretty significant trade list, is it up to date? I'll show the list to my friend this week and see how he feels about trading away some ol' lands.

My list should be spot on.  Shoot me a trade if he sees anything. smile

mooniy wrote:

My friend recently organized his collection and has approximately 200 Zendikar lands (195 at last tally). Some have sentimental value, but he might be interested in trading you the rest. I'll get back to you with details! Which ones do you want most?

I'd also be willing to trade for pretty much any or all of those.

I haven't really seen this idea posted around, so maybe y'all can help me flesh it out.

Note, I haven't actually built this deck yet - just something I'm toying with.

The basic idea is to utilize enchantment creatures to make Sphere of Safety and Etherial Armor really do work.  Here's the basics of what I've thought of.

4x Hopeful Eidolon
4x Precinct Captain
4x Heliod's Emissary
4x Observant Alseid
4x Etherial Armor
4x Sphere of Safety
4x Boros Reckoner
2x Heliod, God of the Sun
2x Blind Obedience
2x Heliod's Spear
3x God's Willing
23x Plains
