(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I indeed have it unchecked.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

It's incorrect because it lists the maximum you need in all decks. So if you have a playset in 2 different decks. It will list 8 cards.

Hence there is no need to assume you are willing to use the same card in multiple decks. Or it should just say 4 max (because the playset is used in multiple decks)


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

There is a contradiction in the following statement.

The tradelist decklist count says.

How many cards you need in ALL decks (same for built and ideas) (The maximum count from any of your decks - it assumes you are willing to use the same card in multiple decks.)

I +1 that! big_smile.

Yay for mobile!


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


I think It's quite obvious you'd want to do this within your deck. That's where you have the information available big_smile.
We probably didn't mention it because we assumed everyone knew that's where we wanted the feature (seeing you change deck type inside your deck)


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

To further elaborate on this.

I have 8 Lightning Bolts because I have 4 of them in 2 decks. The autotrade adds 4 cards to my tradelist because It thinks I'm changing them from deck to deck.
If I manually change the number to 0 in my tradelist. The autotrade will change it back to 4 withing a few seconds.

Thus rendering the autotrade feature kinda useless as it will possibly create incorrect trade proposals and possibly overlooking and accepting a trade you cannot make.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Good point Sebi.

I don't know how complicated it will be to do what Swordfisher is suggesting.

Maybe a checkmark that changes between true or false?
Checked = Strict
Unchecked = False

This for each card ofcourse.



(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yes I completely agree with this. This is exactly what I'm missing.

This would also get rid of allot of auto trade conflicts.
3 deck types would be best.
- Built deck strict (don't switch cards)
- Built deck relaxed (assumes that you switch cards)
- Idea deck (idea deck)

This way you can choose per deck how you want the counters do work.

I +1 The idea of message centre


I've got some feature requests that would help make this website more and more usable.

My current feedback.

  • The card database works at a tremendous speed. Love it!

  • Very modern look to everything. Easy to learn!

  • Knowing what others need and have is being told atomically, Wonderfull

What I deeply miss:

  • Different currencies, This is a website that works all over the world. The thing is, not the entire world works with dollars as a currency. The Euro '€' for example is large to. Makes this website more applicable for users outside America.

  • Items / page should be adjustable, I like to have loads of things on 1 page so I can keep scrolling and don't have to click that often

  • A mailbox, This way I can see the messages I've send and received. Super useful. Something with notifications as an add-on.

  • Deck rating and reputation. As Deckbox is a very useful website and fun to use. It misses allot of components for a good 'Deck Reviewer' website, Some people use it for inventory and trading. But some (like me) use it for that and in addition like to see other people's deck, command / rate, give feedback / suggestions. Grow a reputation for each good feedback given (or negative).
    This should be supported by a webpage for decks only, featured decks (earn a buck for your maintenance costs).
    Top decks, most viewed, most commented. Everything that would make the deck viewing more appealing.

Thank you for reading. If required I could explain everything in ultra detail.
Bram Bertels