Topic: Number of counter

In the inventory there is a counter, that shows the highest number of copies of a card one is using in the built decks (and the deck ideas). So, if I have two decks: One has 4 copies of card A and the second one 3 of card A 0 -> Therefore this number will be 4, because the counter assumes I want to change all my cards, every time I play with a different deck. For me another counter would be much more interessting: How many copies of a card I need for all my decks (This would be 7 in my example).

Re: Number of counter

Yes I completely agree with this. This is exactly what I'm missing.

This would also get rid of allot of auto trade conflicts.
3 deck types would be best.
- Built deck strict (don't switch cards)
- Built deck relaxed (assumes that you switch cards)
- Idea deck (idea deck)

This way you can choose per deck how you want the counters do work.

Re: Number of counter

I agree.

Furthermore, this will help one "find" missing cards - so instead of having to go through all decks to find if the card is used elsewhere, it will be shown that one uses 8 cards in total across all decks, and not just 4 because both decks has 4.

Another suggestion would be to always show the amount of cards used across all decks (total amount)

Very good suggestion!

Re: Number of counter

The ideea of a 'strict' and 'relaxed' built deck sounds pretty cool, but I think some people make the distinction based on the cards themselves, not so much on the deck.

For example they might be willing to have 8 copies of a cheap common, but want to switch fetchlands between decks.

Re: Number of counter

I guess the card in the inventory could have a 'strict' or 'relaxed' property, strict would not allow them to be counted for all decks, and relaxed would allow them to count for all decks ?

Re: Number of counter

Good point Sebi.

I don't know how complicated it will be to do what Swordfisher is suggesting.

Maybe a checkmark that changes between true or false?
Checked = Strict
Unchecked = False

This for each card ofcourse.


Last edited by Oreios (2015-03-16 13:13:57)

Re: Number of counter

To further elaborate on this.

I have 8 Lightning Bolts because I have 4 of them in 2 decks. The autotrade adds 4 cards to my tradelist because It thinks I'm changing them from deck to deck.
If I manually change the number to 0 in my tradelist. The autotrade will change it back to 4 withing a few seconds.

Thus rendering the autotrade feature kinda useless as it will possibly create incorrect trade proposals and possibly overlooking and accepting a trade you cannot make.

Last edited by Oreios (2015-03-16 13:23:56)

Re: Number of counter

I think  the strict/relaxed idea is a nice one. But maybe it would be easier to use, if this marking of the cards happened for the cards in a deck instead of in the inventory.

Re: Number of counter


I think It's quite obvious you'd want to do this within your deck. That's where you have the information available big_smile.
We probably didn't mention it because we assumed everyone knew that's where we wanted the feature (seeing you change deck type inside your deck)

Re: Number of counter

Good points. Will be looking at finding a solution for this soon.