Are there certain APAC and Euro lands that you're looking for?

Title says it all, I'm looking for onslaught flooded strands for modern, propose a trade if you're interested in something on my list.


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

not sure what you're looking for, but check out my list and start a trade if you see something.

Is there any way to make use of the important cards feature anymore? The interesting cards feature is nice, but I'm not always wanting to trade for everything on my wishlist. I'd love to be able to focus that by checking important cards again. Any hope for that in the near future?

bump. only need 4 mutavaults and an urborg.

math_ninja wrote:

Do you need thoughtseize?

nope, i'd love to trade for a set of lorwyn thoughtseizes if you have them though.

title says it all. if you have mono black devotion for trade, check out my list and propose something.


Hey all, check out my tradelist, propose something if you see something you'd like.



W: to upgrade UWR cards in modern and pick up a few extra cards i need. full art helixes, mana leaks, celestial purge, original shocks (a fountain, a foundry, 2 vents), and some other stuff. and if you don't have uwr stuff, but are interested in anything on my list, start up a trade.

i'm looking to pick up full art mana leaks, lightning helixes, and electrolyzes. and i need the original printing shocks for this deck. anything on my tradelist is up for grabs. shoot me an offer and let's try to work something out.

also interested in other stuff from my wishlist if you don't have these specifics.


Hey all, I'm looking to finish up a couple modern decks. I need cards on my wishlist, feel free to ignore the edh stuff. If you see something you want, open a trade and we can work something out.

Seamless wrote:

I have a NM MMA Cryptic for trade. Looking for a LotV, Is there anything you're looking for to make the difference?

Sorry, I'm not interested in the MMA. Thanks for looking though.

Themaddhatter2304 wrote:

I'm interested in your marsh flats, verdant catacombs and ftv maze of ith...take a look at my list and let me know if you see anything

Sorry, I don't see anything that I'm really interested in.

Ravnica Bob, I should mark that, but instead I just answer the question every time someone is interested.

Start up a trade if you see anything on my list you're interested in.

bump. still looking for more trades. got quite a few going, would like to have a few more.

got some trades in the works, but nothing that involves me getting a v clique. i've got a lot of other wants too, so check out my list and propose a trade.

torgu wrote:

Any interest in a foil Geist?

Yup. open up a trade and we can talk.

I'm also looking for other stuff on my wishlist, but mostly for these right now. Open up a trade or respond here. I'd love to get some trades done.

BUMP. Also have Lil of the veil for trade.

Title basically says it all. If my wishlist has a specific edition, foil, or whatever, then I want exactly that. Open up a trade or respond here if you're interested.