disregard, figured it out.. had duplicate sections of same cards and didnt notice until looking closely.


I exported my card set, removed only some items. When i import it now it says 2 Ral Zarek's for example but it shouldnt. See attached.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

how can i take, say everything from my owned "2013 core set" and "innistrad" for example, and set them all to "tradelist" in such a way that the actual card edition can identified too without increasing my card inventory count?

i want to mass tag my actual inventory cards as for trade.

right now, the closest thing i can do is do a print, copy/paste the list, but that doesnt reflect the editions nor does it link to my inventory count itself, instead it adds to my inventory an unidentified edition item.

1. is there a way in the tradelist to just have it add every card i have in my wishlist, that the other person has for trade, to be inserted automatically or with one click?

2. is there a way to identify the nearest people with the cards in my wishlist, sort of automatically? it would be really cool to click a button and have it find the nearest people with each card i need in order from nearest to furthest until all my cards are found. feature requets maybe? i bet people would LOVE this.

hi is there a way to select a full set of cards, say "innistrad" from my inventory and add it to the tradelist, including foil status?

also, what if i wanted like innistrad and avacyn restored to add in mass to tradelist so the list woudl import editions too?

TyWooOneTime wrote:
MTGStuff wrote:

If decks are to be used, would removing the deck's also remove from inventory? That is one of the big goals. If i get rid of 3000 cards then i want to quickly wipe them from my deckbox inventory. Im happy to do this via deck if it is possible but i think decks are just linked to inventories only. Like a reflection of a subset of an inventory. IF you could make that reflection actually remove inventory data with maybe a button that says delete deck and related inventory items, it may work.

Problem with decks, load a 3000-5000 card deck once. Probably will crash Chrome on you. Inventories do not have this problem as they are limited to a subset of cards with a paging mechanism .You would need to implement a paging mechanism for decks then. maybe say, if deck is > 200, implement paging. Or go with my inventory approach/request.

Not worried about price history myself, though i could see it being useful. To me its a lower priority.

So first off, when you add a card to a deck, it does not add it to your inventory.  It will cross-check with your inventory, but will list things that aren't present in your inventory as being missing and then calculate the cost of cards yet to be obtained (probably part of why it would take so long to load).  However, if you're going to be using the trading options on the site here, you have to list the cards in either your inventory or tradelist for it to even allow you to enter them into the trade field - otherwise it just doesn't find the cards.  So to that end, perhaps you could just work things out with your trading partners that they would receive a particular section of the decklist or an entire decklist worth of cards.  It would appear to be them trading for nothing to any outside observer, but a perusal of the chat box would reveal that you're giving a link and whatnot.

I realize this isn't an ideal solution; however, the site is free and you really should encourage your friends to just join on their own if they're looking to be moving a 3000-5000 card collection (I know I certainly wouldn't be THAT charitable to catalog, enter, and then trade something that substantial).  Otherwise, you could easily just create separate accounts for the inventories (which is what you're doing at the moment I assume from the two different SNs for the same person).  You would likely run into issues with not having enough rep to really do trades at that point, but then again, if you can link them to the accounts from your MAIN account that is accumulating rep, then I would imagine you can do something similar to what I suggest above with the decklists, which then leaves you in the exact same place.

Ultimately, I guess I could see the need for "multiple" inventories, but I would argue that the overwhelming majority of the users here would never use the function as they're not looking to move such large collections for friends or anything of that sort.

Thank you for your feedback and thoughts. Not all of your users are in for a "rep". Your site is great, I love it, and it provides for useful tools to me within the community of this web site as well as outside of the website (outside of my rep within). It would be hard to draw the attention I suppose of the community at deckbox to cast a vote or chime in but I would think such an approach would be the best to see if this proposal of mine has more merit or less merit (as you implied at the end of your statement).

Do you have polls? Perhaps a poll may increase the demand. Lots of people dont speak out or have time to, I enjoy giving back to the site in any way i can. Even if it results in the denial of a feature request.

example: Multiple Inventories? (yes/no)

Trading vs personal purposes.

Inventory 1 - Trading Lot 1
A separate inventory from the wishlist or trade list. Quickly erasable would be helpful too. (i noticed on inventories that it is not so easy to wipe all cards but in this use case it would be nice, like erasing a deck even). This lot is tracked separately to make sure value is obtained from what is in it versus original trades or costs.

Inventory 2 - Trading Lot 2
Same thins as #1 but a different lot.

Inventory 3 - Trading Lot 3.
Same thing as #1 but a different lot (e.g. maybe selling a friends lot here, dont want to mix with personal stuff)

Inventory 4 - Personal Lot
Used to personal set that is actively being used and no intentions to sell or manage separately.

is this possible now?

the ability to change the display price in inventory or in decks, to the low, median, or high price. it could default to the median as you have it but letting people switch would be great.

just a switch on the data already provided via api's right?


can we setup multiple inventories? 2+ would be nice.

current import is great but seems to be limited to card count and card name?

the export feature can dump a bunch of good info, like editon, condition, language, count, etc.

it would be great to be able to export one inventory and import it into another without having to correct edition, language, etc that was mass applied from basic import.

or is this already possible?


Do the stores typically charge TCD median price or someones median price? Or perhaps they are slightly less, maybe 95% or slightly more? I'm brand new so still learning the game of finance on this so I really appreciate feedback.

Thanks HikingStick. That is a good all around summary.

I noticed that the "low" price on deckbox (the low from tcgplayer?) seem to represent what the cards are currently being sold on the low cost side if lightly played or better. What determines mid and high? Just trying to understand those better because sometimes I click see all for sale on tcg for this card and see varying information.

Forgive me if there is a help page about this somewhere. I'll read that if i find it shortly.

For example, say a card is worth $1.00 based off of lightly played or near mint or something. Now someone is selling it on ebay or craigslist. What do people believe is common fair value:

a - the cards regular going price from star city or tcg? (e.g. 1.00)
b - a discount of some percentage (e.g. 15% or 30% off) (so .85 or .70)
c - something else?

I know there are various things impacting prices such as rarity, bulk selling, etc etc. What do people typically aim to get out of the TCg or star city value of their cards selling online in mass or selectively typically?

I'm sure this probably has been requested before but is there an option to get card values from Star City? One could pick between TCG player or star city, or maybe even other sources.

even better, a 2nd level implementation to pull the average (mid) or general average price from the multiple sources that get implemented?

So I finally played my 1st ever game of magic with my own cards against my nephew who is very experienced. Yes, got my a$$ kicked.

So he had decks he referred to as: izzet, combo elves, dredge, mono red....

These I guess are known deck types. Are there any web sites that list these specific deck types, how to build them, and what their weaknesses are so if I knew his meta game I could stand a chance?

The combo elves got to a point of basically infinite mana, infinite attack powe due to the literal text of some cards which are likely banned in any tournament.

Another deck also had some cards like "blood chief ascension / mindcrash or mindcramp or something" which go into an endless loop when used together because of the literal text , thus resulting in the entire table dying lol.

Where are decks like these described? Are there weaknesses described? I have a lot of work to do.

60 swamps would make an EDH deck right?

I think i need to cut some stuff to keep near 60 cards? but a lot of my cards generate mana, so not sure what to do.

i havent added swamps yet, wondered how many to add with factoring in my mana generating items.


Still awaiting to play my first ever game tonight hehe. I had just a few cards and now i have many more so I am building my first black only deck with my selection of cards.. I had a hard time removing about 150 cards i wanted to play to get to 53 cards. Prob still need to remove more?

Can someone look at this deck and tell me how many lands i may need? Note i have a bunch of cards that will deliver mana to me without lands. So maybe i dont need too many?

This deck ended up being a life sucking, life adding, card removing, mana building type of black deck.

Any tips appreciated, feel free to scan the library of mine if i should be doing something else?

The way i see it now, i have so much mana building stuff that i can cast sorcery spells to help kill my opponent but i need lands for the few creatures i have (mostly larger).



Is there a way to sort the inventory by "count"? For example, asc, and desc?

A use case would be wanting to sort by desc count to identify cards one has a lot of to put onto a tradelist more quickly instead of sifting through 50 pages.

If not, this is a feature request please. If so, what am I missing? wink

excellent points.

Petition complete, heh. wink


1. code could be written to ping a page like this: http://www.wizards.com/Magic/TCG/Articl … llproducts

2. then scan the table for the edition names that are "not" already in the list on deckbox..

3. then display icons for those undefined gatherer editions

4. and display a blank template for the "unidentified gatherer card" when hovered or shown in deckbox widgets. (e.g. the back of the card)


from a specific page, list, or API? i can investigate as to why they dont list it (and others) to help the purpose of this site. i like this site a lot and want to improve it where we can.

I bought a lot of cards and have this card in there but do not see the expansion pack to select it with? Is it not a real card or something?

http://sales.starcitygames.com/carddisp … duct=32122

http://sales.starcitygames.com/carddisp … duct=18221

I love this site more and more as I continue to use it! One cool thing would be to show the value of the cards as they are being added to inventories. So when you identify a card to add, then correct its edition, it also shows you the value of the card itself before you hit apply or while that card is in focus in the adding widget.

Still learning the site, may have missed this somewhere? is there any widget to track win/loss for a given deck? Maybe even win/loss and notes for each win or loss (eg, lost to a blue/white deck).

If not, would be a nice little bonus feature. basic but interesting.

Thanks for your feedback too Nighthawk.