(1 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

That's it! Someone offered me to buy my entire collection and I accepted.

I would like to thanks every buyer. After 300 transactions with 100% rating, I am satisfied with my experience.

I would like to personally Thanks Seby for the site. I hope everything is going well and that you still enjoy doing this.

Take care all! Long live Deckbox!



(1 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

You guys still have 1 week to get the discount!



(1 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Hello everyone,

I am one of the biggest seller on deckbox and to celebrate, I will offer a 10% dsicount on any order above 11.1$ (to get down to 10$ which is my minimal order).
To receive your 10% reduction, juste create an order and in the comment section: Ask for the reduction!!!
This offer is from March 5th to March 16th!

Cheers and Enjoy deckbox!

Finally, I got a :
Ice Age
4th edition

All in NM. I also Have 2 old boxes where you could buy Revised "starter kit".

Just send me an offer by PM.


I might have some old one from Revised, possibly Ice Age.

Ill check and let you know.

Did you get my reply or I felt into your junkmail?

Hello there Scott,

I am the top Canadian seller (I sell also to USA) and second individual seller on deckbox. I have been selling on deckbox for more than 2 years now with a total of 258 transactions. If you have any questions, just sent them to me. Ill do my best to answer them.

Good luck in selling your collection!


Only 1 week remaining! A few customers used the discount so far!

Hello Everyone,

I have been selling MTG cards on deckbox for more than 1.5 years. Over the year, I conducted nearly 200 transaction with a 100% satisfaction rating. I am now ranked #1 individual Canadian sellers on deckbox market (https://deckbox.org/market/top_sellers) and third more important individual sellers in the word.

I couldn't achieve this without all the customers who bought cards from me!!!!

To thanks all those wonderful buyers, I will offer a 10% discount to any individual who already ordered from me in the past (before January 17th). To all the others, you can still buy cards from me. I will reconduct this promotion in the future wink

This offer will last from January 17th 2017 until January 27th 2017.
Specify this offer BEFORE sending payment.
Kind regards


After testing this system for quite sometimes, I must say that a few problem unfolded.

I setted my shipping option as follow:
10$ order minimum: USA shipping is 2$ and Canada shipping is 1.25$
Adding cards to a previously paid but NOT shipped order: 0$ for both.
I added this option in response to comment you wrote in the "my seller account":

You can use the minimum order value to offer free/cheaper shipping options for larger orders. We strongly suggest that you make sure you keep at least one shipping option that can be used for even the smallest of orders (i.e. min value = $0.00). You can set this a bit higher, to cover paypal / deckbox / shipping / handling fees. The absence of such an option will cause some cards in your inventory to appear not shippable, and your cards to not be found by buyers through the Shopping Assistant / Optimizer.

Now, what happened 4 times so far in the past 3 weeks, people buy cards with the total amount being under 10$. Since the only option that appear is: Adding cards to a previously paid but NOT shipped order, they select it and pay for the order. As you can understand, this isn't the correct shipping option. I am not offering free shipping. I guess people just don't read or don't look at my description page.

However, I don't have anything to suggest to rectify the situation. I can't make people more carreful about reading my description/rules! Well, I guess, would it be possible to add a button/tab/advertissement/something like:

Thanks Sebi, just throwing my 3 weeks experience with the new shipping option...

Thanks Sebi! I was sooooooo waiting for this!


(0 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Hello everyone,

It is now time to sell most of my collection. I play less and less every year and I feel like its a good time.

I have thousands of cards worth thousands of dollar to sell. I am negociable on the price. The more you buy, the better I can make you a deal.

Also, I have tons of cards that aren't listed with a price, Just ask me and Ill make you a deal.

42 duals lands,
2 karakas,
candelebra of tawnos,
4 FoW
3 wastelands,



(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thanks Sebi! Never knew I could do that.

<------------ idiot wink


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hello Sebi,

When I try to export my inventory, the .CSV files is terrible. Everything goes into the first colomn and looks like this:

Count,Tradelist Count,Name,Edition,Card Number,Condition,Language,Foil,Signed,Artist Proof,Altered Art,Misprint,Promo,Textless,My Price,Rarity
2,0,Academy Ruins,Modern Masters,219,Near Mint,English,,,,,,,,,Rare

Is it possible that every item goes into different colomn?

I am using windows 7 with Excel 2013.



(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yeah, I know that 7th edition foil are pretty rare. But a 8th edition storm crow? Hell, I can trade the cards for a 20$ cards anytime!


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

ok WTF wink
Can anyone explain me why that card is so high in price?


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Storm crow foil 8th edition at 38$ wink

Thanks Sebi!

I understand everything that was written above.
I would like to take the time to thanks SEBI for all the hard work.

I strongly believe that making a survey about what people would like to pay for the premium services would be appropriate.
Also, personnally, I don't need a premium service. However, I would gladly make a donation to deckbox if a "donate" button existed....

Good luck for the futur!


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hello there,

Its very usefull for a trader to quickly know the user trade score besides his name in the profile page. However, as we are all lazy, we do not usually go check every comments regarding the trader (clicking on the number/green arrow for more detail) . It would be VERY interesting to have more information on the profile page such as:
% of positive trade
number of negative trade (Like a RED arrow and a number beside it).

What do you thinnk?


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Foil shard voley is 500 $ smile


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Well, sincerely, I have severals HUNDREDS of missprice.

Bommerang legend 110$
Fireball commander 2013 at 115$.
izzet boilworker foil at 99$....
golgari grave-troll (49.99$)
grave-shell scarab (49.99$)

and the list will never end. I think seriosusly that you shouldn't do this manually because there are too many mistakes...

I am pretty certain youll find a better way to set all those price than amazon!

Best of luck to you Sebi!

Hello everyone,

I am looking of a copy of a reflecting pool, a scroll rack as well as a foil copy of the RtR shocklands (preference for shocklands including U).


Hello everyone,

I have 2 rishadan's port that I would like to trade. I am interested in revised dual lands and other high value cards.

I know I have a small wishlist, but I am always looking for new cards!

Thanks for looking!


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hello, First I want to say thanks for all the developper for this wonderfull site!

I tried to find somewhere on the site about the price updating. I noticed that sometimes, it takes a few days for the price to update in my collection.

Is it supposed to be a real time price update? If not, how many time a day it is updated and when during the day?

Sometimes, you can conduct a trade without knowing that the card spiked in price because of that delay.

Thanks all!

Hello everyone,

I am wondering if any of you had problem with package, what appears to be, held at the border between Canada and USA?

I have completed a trade on mid december and shipped with a tracking number to the USA. It is said that it is at the JFK airport since December 15th and it doesn't look like its moving. I have no idea if its being "held" or just lost at the JFK airport.....

Is there anyone with a similar situation?

What can I do about it?

thanks everyone