(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Thanks for the help, I wanted something that was more tempo and not full control or aggro, soo idk?

I currently am running this list for UWr Control. Anything that you see that could make it better?

Ok so I have a blue green list with prime speaker zegana as the commander. Its a modified version of the deck I use. I also have a mono black edh with mikaeus as the general. Yay zombie tribal. I will upload the lists tomorrow after I finish getting them on deckbox. I'm still in need of a third. So if you pick a general or a color combo I can make it.

Ok, so I will have three decks for you in a few days. I need to look at what I have which can take a bit. Umm so what I'm probably going to give you is a mono black zombie. A blue green deck, and either a white,red,or white/red deck. Just to cover all colors in a game and give you some that you like.

I love this challenge. I have made close to 400 edh decks. But have obviously not uploaded all of them. To stay budget I would suggest the following, avoid more than 2 color decks, mono colored is probably better
it saves money on the mana base
as well if I may ask, what colors do you and your friends prefer to play. If your looking to make 3 new decks mind as well play your favorite color combination. If you get back to me with the colors they like I'm more than sure I've got a budget deck that would suit your bill here.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hmm... I do kinda like that idea. I might move bloodmoon to the side board. I like the disruption that it has.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)


A few words of advice. Friends don't let friends play mill.


(30 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)

Would love to get the taiga


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Here is an updated list. Just add four flame slash to the sideboard. It wouldn't let me add them for some reason but that's the other four cards in the sideboard.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Yes shaman does a similar effect, it however does not shock creatures. Which I see as being an upside to keeping the lava mancer


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Ok, so say I take the lava mancer out what do I replace with?


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Ok, but for the drs it has to have a certain color mana to do the same thing. It as well has to take two instant \ sorceries to do the effect. Is it still worth trading out? Like I see where keldon maurader or mogg war Marshall are good. But that I felt was more of a mid range type build.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)



(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

im looking for ways to improve this deck and make it run better for the modern format.


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)



(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Glad to help. Hey if you happen to have any cards on my pauper cube list your willing to trade... Please mssg me


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Ok well think of it this way, if you start to simulate the pack breakdown then you start to do the following things.
1. You create a cube with little variance. So say you have 10 players on average, then you have 30 packs and only 30 rares/mythics. So you will constantly be getting the same pack session after session and the cube becomes boring.
2. The prep time increased drastically. I'm not kidding here I tried a cube with pack breakdown and prep time on average was about 1 hour just to sort and shuffle. Then add about another half an hour to deal and it just gets way tooo long.

further more, the cube format was designed as a singleton format. So most every cube is a singleton cube.
I'm also not sure what you mean by game setup being different. Other than the prep, everyone still gets 3 15 card boosters and drafts the same.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

ok so I would like t first say congrats on your move towards creating a cube. I my self have made 3 and am working on my 4th. so I hope that  can at least point you away from making any mistakes that I did in my early cubes. from your post it sounds like your wanting to draft the rtr block over and over again. so for theme (block)cubes I sudgest just taking 1 copy of each card from the block (so in your case about 500ish cards) and poof there ya go. that will support about 12 people an provide a great deal of variance with your cube. That really is the easiest and probably best way to do it. other wise you start to become more regulated in how your cube drafts if you try break packs by rarity.

so other than that here are some few tips that ive learned over the years of doing cubes.
1. sleeve your cube. if your going to take the time to make one and maintain it then sleeve it as well.
2. sleeve and pack lands. if your cube is sleeved then you need lands to play with. I sudgest for a 12 man cube about 65 of each land. you could probably cut it to 50. but I have ran out of lands with 65 of each.
3. take the time to shuffle it. nothing sucks more than getting the pack of 15 commons. when you first draft with it I sudgest this. sit every one at a table. split the cube by color (w,u,b,r,g,gold,split,artifact,lands,) plainswalkers go with their color. give each person a color and tell them to shuffle the pile. shuffle the nonbasic land and artifacts together and keep them separate. then with the other colors as people shuffle have them take half of their color and give it to another person. keep doing that until it is shuffled. I do this at the beginning of every session. it takes about 15 min but well worth it.
4. learn to deal your cube out. so after shuffling you should have two piles. the artifact/land and the everything else. for every pack I do 3 artifact land and 12 others. this means everyone has even shot at mana fixing which is crucial. I then lay thepacks out on the table and allow everyone to pick any3 they like (don't just simply give em to people. people like choices in the matter).
5. separate the basic land, nonbasic land and artifact out after you are done playing.
6. have fun

I hope this was of some help



(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I have in the past used vorel but it just never seemed that good. I like the ability zegana has to make absolute card advantage a threat through maro like creatures. As noted in the deck there are actually quite few creatures with 1/1 counters on them. Are there any spells you might suggest to help improve efficiency of the deck?


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

im looking to improve the deck and would like some advice
I use this in a play group that is very competitive and would like to improve how it plays.



(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

you might also want to try a set of aether vials


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)
