
A few trades trickled in last night. List updated! cool

Looking for odds and ends to complete my Cube. Feel free to post a comment if you have any of the cards but are unable to find anything on my tradelist. We might be able to work something out as I have a lot of inventory I don't make visible (Modern Eldrazi & Taxes, Merfolk, Burn, Legacy duals, etc)

High Priority:
Survival of the Fittest
Wheel of Fortune (REV)

Archangel Avacyn (SOI Prerelease)
Collective Brutality (EMN Prerelease)
Brainstorm (FNM)
Dragonlord Atarka (DTK Prerelease)
Faerie Conclave (Summer of Magic)
Fireblast (FNM)
Goblin Bombardment (FNM)
Harsh Mentor (AKH Prerelease)
Ravages of War (Judge)
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet (OGW Prerelease)
Noxious Gearhulk (KLD Prerelease)
Pia Nalaar (KLD Prerelease)
Ravages of War (Judge)
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon (Ugin's Fate)
Vendillion Clique (Judge)
Verdurous Gearhulk (KLD Prerelease)

Arbor Elf (WWK)
Brimaz, King of Oreskos
Coldsteel Heart (CSP)
Creeping Tar Pit
Fellwar Stone (9E)
Flame Slash (ROE)
Forsake the Worldly
Frantic Search
Jace Beleren (DD2)
Karn Liberated (NPH)
Prismatic Lens (TSP)
Purphoros, God of the Forge
Reflector Mage
Reveillark (MOR)
Scroll Rack (CMA)
Thragtusk (M13)
Whirler Rogue
Woodfall Primus (SHM)

Oh, wow. That's beautiful! I'm still interested. Thank you!

Hey there! Thanks for the spreadsheet. Do you intend to sell through Deckbox?

I'm interested in:
Treachery (Foil)
Grim Monolith (NM)
Volrath's Stronghold

Trading out of Constructed and trying to finish pimping out my Cube this year. Have sets of every fetch land, shocks, Snapcasters, Cryptics, and more. Mainly trying to trade fetches for their respective Expeditions. I also have 3 NM Revised Volcanic Islands for trade. More than willing to move these for the right trade.

Scalding Tarn
Marsh Flats
Verdant Catacombs
Flooded Strand
Polluted Delta

The like...

A lot of my cards aren't added right now as I use PucaTrade as my main form of trading. I mainly have lands added. More than willing to discuss offers for the right trades. Cheers.

JoeT08 wrote:

Is this post visible..sorry new to the site, just want to make sure it is working.

Sure is.

Title says it all. These are trading roughly 1:1 at the moment and all but my Foothills and Mires are ONS versions. Have plenty of other stuff available to help even out the trade.

sbirku wrote:

There is no direct way of sending a picture in deckbox, i usually use http://imgur.com/

Same here. Just upload them to an image hosting service of your choice and provide the user with an album/image link.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have 4 KTK Wooded Foothills I'd trade toward your Onslaught versions. I also have a GTC Stomping Ground I'd be willing to throw in as well.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Title says it all. I have NM sets of KTK Bloodstained Mires and Wooded Foothills I am look to trade for two copies of each of their ONS versions. Only looking to do fetch for fetch at the moment.


Definitely interested in two NM Wastelands. Offering $55 a piece. Let me know!

Just a heads up -- I saw that you didn't have a seller's account setup through Deckbox. I would recommend doing that first if you plan on selling cards through here.

Don't forget to enable your seller account if you're planning on selling through Deckbox.

You showed up in my search results.


(14 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Nevpicasso wrote:

For all of his talk, he is a scammer.  I am in the midst of a paypal claim with him right now for cards never sent.

Sorry to hear that. It doesn't surprise me to see he hasn't logged in since his last post in this thread.

Really surprised to see Comet Storm at mythic. It wasn't a good WWK mythic and I don't think it fits the slot any better here.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Any pictures of the foil Stoneforge Mystic?

Pack foil or pre-release?


For reference.


(14 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Stobbart wrote:

Again with the posting my photos without going through me or offerings
Chance to send you more photos

Why would you not want me to post the photos you provided?

Stobbart wrote:

...quite untasteful and a personality trait you could work on.

I'll start tomorrow.

Stobbart wrote:


You're welcome.


(14 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

I just find it odd that you, Stobbart, do not have any feedback for any previous trades or sales, your inventory does not reflect the quantities you're posting, and the quality of photos you've provided are indicative of someone not familiar with trading or selling.

For anyone that'd like to see the photos Stobbart provided, I've uploaded them to an Imgur album here: http://imgur.com/a/FJTAA


(14 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Just a heads up -- Requested scans/photos of the Future Sight Tarmogoyfs and received really poor quality pictures of sleeved cards. When I asked for unsleeved pictures of the cards, I received two different pictures with the message:

"Here are the photos/scans I but on magic card market ages ago, the nature of different back grounds is because they were both placed on mkm at different times and sending you these just makes my life easier!"

The whole interaction just felt incredibly fishy. I'm not saying Stobbart is in fact trying to scam Deckbox users, but I am posting this information as advice to any users contemplating initiating a trade with Stobbart.



(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

What edition are the Llanowar Wastes and Caves of Koilos?