roxart wrote:

Could also just add the feature to make folders in your inventory, still counting the whole as 1 inventory but with subfolders ---> then i have a subfolder binders with binder 1  23 and boxes 1 2 3 and so on... pretty simple.... no need to have tags on a card (that takes a lot mor time when entering the cards....) just add them to a folder of your inventory and if changed switch folder, for cards in decks you have a folder "in deck" and add it to a decklist....

this is the only thing i miss here and the point why im looking for something else before i put a lot of work into this, unless there is  fast response to this post smile

I like this idea so long as when I'm viewing an inventory at a specific level I am viewing the entire inventory from that point and below.
So I can go to the top level and view ALL my cards and search for something specific and see which inventory it's in.
If I'm looking for something in my junk boxes I can navigate down to junk boxes folder and view just the cards in all the various junk boxes, search for a card and see which specific inventory or box it's actually located in.

My initial thought was you could even have multiple top level inventories for like a trade inventory and a non-trade inventory but really you could just separate that out at the second level. This is really flexible.

Next idea building on this would creating a way to alter the visibility of the various inventories like you can password protect your inventory now. So I could make my trade folder publicly visible but my non-trade folder password protected.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The casting cost for
The Ultimate Nightmare of Wizards of the Coast® Customer Service
is listed as XRR but should be XYZRR

Gotta say I'm disappointed. More so that we didn't know the idea of a monthly charge was shared with us much earlier and before it was implemented. Anyhow I think for what we get it's overpriced and while the premium account offers one or two features I would use it's not currently worth the price. I *might* consider it if it were a one time charge but whatever. Maybe $X for this feature and $Y for that feature.

Almundjoy wrote:

While I don't disagree with the need to put a paywall up for content in order to support you and the growth of the website; I think the sticker shock of the initial pay structure is going to discourage a lot of the community from subscribing to it.


NullParameter wrote:

And in response to to your now edited post, the only reason that I wouldn't stick around is exactly what I stated already, that I've been waiting in hopes for several features and been procrastinating on implementing my own personal inventory system for ages that I'd both (hopefully) get enjoyment from creating and get to use for free.  I'd still be here for trading because there isn't a better site for it, but it is hard to not think about the other parts of the site as essentially non-changing because I'll have to assume that most other new features of importance will likely be premium ones, so any new ideas I come up with to advance the site are basically dead in the water, at least to myself.

ditto again. I've made something similar in the past. When I began playing again and wanted this type of management system I went looking for better alternatives. This site proved to be cleaner than what I had made in the past. It didn't provide everything I wanted but it provides enough of what I'm looking for to be useful enough that I didn't have to make what I wanted. I joined and committed the time to put in my inventory in the hopes that what was missing would come eventually. I just didn't expect those features to cost money.

I really wish there was an open source alternative that I could contribute to and help develop features that are missing. Sadly when I went looking for these services last time such a program wasn't available.

I think moving forward I will start exporting my collection as I make changes to it just in case that feature finds its way behind the paywall.

sebi wrote:

I've thought a lot about tagging lately (and deck tags), and about the new flags that are needed (artist proof, misprint, altered, signed). We also need notes (public and private) and images (for scans).

The more I think about this, the more I feel adding everything will make things confusing in the interface. Filters for tags, saved searches, flags, notes etc.

One way I thought we could simplify everything would be:
  - have one field of public notes and one for private notes
  - only have 2 flags: foil and modifed. Where modified means any of signed, altered, misprint, etc etc.
  - otherwise all tagging and flagging can be done via hashtags in the notes field. E.g. "#misprint - miscut" or "#signed by artist at Worlds 2013"

Then users can flexibly tag and untag things without a complicated interface. I feel it would also be understandable, since everybody uses hashtags on social networks nowadays.

Private notes can also be used to tag things freely, like "#borrowed to mike. Otherwise belongs in #blue_box_basement".

What do you think?

I like the idea of replacing the flags with tags. Also replacing the tags with the # is good too. At the end of the day it's the same idea. If you look at one of my previous posts you could simply replace the {}'s with a # and bam same thing.

moxy wrote:

So combining these things together you might get something that looks like:
2 Thallid,  Fallen Empires, Played, English, {Deck:G FE Thallids} {Box 3} {Pic A}
1 Thallid,  Fallen Empires Played, English, {Deck:G FE Thallids} {Box 3} {Pic B}
1 Thallid,  Fallen Empires, Played, English, {Artist-Proof} {Binder Proofs}

I am assuming you will convert the existing flags into tags before removing them though. I wouldn't be to happy losing that information.

Putting the tags in a notes field via a # marker isn't a bad idea. I've not ever used this # system but it seems intuitive enough to figure out quickly.

As far as the search goes. Can there be a way to search across private and public notes for your cards at the same time? Maybe "Search in Public Comments", "Search in Private Comments", "Search in Public and Private Comments"

I'm taking the idea of additional inventories is right out? That still would be a great use at least to me.

For the deck tagging if the deck tagging is done by adding #deck_### what's stopping me from adding this tag to another card later through the notes interface in lieu of the deck building interface? What would happen in this case? Does that card get marked as being in that the deck? What if that card isn't in that deck list? Does removing that tag from a card remove it from the deck, what about the deck list? What if I manually add two different deck tags to a card is it now magically in two decks at once? What if I manually add a deck tag with a number that isn't in my list of decks?

Un-built deck lists are simply lists of cards and none of your cards in your collection have that tag?
Partially built are deck lists where some but not all the cards have a deck tag?
Does sideboard have to marked in use? I often use the sideboard as a list of potential cards to consider when building a deck. I often leave it when I'm done for the future if I want to modify the deck. I wouldn't want to consider those as being in the deck.

I think if you're going to do the deck tagging like this and put it in a user view-able / editable field you might want to make it friendlier. I am guessing the deck names have to be unique right now. Why not use the deck name instead of deck number? "#deck that blue deck some dude posted" is more understandable then "#deck_329285".

sebi wrote:

Also a point worth discussing is if you can tag a card as being in 2 decks at the same time... because in my mind that would not make sense. One of the decks has it actually in it, the other one does not... although it is listed in the decklist, the actual specific card is not there, so it should not be tagged I think.

I agree 100% with this. I feel a card can only be added to one deck at a time. Thus the questions of manually messing with the deck tags if they're in a user accessible field. I know others that will disagree with this though because they move cards between decks when they play but I really thing that wouldn't be the right thing to allow in an inventory management system.

sebi wrote:

In built decks we'd have some sort of smart way for each card to pick something from your inventory that can be used for it.
for ex, you have "2 Mountain" in your deck. You click somewhere and you see a list of all the exact mountains that you own in the inventory, and you can check which 2 of them are actually in this deck.

This will HAVE to be super slick. Right now it takes a decent amount of time for me to add new basic lands to my inventory. Enough that I've considered not tracking them in deckbox. I'm not blaming the program it could be my computer but it's an issue I deal with. I have so many of them it just takes a bit of time for it to load. I haven't even gotten around to splitting out the different pictures and as of right now I won't be doing that because of the time it takes for them to load. I cringe at the thought of being given a screen and waiting for all my mountain entries to load just to add that one extra land I want to add to the deck. Maybe load the first X newest or latest edition owned entries not in a deck and if you want more offer a search? This would probably give you the cards you want to add 99% of the time. Would probably also return all the cards you owned 99% of the time. But in the case of the land cards I always add the newer lands to the deck first and work back toward the older ones.

Mateframtg wrote:

What scares me, is the usability. If I have 200 Swamps same edition/language/conditions and in the same box. I'd prefer entering the information just once rather than 200. Also, when I look at my inventory, I'd like to see one line with 200 identical swamps rather than 200 identical lines. But this can be managed regardless the granularity of the database, I assume.

As for creating new inventory I don't see why it couldn't stay the way it is. If you tell it you have 200 of the same cards that could be entered as one record and managed as one record until one of those items changes. Or if it's not a single record there's no reason the computer can't automate the creation of 200 duplicate records.

As for displaying this is just as easy too. It would be handle by way of grouping statements in the back end. Anything that is sufficiently identical in the display can be grouped together and displayed as a single record.

sebi wrote:

First problem with the current system is that you cannot mark decks as being either "built" or "ideas".

A simple check box on the deck edit page would be enough to mark a deck as built or not. Just that a check box. Don't worry about verifying that all the cards are actually owned. See below...

sebi wrote:

If we did that, next issue would be that "built" decks should not contain generic cards like now, but specific cards, from your inventory, with exact printings & conditions etc. Since these cards are now part of your built decks, they should be visible as so in your inventory, and somehow be "separate" from your main collection. This makes working with these cards more difficult.

IMHO with us able to specify the condition and other markings of cards, the cards should have been individually addressable from the very start. Each row in the database should be considered a different card. You can do some DB tricks such as lumping "duplicate" cards into a single row and using a column that indicates the number of those duplicates but in the end each of those should be an individual card. If something happens to one of those (say I get one of my 12 copies signed) then when I go and update that card it would end up creating a new row in the DB indicating that the one that is signed is different from the other 11 because of the signature.

sebi wrote:

Some users will not want to trade out of their built decks, other will, this is one source of confusion, as we have to choose and design a way to interact between these built decks and your tradelist.

This is a users preference. The user should be smart enough, if they don't want to trade from their deck, to check the trade count when creating and/or editing a deck. Alternatively, I could see a tool provided that removes all cards in your decks from your trade list with the option  to choose only built, unbuilt, or all decks. I don't see why you would need to implement something to enforce this preference in the system. Seems like something a user could do themselves.

sebi wrote:

Furthermore, some people will have a set of Tarmogoyf, and will want to use it in 4 decks, without having to buy 16 Tarmogoyfs. Hence there would need to be a way to signify in these built decks that one of them actually has the goyfs, the other 3 decks just have proxies of them.

This actually requires no changes. A user can add a card to the deck that he doesn't own. You could allow a deck to be mark built even if not all the cards in that deck are owned. In this case the user would have one deck that would have 4 of the cards and they would be marked as "in use" with that particular deck. The other 3 decks would have 4 cards and they would simply show up as in the decklist count but there's no cards available to mark as "in use". When the user takes the deck apart that actually has those 4 cards in it he will be updating the deck in deckbox to signify that deck is no longer built. He would then go mark those 4 cards as being in the deck he actually put them in.

I could see an option available to "automatically assign unused cards to decks" where in if a lazy user in this case were to mark his first deck unbuilt and then go about his merry way the system would recognize that 3 other decks are "built" and use this card but that the card isn't marked "in use" in those decks. It would then pick one (which one doesn't really matter) and assign those 4 cards to that deck.  Not really the greatest solution to this problem but hey, it's a lazy user anyway.

scshunt wrote:

Mm... This is why I don't think that we should require distinct inventories,

Distinct inventories as I have envisioned them have no bearing on this at all. Being distinct sets there would not be any mixing of the cards between the inventories, EVER. You would never have a deck with cards made from both inventories. Just wouldn't happen. The entire purpose of having inventories separated at such a high level is to indicate their unique quality that they NEVER EVER mix. Think of each inventory as a different deckbox user account. Your cards and my cards never mix, thus one inventory and a second inventory will never mix. A card would only exist in one and only one inventory at a time ever, and an inventory would have its own set of unique tags, decks, lists, etc. that is not shared with any other inventory.

scshunt wrote:

but just allow tags that a card may have one or more of. You can then represent a deck as a specific kind of tag.

Now tagging, yes tagging would allow a cards to mix and belong to multiple tags at a single time.
This is essentially what the decks are today. Sadly their hierarchical nature today prevents them from being in multiple groupings. When they truly move to being tags we could put a single instance of a deck in multiple groupings (folders).

scshunt wrote:

If a player doesn't want to trade his deck cards, he can do a search for cards tagged with deck tags and remove them from his tradelist. If you have a single copy of a card that you move between decks, tag that copy with multiple deck tags.

Precisely, even if the decks aren't implemented as tags allowing a search of "cards in decks" (with an option of built, unbuilt) might even suffice in lieu of the tool I spoke of above.

scshunt wrote:

This could theoretically be different from the decklist feature, but to me dealing with that seems straightforward. Have columns "Number on decklist" and "Number in deck" on the deck view; the former is the number of cards you have on the list, the latter is the cards actually tagged with the deck's tag. If you click the number in deck, you get the popup window for that card, so that you can edit it.

Well put.

scshunt wrote:

This also seamlessly allows for a card to be in the deck but not on the decklist. This is true for one of my Commander decks; it has several placeholders that don't appear on the "official" list but are physically in the deck.

This I disagree with. The point of all this is to indicate where your cards physically reside. If they're in your deck they should be marked as in your deck. If they're in your collection they should be marked as in your collection. Why would you possibly want to mark something as in your collection if it is actually in your deck? The only reason I see here is being able to pass around a bogus decklist to friends so they don't really know what you're playing.

On second thought I could see you having an "official" decklist maybe via net decking that lists cards that should be in the deck you don't own and your "place holders" are your substitutes for those cards until you can acquire them. You want to keep the "official" decklist so you remember what cards are supposed to be in the deck but you also want to know what cards are actually physically in your deck. The more correct way to go about this would be having two decklists. The "official" decklist the unchanged one marked as unbuilt and a second decklist that includes the cards you actually put in your deck and it would be marked as built. You still have your reference and you now have an accurate representation of where your cards are at.

That said as above you could have something in your deck list that isn't in your collection. It would seem strange to me and it would probably break the deck tools to allow you to set the decklist number to 0 in the deck editor and to set the "number in deck" to a >0 number. If it were me doing this I would have a constraint placed on the decklist column that it would always be >= to the number in deck column. This would help ensure the user is marking this where they physically are.

scshunt wrote:

Privacy settings should allow a player to display publicly only the decklist, the number of each card in the deck, or the specific versions of each card in the deck.

I'm all up for greater privacy filters. I like this idea. Might also add a filter for built/unbuilt settings. If I'm working on some secret tech maybe I don't want to share it before it's time. If you end up adding a built/unbuilt check box could probably add a check box for visible. This way if a user wanted to filter privacy at the deck levels he could.

Chaim wrote:

I keep a few pretty distinct collections (in different places) and sometimes would want to see if I have something at all or not.

Would using the Card Database to search for what you're looking for and the My collection tab on the card details suggestion mentioned previously not suffice for this?

scshunt wrote:

Also I can't disagree more with anyone saying that you shouldn't be able to view all your cards from different inventories at once. That's my #1 use case: I want to know all the cards of something that I own, regardless of where they are.

Maybe a good comparison is thinking of inventories as separating your cards in the same way another account separates the cards in that account from the cards yours. You wouldn't look at a listing of your cards mixed with my cards. They're distinct entities. The only way our inventories would ever really interact with one another is through some sort of trade or buy/sell transaction. Moving a card from one of our inventories into the other inventory.

If you have a collection of cards you want to see grouped together for some reason using tags would likely be a better solution.

If you have a collection of cards you keep *strictly* separate then inventories would be better.

vikirosen wrote:

I know that the Inventory button is intended to show every card in my collection, but I keep my Rebecca Guay collection strictly separate from all my other cards, so when I search through my Inventory I would prefer not to see those at all, by default, with the option, of course, of making them visible if need be.

moxy wrote:

if you manage a personal inventory and a community inventory. This is for groupings of cards that won't intermingle with one another.

Both examples of using inventories to *strictly* separate cards. Neither of these situations would you want to see both sets of cards together at once as a whole.

What situation would you want to group and see various inventories listed together where using tags for such groupings would be sub-optimal?

Chaim wrote:

Okay, I was looking at it from a slightly different viewpoint. But I still think that the option should be available. I would want the option to look one place and see if I have the card at all.

To solve this issue I would use the "Card Database" to search for a card. Click the card. On the "My Collection" tab you would see your various inventories listed that the card is in.

For instance I have a couple Abandon Hope. I might see:

Inventory: My Collection
 - Tempest,   Excellent,   English,   1,   {Some tag}

Inventory: University Community Pot
 - Tempest,   Played,      English,   2,   {On Loan, Jeff}
Chaim wrote:
Moxy wrote:

Hmm, photo notes/attachments anyone?

This smells of "then we're going to need a bigger server" to me.

Yes it does but it was said more tongue in cheek than as a real suggestion. Maybe there could be a way to tie it into our dropbox accounts? Although if there were ever some sort of desktop or paid version of deckbox it would be an excellent added feature.  Either way this would be for another thread.

I thought I read something last night about assigning tags or moving cards between inventories in bulk, but don't see it today. This would be a really nifty feature though, especially when setting up. I could see this coming in handy during block rotations and you need to move all your older cards to another inventory or update block related tags. Maybe moving in bulk between inventories could be accomplished with a "trade" but might be better served with an actual function with options to preserve tags and other identifying information about the cards being moved.

Chaim wrote:

And if we end up getting multiple inventories, we should also get an "All Inventories" view/option/set/whatever you want to call it.

I disagree with this. In my view the point of an inventory would be that those cards are physically distinct. If you needed to view groups of cards together at once you would most likely be better served with tags. If you look at how the inventories are configured now you're not going to be mixing warhammer and magic together and looking through them as a single collection or single search result, they're that distinct. Extra inventories of one game should remain that distinct. In my viewpoint it should be right down to including decks, searches, tradelists, & wishlists. Inventories would represent separate and individual real world collections that one maintains, not "sub-collections" or parts of an overall whole.

sebi wrote:
Chaim wrote:

For the record, I have a few cards listed as poor condition, when really they are M/NM, Misprint - Ink Blotches. That is one of the reasons that I would really like freeform tags/labels.

Would this be better solved by just having a free form notes field on the card?

If there's an option for a freeform notes field then personally I would "tag" cards like this "Misprint", then use the notes section to identify and describe the actual type of misprint that occurred for the card. This would allow you to search for your tag and flip through all your misprint cards as one grouping. The notes would help identify markings for a specific card without making the tags overly specific. Hmm, photo notes/attachments anyone?

scshunt wrote:

Maybe just saved searches?

I could see saved searches being handy but I don't see how they would give any true value to tagging or labeling in any meaningful way beyond the generalized searching. This would be better saved for when the search and filter gets a good looking at.

scshunt wrote:

You could just add "is one of..." "is all of..." "is none of..." as filters for labels, although you might have to allow multiple of the same filter I guess?

The search in general needs an overhaul but in it's current state, yes you would need to allow multiple filters for the freeform tags. That would allow you to do searches such as this tag, but not that tag. You'd need to know which gets priority though if you have a card with two tags.

I really want to see the additional inventories but I also really want to see the free form tags. The inventories alone won't suffice for everything. That would keep things *to* distinct for some cases. The tags don't keep things distinct enough in some cases. Both seem to be a good mix and could solve most wants.

The more I think about it the more I think having both free from labels and additional inventories under the same game group would be the best solution.

Additional inventories provides a way to keep collections you want completely separate, separated. This solves the problems like the guy that keeps his Rebecca Guay cards separate, or if you manage a personal inventory and a community inventory. This is for groupings of cards that won't intermingle with one another.

Free form labels applied at individual card level would handle the bulk of everything else. This solves your problem of people asking "I have a card with X property, how do I mark that in deckbox?" For instance gold bordered, artist proofs, non-artist signed, or draft stamped can be easily handled with the labels.

Searching on the presence or absence of a label can help with cataloging. Folks doing this might use a label "Bin-A", "Box B", or "Alliances Binder"

You could use labels to show cards that are currently in a deck. Having a way to mark all cards on your deck building screen with a label or remove a label would be a nice feature to go along with this, but that would require working the deck builder to allow naming specific cards that are in the deck not just card names.

Labels can help with the different artworks on cards as well. You can label cards (or a number of cards) with "Picture A", "Picture B", etc. Allowing you know know how many cards of a specific picture you've got.

Bottom line the free form labels would do the buck of the work. Additional inventories would be nice as well for those few that manage multiple physically separate inventories that never mingle.

So combining these things together you might get something that looks like:
2 Thallid,  Fallen Empires, Played, English, {Deck:G FE Thallids} {Box 3} {Pic A}
1 Thallid,  Fallen Empires Played, English, {Deck:G FE Thallids} {Box 3} {Pic B}
1 Thallid,  Fallen Empires, Played, English, {Artist-Proof} {Binder Proofs}
1 Thallid,  Time Spiral, Played, English, {On loan: John} {Box 8}
3 Thallid,  Time Spiral, Played, English, {Box 8}

You might consider in the inventory search screen to condense the duplicate names into one row and have a drop down arrow or plus sign thing that shows details for that card grouping.
So the top level might be

  Count   Name                 Type                  Cost / Color
+ 6       Sporesower Thallid   Creature - Fungus     3GG
+ 19       Thallid             Creature - Fungus     G
+ 4       Thallid Devourer     Creature - Fungus     2G
+ 1       Thallid Germinator   Creature - Fungus     2G

When you click the + you might get something like:

  Count   Name                 Type                  Cost / Color
+ 6       Sporesower Thallid   Creature - Fungus     3GG
- 19       Thallid              Creature - Fungus     G
     Count    Name        Details                               Tags
     2         Thallid,  Fallen Empires Played, English        {Deck:G FE Thallids} {Box 3} {Pic A}
     1         Thallid,  Fallen Empires Played, English        {Deck:G FE Thallids} {Box 3} {Pic B}
     1         Thallid,  Fallen Empires Played, English        {Artist-Proof} {Binder Proofs}
     11        Thallid, Fallen Empires  Played, English
     1         Thallid,  Time Spiral    Played, English        {On loan: John} {Box 8}
     3         Thallid,  Time Spiral    Played, English        {Box 8}
+ 4       Thallid Devourer     Creature - Fungus     2G
+ 1       Thallid Germinator   Creature - Fungus     2G

Ignoring a tag or set of tags would be great in conjunction with cards tagged as being in a deck.
If I'm looking to build a new deck I often want to ignore cards already associated with a deck that is built.

This may be taking the idea a bit to far but it wouldn't be horrible if we had the option of adding a second inventory in the Magic the Gathering section and have it treated as if it were just another game's inventory. So it would work in a similar fashion as if I had Magic cards and Warhammer stuff. Might have to provide a way of naming those inventories though so you can keep them straight. This might work well for representing completely separate collections. As in this box is my personal horde collection, that box is my share with the community collection. This may also solve issues of wanting one collection private and another public.

Adding the idea of tagging and the idea of a completely separate inventory might be the best of both worlds. The tagging could be a way to freeform mark your cards. So you could use the tags as "In Deck", or "On Loan", etc.

Personally I have "absorbed" my brothers collection. I don't suspect he'll want it back but I've kept the cards marked so if he does I can pull them and give them back. I would use a tag for this "Brother's Cards". I have cards that are basically sold and are in a sell box. They're not used in decks or anything, strictly sold in person. I would use a separate inventory collection for this "Dice Game". I have a set of cards set aside in a separate box for trade or sell but not building decks, I could use the trade list on deckbox and currently do but don't intend to trade through decbox. I might use either a separate inventory or tag for this. If I used an inventory I could mark that inventory public (keeping my others private) and pass the url around to friends asking if I have this or that. Also being in a separate inventory it wouldn't be an inventory that I make decks in are so when searching for cards in a deck they wouldn't show up (I would be searching the other inventory for deck making cards). If I used a tag for this I could mark it like "Trade Box" and then set an exclusive (ignore) filter when searching for cards for a new deck and I would have to rely on the trade list and privacy filters for sharing this particular list with friends. Actually given the choice between the two it'd go in a separate inventory.

sebi wrote:
vikirosen wrote:

As a person who uses Gmail, the idea of tags seems like a very good implementation. There are two things I would like to see implemented:

1. Quick access to a specific tag. The way I imagine it is having all my tags (or possible just some that I select?) visible under my Inventory button on the left, the same way I have all my decks below that. I should be able to organise them into folders (like the decks), and when I click on one it would show the cards in my inventory with that tag.

2. Exclusive tags, i.e. tags that are automatically excluded from my inventory unless specifically mentioned. I know that the Inventory button is intended to show every card in my collection, but I keep my Rebecca Guay collection strictly separate from all my other cards, so when I search through my Inventory I would prefer not to see those at all, by default, with the option, of course, of making them visible if need be.

Very good points, I was thinking along the same lines. Not sure yet how to make it so you can indicate which filters you want to NOT see in the inventory listing, but thinking about it.

So I'm looking for some comments on this deck. This is for a casual multi-player environment. I had the idea of trying to make people "happy" by giving them cards to draw only to turn it around on them by making it painful to draw and discard. It may also pair well with a Jace's Erasure mill deck in 2HG games.

So I give them things like Howling Mine and Font of Mythos while hiding behind Glacial Chasm with the win condition being Underworld Dreams and megrim or they mill themselves due to the draw.

We've got the occasional indestructable hexproof plantinum angel type thing going in our group on so I tried to deal with it using Evacuation and Words of Wind

Common problems I have when building decks is running to few lands. I'm at 60 cards now and think I may have the same issue with this deck. I'm not sure what to cut to add a few lands. Not that it HAS to be 60 cards.

Any suggestions on cards that might synergize well or are better than what I've got here would be good too.

1 Forest
2 Glacial Chasm
8 Island
2 Reliquary Tower
9 Swamp

2 Gnat Miser

2 Boomerang
4 Vex
1 Evacuation
2 Psychic Spiral

1 Mind Grind
1 Windfall

1 Spellbook
2 Ivory Tower
3 Howling Mine
1 Temple Bell
3 Font of Mythos
1 Venser's Journal

3 Underworld Dreams
1 Words of Wilding
1 Words of Wind
2 Fate Unraveler
1 Spiteful Visions
2 Forced Fruition
4 Megrim


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Colored cards with cmc of 0 such as the kobolds show up as colorless in the search. … 796!a4MA**
is an example showing this.
I'm guessing this is because you're using the casting cost to determine color which is accurate most of the time but not all the time.

Also since you seem to support EDH in the deck building adding a search for the color identity of cards would be nice. Seems like this might easily be added since the identity looks solely at the mana symbols present on cards.

Adding a slot in EDH deck builds to designate the commander might be nice too. Users could search for EDH decks based on the ideal commander for the particular decks.

B.F.M Left is showing up as a sorcery as well.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

How do I search for cards with the Legendary Type? It's not in the type list.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I started using this just a few weeks ago. I like things pretty well though looking through the forum development seems a bit slow. I'm guessing this is probably a side project where spare time is spent though.

Some general things I came across as a new user I thought would be nice or was weird:

  • tagging decks
    As a casual player there's many more formats than the standard vintage, legacy, EDH stuff. I know there are folders but it'd be nice if we could tag decks. This would let us mark decks as Pauper, 5-Color, discard, aggro, or whatever. I'd likely use it for the format I intended the deck to be played but it's generic enough that it could be used for much more than that. Might also make the deck search a bit nicer if we could see the tags associated with the decks.

  • marking decks as built / not built
    It'd be nice if we could mark decks as being built or not built. Built decks would mark cards listed in that deck as being "in use" as it does now. Not Built decks would not. This allows us to keep deck lists of decks we have used in the past while allowing the cards in it to show up as not being used when we're building a new deck. I currently use folders to sort of work around this. Would probably use tags in the future if they're implemented so the folder structure could change.

  • specify specific cards used in a deck
    I sort my cards by set then color. If a card in a deck is printed in several sets and I'm told I have X available to use in this deck which set do I go to pull this card from? It'd be nice to mark which specific card entry was used to fulfill building the deck. This way the next deck I build I know if need to go to my Revised Box or Tempest box to retrieve my counter spell. This also plays into the sub-inventories. Each "built" deck is basically a new location (sub-inventory) for cards.  Along with this it'd be nice to see how many cards are in use as easily as I can see if I've got any for trade. This obviously only makes sense if we can specify which particular cards are in the decks. Maybe these options could be toggle-able if there's to many columns developing from this. If tagging cards is implemented this might help but not likely to be near as slick.

  • distinct card count
    The distinct card count seems to be incorrect. I'm guessing this is implemented with a SQL distinct call after looking at it for a while. As an new user my initial thought of how this worked was it told me how many distinct card names I had in my collection. I soon found out when adding a card from a different set the distinct count would increase. My second thought from this was that it was a count of each card name and set maybe because of alternate art or something. However I then noticed that anything that added an additional line when importing my cards such as condition, language, foil, or promo would add to the distinct count. So my question is why would 2 tempest counter spells in good condition count as 1 distinct card but 1 tempest counter spell in good condition and 1 tempest counter spell in poor condition count as 2 distinct cards? It isn't really consistent so it doesn't quite make sense. I would suggest this change to count the number of distinct names in your inventory. Seems even the foreign language cards use the English names in the inventory. This would make more since of the distinct-ness of a count of cards in your inventory.

  • decks greater than 70 cards are legal
    When adding a new deck there's a note at the top that says "This is an incomplete deck. A complete MtG deck contains either between 60 and 70 cards or exactly 100 (for EDH)" This is fine but any deck larger than 60 is legal how else would Battle of Wits make sense? Currently when a deck hits 71 cards it says "This is an incomplete WUBRG YYYY deck. A complete MtG deck contains either between 60 and 70 cards or exactly 100 (for EDH)" There's no real need for this notification message it should just say "This is a complete WUBRG YYY deck." Also for what it's worth sealed and draft decks can be as small as 40. I've put in some of my draft and sealed decks. They show up as incomplete maybe an option for showing them as a limited format deck? (maybe it's just a nitpick)

  • search options
    I feel like I should be able to search on any aspect of a card I enter. So search based on number in inventory, number in trade list, number in wishlist, condition, language, promo, etc. In addition when searching by edition owned I'd like to see an option for Not Entered so that you can easily find cards that don't have an edition set. At the end of the day I feel like if the data is in the database we need to be able to search on that data. Also some sort of wild card support would be nice. I was trying to find some cards that had a particular effect but wasn't quite sure of the wording. Wild cards would help in this case. Alternatively having been able to specify two different rules text filters would have helped a bit. This way we could search a subset of cards. (I'm looking for all cards with "discard" in the rules text, within that set of cards I want to see all cards with "card" in their rules text basically "discard * card"). Concern of to many filters being added was voiced. Maybe using an "advanced search" option that was sort of like gatherer would help.

  • Cards in a set I don't own
    From a collector point of view listing cards in a particular set I don't own would be nice to see which cards I still need to find to add to my collection.

  • multiple art versions
    fallen empires and other sets have multiple card art for a single card. In the olden days of price lists in magazines they'd be designated as card A, Card B, etc. When I entered these in the inventory I was stumped for a few seconds before I figured out it wasn't supported and had to just lump them all together. I know this is probably an tcgplayer limitation.

I know these are on the list of known requests but still came up when I started using it.

  • allowing multiple inventories or sub inventories at least
    I know this has been requested and supposedly will be implemented. I maintain two inventories. I'm currently working around this using the condition stars (I don't use this 'cause I don't sort by condition). It'd be nice at a minimum to be allowed multiple inventories of Magic The Gathering sort of like you can add other games to your account. On the left side you'd just see two or more entries for Magic the Gathering like you'd see the additional entries for the other games. Sub inventories would be nice too though and tagging cards might help a bit but not really as slick as the other options I think.

  • private inventory
    This has been requested but can't stress this enough how great this would be to have. I initially thought they were all private by default before I started entering my inventory. I'm sad to find out they're not.

  • anthologies
    Anthologies set was missing. I've got a small handful of cards not listed on the site.