(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yeah, magic here in Brazil was giant back in 1996... Today only some people continue. The people sealing Magic never really tried to build something on magic... they just sold as hell... Maybe they tried but failed because didn't do a good job.

Championship was never big... to much disinformation back in the day... Internet was a dream back in those days...

Today, with the internet, things would have been different.. I am sure more people would have remained playing.

Besides that, the price never was good enough.. Instead of 2 dollars for a booster, we pay the equivalent of 7 dollars for the same, with bad translation to portuguese.

I actually don't really care about having to wait 2 or 3 weeks.. It doesn't matter for me.

I just wanted to be able to pay less to be able to play the standard constructed tournaments.. I have mostly cards from 1996... so even if there were Vintage and Legacy tournaments here in Brazil, I wouldn't have a good enough deck because I don't have cards from alpha, beta, unlimited, and revised.

Maybe I'll try to buy just the cards to build my deck to play in standard in the future. Right now I'll just play the sealed deck M2012 for fun...

I believe this enhancement accomplishes the same for the user, but in a better, more universal way: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=8931#p8931

Yes it would be great. It would go perfect together with this enhancement:


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This would be very good feature, but I'm sure it's very difficult the implement, because I don't think there is a place where all the cards in all the languages are available.
The only place I know is this site http://magiccards.info/.

Maybe deckbox can learn how they do it.

For the time being, you guys can use it, like I'm using it.


(7 replies, posted in Announcements)

This feature is very nice, but would be really interesting if the information I added could be displayed in columns like the rest of it, so I can compare my cards.


(1 replies, posted in Taverna)

I didn't like it. Too long.. Not objective and short...

I'm not saying too much information.. I'm saying too little information in too much lines..

But thanks for the link!


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

How many free packs you earned?

In from Brazil, and because of customs, we didn't had the release... maybe it will happen next weekend, maybe not..


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

If I understand correctly, after you posted this, You realised that you could use the 13x sintaxe?

This forum is nice, but definitely there should be a way to remove a topic you created...

You could also use the replace tool in MS Word, and other text editors, to replace the x with one space...

You are holding it wrong. LOL

First of: Congrats, it's definitely an awesome site. smile If there is a way I can help, please let me know.


1) The Edition/Rarity column should show the correct Edition/Rarity of the card I own, not some random edition.

Explanation:  I believe the way the Edition/Rarity column is implemented in the inventory section isn't useful at all. It would be a lot more useful if it showed the info of the card I own, allowing me to view all the cards in that edition, by clicking the column to sort.

-I would also be able to see the price for that correct edition of the card I own, not some random one, and so forth.

-I do understand that this way the same card name would show up multiple times in the inventory list, one for each edition. I believe this is the best way to see the correct card you own, it's price and rarity.

-I also know that I can edit the details of a card, like it's editions, condition and language, but that information isn't in a dedicated column, and it conflicts with the Edition/Rarity column, making it less than useful.

-Also, when we build a deck and want to know it's price, the correct edition of the card is important, otherwise the price is incorrect.

- The information the users already inserted in the details can be transferred to the new Editions/ Rarity column, like i showed in the mock-up


OBS1) I've searched all the topics in the forum about card editions and rarity and decided to write one to integrate all the ideas and make them easier for the developers to implement it, if they will.

The following topics have similar ideas:


Makes sense!