(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Abraxus wrote:

I have a 1/1 myr, 2/2 MBS zombie, 5/5 trample wurm, 2/2 splitting ooze and a */* horror, if that's enough to warrant a trade

I was about to say "Definitely!", but then I saw you live in Canada. If we can keep the trade small enough that I can send in an envelope, that's fine. But bubble mailers have recently gotten prohibitively expensive to send out of country from the US, and it's lame.

BTW, your Profile link is to your old name, and doesn't work.


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump. Haven't gotten any offers as of yet.


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

reignofkindo wrote:

Starcitygames value is fine if all cards in the trade are valued using it. A couple of the tokens I may not want to trade for at starcity's value ($1 for a Cat? Meh) Start a trade up if that works for you.

EDIT: Not generally a fan of trading by SCG for the record, but they have the tokens/emblems listed, and I can't think of another way to value them that isn't arbitrary.


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

The only one I might be interested in more than one of is the 0/1 plant. Could take any number of those.


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Starcitygames value is fine if all cards in the trade are valued using it. A couple of the tokens I may not want to trade for at starcity's value ($1 for a Cat? Meh) Start a trade up if that works for you.

EDIT: Not generally a fan of trading by SCG for the record, but they have the tokens/emblems listed, and I can't think of another way to value them that isn't arbitrary.

Prefer to make trades that have a few tokens/emblems involved, but I'll take it on a case-to-case basis.

-0/1 Plant creature token

Magic 2011:
-2/2 Zombie (M11 only)
-*/* Avatar (Will also take any other printing of this)
-2/2 Ooze
-1/1 Ooze

Scars of Mirrodin:
-3/3 Golem token (SoM only)
-Venser Emblem
-Koth Emblem

New Phyrexia:
-1/1 Myr (NPH only)
-1/1 Goblin (NPH only)

Mirrodin Besieged:
-*/* Horror
-2/2 Zombie (MBS only)

Dark Ascension:
-Sorin Emblem

Avacyn Restored:
-Tamiyo Emblem

Magic 2013:
-2/2 Cat (M13 only)

Return to Ravnica:
-5/5 Trample Wurm

-Domri Rade Emblem

If you have these, check my tradelist out. Looking to make a quick trade for just these cards. Feel free to check my inventory too, there's a lot of things I haven't moved over.

EDIT: Might also trade for 2x Obzedat and 1x Isolated Chapel, just depends on what I have that you want. Not as high of a priority as the High Priests and RiPs.

The card is gorgeous, but I have no use for it. If you have any interest, respond and I'll check out your tradelist.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Got a pic/scan?

Either way, inking errors are fairly common. If it was a playable card, it would be one thing, but with it being the card it is, there is likely no premium unless the error is really egregious.


Folkvar wrote:

Is your Creakwood Liege gone?

Nope, still have everything, still looking for everything.


Trying to just trade the stuff listed above for this stuff, but I'll keep that in mind, thanks!


3x Thragtusk
Jace, Memory Adept
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
Glimpse the Unthinkable
Prismatic Omen (EX)
Creakwood Liege
Divinity of the Pride (EX)
Elspeth Tirel
Path to Exile
2x Predator Ooze
Isochron Scepter (Izzet vs. Golgari)
Green Sun's Zenith
Dragonskull Summit
Dungrove Elder x4

Huntmaster of the Fells x2
Stomping Ground x4
Sacred Foundry x4
Clifftop Retreat x4
Rootbound Crag x4
Sunpetal Grove x2

Luminaxe wrote:

I feel they are in the $10 to $13 range. I don't buy into the hype about it.

Ah, alright, nevermind then. Cheers!

3 jace, MA (note: I don't value these at $17)

What do you value them at? Ebay is mostly around 14-15.


(26 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Ebay arguments are irrelevant... cash does not equal trade value in cards.

What? Did you read my post? It was about how you're asking for even more in trade than SCG has them at. Me mentioning ebay values was just an aside. The whole post was about.. what you just said. "cash does not equal trade value in cards." Trade Value is always LESS than retail value, not more. Why would someone trade their cards using prices that are MORE than what the cards cost, even from the most expensive of retailers?


(26 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just as someone is able to value cards at whatever they want, people are also able to refuse whatever they want.
People often take offense to being lowballed, so I would not suggest offering regular card prices for their foil counterpart, regardless of your view on foils.
If a foil is the only version of a card you're able to obtain, you should probably get over the fact that it'll likely cost you more in trades, or move on to someone else who has a regular version of the card you're looking for.


What really bugs me about this is valuing it at $65 when SCG has them at $60 and you can pick one up on Ebay for $40-50. Trade Value is less than retail, not more. It's one thing to not have it on your tradelist and get inquiries on it that you say "I really don't want to get rid of this card, but I will if you offer me more in trade than SCG prices. Otherwise, I want to keep it" to, but actively looking to trade it at a value more than even SCG has it at irks me.

Looking for some. Also looking for Ajani, CotP and Koth (preferably Regular, but duel decks is okay.)


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Can't have a Treefolk deck without the most Iconic treefolk of them all.. Doran, the Siege Tower. And if you're playing him, should also play Indomitable Ancients.

Here's a thread on the puzzle pieces, including values: http://classic.magictraders.com/ubb/For … 27899.html

along with everybody else, probably. His deckbox is here: http://deckbox.org/sets/170662?s=j&o=d

May possibly be able to work something out where you trade for cards from both of us for one as well. Send him any potential trades, or if you feel better about going through me because of references, feel free to do that as well. Whatever works. He might trade from inventory as well, just depends on what.

EDIT: He has 3 thragtusks that are tradeable as well.

Is a scan of your legends Bolas possible?


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

You can't file mail fraud on someone because they didn't get your cards. Only the sender can purchase safeguards to make sure the package arrives at its destination. If you didnt get a tracking number, you will lose any case that gets brought up. He can file mail fraud on you if you two can't reach an agreement re: you sending adequate compensation.
