(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi, I have a couple of suggestions for the site.

Recently I had a large order of ~400 cards.  It was a lot to sort!  I think the site would be much better for sellers if we could have 2 features:

1. Possibility to sort order list based on color or card type.  This would make sorting orders so much easier because I could grab all of the cards of a single color/type without having to search the order.  Also it would be nice if the card color was on the list somewhere, maybe next to the logo for card run?

2.  It would be really great if I could print out a check list of the order.  This would be nice to double check that I didn't miss anything, and also as a packing slip to send with the order.

Thanks, and sorry if these exist but I didn't see them anywhere.

One more thing, I know it has been suggested before, but buyers really should not be able to select shipping options that they do not qualify for.  This costs sellers money because paypal takes their cut even if you have to refund the order.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

OK thanks.  Does anyone else think it would be a good idea to leave feedback for buyers?


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi, sorry for the stupid question, but I do not see where to leave buyer feedback for some sales that I made?  Is this possible?  Thanks!


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

ok, guess no one wants it, I will toss it then.


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hello, I found a box for the premade deck "apocalypse swoop" and inside I still have the little rulebook that came with the set.  They are selling on ebay for a few bucks so I guess maybe some collectors out there want them?  Anyway I don't want this rulebook, but I hate to throw something away if a collector wants it.  It is not in perfect condition, it has a few dings and scratches, and a stain on the back side.  If it was a card I would call it LP I guess.  Except for the water-damage type stain on the back, which I suppose would render a card HP.

So anyway, if someone wants it you can have it if you pay for the shipping cost, which is 56 cents in this case.  USPS stamp + envelope.  I can send international, but it will likely cost more.




(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

OK thanks.  Yeah, I didn't think that this sort of thing would add any value.  However I have a few cards like this and I don't want to list them incorrectly: I want the buyer to know exactly what they are getting.  Some people may want this, others may not.  With this sort of error I doubt too many collectors would be interested as it is barely noticeable, and not very interesting.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hello, I have a question about the border on this card.  The first one is a regular border, the middle one is a border that is a bit off, but I am not sure if it qualifies as a misprint, and the bottom one is clearly off center and a misprint. So what do you folks think, is the middle card a misprint or not?




(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

It is not the most amazing thing ever, and not the savior of the economy.  But I have never had my funds randomly frozen by my bitcoin wallet like I have with paypal (I got it unfrozen but it was a pain, and now they have scans of my id docs and I am sure a hacker will never get those).  Plus the fees for bitcoin range from zero to fractions of a penny (or a few pennies if you really want), compared to a flat % and much higher fees that other payment methods use.  Right now everyone pays an extra 2-3% tax on everything, just most people don't realize it.  I feel the advantages of bitcoin for eCommerce are significant, however I do see your point about a small business with only one coder having trouble implementing it.

There is no shortage of crooks out there (meet any Nigerian princes lately?) and bitcoin is merely an alternate currency they can use.  But the big crooks (goldman sachs et. al.) still use good old dollars.

It is true that exchanges have closed down, the most significant being Mt. Gox.  However Gox didn't almost cause a global collapse of currency like regular banks did.  You could say they caused a collapse of btc but I would say they caused a speculative bubble to pop, and the price is still higher than when that bubble started.  Did you know that Paulson was CEO of goldman while they were doing the derivative nonsense, and when he got appointed to secretary he was allowed to sell his stock tax free?  And then when the crap hit the fan, who got bailed out and who didn't?  Its almost like Paulson knew what was going to happen.  There are plenty of crooks out there, just not all of them go to jail.  The point is that bitcoin will not change anything, it is just an alternate form of currency.  There will always be crooks.  The difference is that with btc you can be your own bank if you want.  So if the banks have liquidity problems and flat out refuse to let you have your money for a down payment on your house for example (yeah it happened to me), then btc starts to look pretty good.

It is true that silk road used bitcoin, but actually it is less anonymous than cash because of the block chain.  Even a mixer can be unraveled if someone wants to try hard enough.  It would be far easier for me to buy drugs and prostitutes or whatever with cash than with btc.  Same theme: the crooks are always there even if they choose to use a different currency.

Scams and malware come in all shapes and sizes, bitcoin wont change that. 

You might be right that the site is too small for bitcoin to make sense.  But this site (which I only found recently) is imo superior to other sites in several ways, so I won't be surprised if it becomes more popular eventually.  My favorite is the lack of an insertion fee, so I can sell nearly worthless cards to someone who might want them in stead of just throwing them away.


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Kizudarake wrote:

If buttcoins became acceptable currency on Deckbox, then Deckbox should accept the buttcoins and pay the equivalent value out in cash to the seller. Over the Internet. We could have a (M)agic: (T)he (G)athering (O)nline currency e(X)change!

Except for the part where there's a higher percentage of shady folk involved in the unregulated Bitcoin market because it's unregulated, and the minute that someone got screwed in a deal on here, there'd be a huge amount of drama because you can't do chargebacks on bitcoins, and the value of a Bitcoin is more likely to fluctuate between when the buyer submits the transaction and when the seller sends out the card, so it's harder to put an actual price on the card pegged to dollars, so Sebi has to either put a lot more work into maintaining basically two marketplaces and two register systems, and at this point, if you absolutely have to use bitcoins to buy magic cards, just go do it at ABU games, Jesus Christ.

Lets take a look, what do we have here?

Buttcoins?  Cmon you can do better than that?

Why pay out the equivalent in cash?  Sort of defeats the purpose, and not everyone wants their btc converted into cash.

Shady folk?  You mean like Dell, Newegg, Microsoft, oh yeah there are a bunch of banks investing in blockchain tech, I guess those guys are shady.  So I am a crook because I have/use bitcoins?  You understand that it is unregulated and decentralized by design, and what  the advantages are over older more expensive services like cc and paypal?

Anyone who uses btc is aware of the fluctuation, which is why it should be opt in only.  But pretty much everyone who is familiar with/uses btc is comfortable with this, especially if they are not all that interested in converting back to fiat.

You can't do chargebacks of course but you can 1. transact with reputable buyers/sellers, and/or set up a holding account from which btc are released upon receipt of delivery.  Not a bad thing considering paypal is pretty much set up for buyers to scam sellers if they want.  I have been spending cryptos drama-free for quite some time.

Not sure what Jesus has to do with it, but clearly ABU games and a few others can use bitcoins, so I am not sure why it is so impossible to use?  But again if you hate them so much you could just not transact with them.  Why limit everyone else because you don't like them?  Just don't opt in.

Of course there are more important upgrades for the site at the moment.  But they won't know what we want if we don't tell them.  And if the general consensus is against btc, then they will know.  But if there is a demand for it, they may benefit from integrating it into the site.  There is no way to know without having some sort of discussion about it.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

d72B wrote:
The_Captains_Booty wrote:

So does anyone know how I can make my "starting from" .70 in stead of 2.50?

Put the lower $ shipping higher in your shipping options list. Deckbox just picks the first one it sees (going top to bottom) per country for the default - not the lowest. This is a bug that has been previously reported.

Thank you!


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hello, I see some problems with the displayed shipping prices.

First, I offer 3 shipping categories: free (with purchase 20 or more), .70, and 2.50.  My listings show 2.50 as the "starting price" for shipping.  However someone may want to buy a card and choose the .70 option, but go with a different seller because they think that 2.50 is my cheapest option.

Also when checking other sellers shipping costs, I might see .50 as the listed lowest price.  However when I go to checkout, the cheapest option is something else, like maybe .65, and there is no option for .50.  Am I missing something?  Sorry for the ignorance but I am new here.

I think the easiest way to handle this is to have an icon like the "i" for my own listings, and when a customer hovers over it, all of the available shipping options are shown in a little pop up.

So does anyone know how I can make my "starting from" .70 in stead of 2.50?



(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Kammikaze wrote:

I would rather not receive bitcoins as payment for an order. Echoing Kiz above, I'd rather just have the cash. That being said, some sellers might be ok with it so if it were added as a payment option it would have to be an opt-in.

Yes, 100% it should be opt-in.  If you don't have any experience with btc then you would not even be able to receive them.


(0 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

I offer multiple shipping methods to suite your needs.  A bubble mailer for up to 25 cards or a small envelope for up to 3 cards.  The shipping is a flat fee, not per-card.  Bubble mailer includes tracking.  Free shipping on orders $2 and up!

BONUS!  Buy any 10 cards, or a minimum of $5 in cards, and choose any of my cards listed for under 10 cents for free! Bonus card must fit in current shipment limit, it will not be mailed out in a separate order by itself.  For example if you buy 23 cards you can get 2 more for free sent in the bubble mailer.  However if you buy 24 cards you will only have room for one free card.

All cards will be packaged in penny sleeves and either in a top loader or sandwiched between 2 top loaders.

Photos of specific cards to verify condition available upon request.

Orders will be mailed at the soonest possible time, post office willing.  Expect same business day if the post office is open when I get the order, or the next business day if it is not.

Edit:  Free shipping reduced to $2 orders and up!!!!


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

+1, bitcoins would be awesome.  Please make an option to accept them smile

They are far better than paypal!