17,911 Looking for a NM Mox Diamond

by cmcmaster0714

17,914 Deleted

by fhbob

17,915 Looking for a few things.

by tretty

17,917 Looking for 3 Dragonskull Summit

by Frickinchance

17,918 Need 2 Solemn Simulacrum

by amisare_bewaswerebeen

17,921 Need 4 glacial fortress

by gtcooke94

17,922 Need a Liliana

by Lucas Whitten

17,923 Guidelines on dealing with bad traders?

by Thrun ( Pages 1 2 )

17,924 Looking to trade a SoW&P

by HunterTheDog

17,925 Looking for a bunch of werewolves.

by Frickinchance

17,928 Taiga still up for trade

by TyWooOneTime

17,934 Looking for a few Vampire related cards

by Frickinchance

17,935 Need 2 liliana of the veil

by rothfrk43

17,937 looking for gaea's cradle

by rothfrk43

17,939 4x Darkslicks for 4x Seachrome

by Crunchysocks