Topic: Have to switch to EDH, help with a rhys deck

So my LGS has new owners and my group is moving on to draft and edh.  Need a couple of staples that seem to be necessary and i started with the general 'rhys the redeemed' so if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate that as well

looking for 1 of each
wood foothills
windswept heath
crop rotation
sylvan library

these seem to be the big things i am missing for this color combo.  still trying to figure out if i should make him tokens or elves (have a ton already) so if anyone has used this one before i would appreciate suggestions

have lots of stuff in my tradelist so shoot me an offer if we can work something out, or if you have any ideas for the deck

Re: Have to switch to EDH, help with a rhys deck

Trust me, you want tokens...I play a Selesnya token deck with trostani, and I've seen some Rhys token decks. If you want Rhys as the general, make it tokens. If you want elves, there are a couple generals who are better for that.

Always looking for modern and legacy staples.

Re: Have to switch to EDH, help with a rhys deck

He is good either way. I've run elves and tokens with him as general and he seems better in a regular token deck however with things like elvish promenade, Lys Alana huntmaster and imperious perfect he's very effective in an elf token deck. But for the value he works much better with just regular tokens. If you looking for any advice on thing to run feel free to ask.