Topic: ***How to get TCG average prices***

I know most people are frozen on trading because the pricing is messed up, but we can use to get TCG low/med/high and foil.  I know the people at Deckbox can't tell us that, but we can get the same pricing info there.  At least that way we can start trading again.

Re: ***How to get TCG average prices***

You can, of course, also go to

Re: ***How to get TCG average prices***

Use the AutocardAnywhere plugin.  To keep it from hijacking mouseovers on my inventory and deck pages, I add "" to site blacklist/whitelist box.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: ***How to get TCG average prices***

How do you get to the whitelist/blacklist section?  The add-on itself looks great.

Re: ***How to get TCG average prices***

psrex wrote:

How do you get to the whitelist/blacklist section?  The add-on itself looks great.

I finally figured it out.  I spent 15 minutes looking, and then figured out within 2 minutes of posting.  There's a new bar at the very bottom of Firefox that had an 'M' that I could click on to bring up the preferences.

Re: ***How to get TCG average prices***

Sorry for not seeing your question earlier. For others using chrome, you'll find the stylized M icon up top, next to the menu icon.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: ***How to get TCG average prices***

I'm trying this, and quickly noticed that pricing doesn't take into account the edition.  For example it tells me that Skullclamp has an an average price of $8.02, but what it appears to be doing is averaging the three prices for all skullclamp printings (ftv, darksteel and commander) as opposed to just pulling one price.