Topic: H: Golgari Grave Trolls, Monastery Mentor, Kozile W: To see your list

I have a playset of grave Trolls, as well I have a few other nice haves such as foil shocks and  a kozilek. Let me know if you are interested and I can take a look at your trade list.
1 : Monastery Mentor
4: Golgari Grave-Troll
1: Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
1: Defense of the Heart - Played
x: Assorted Shocklands Foil
3: Mana Confluence Foil
Much more
I also have a single promo Soulfire Grandmaster, I would be happy to trade into two non foils if anyone is interested.

Just to see your list.

Last edited by 702341227 (2015-01-20 19:46:37)

Re: H: Golgari Grave Trolls, Monastery Mentor, Kozile W: To see your list

Definitely interested in the foil foundry, and I'd like your mentor as well, if you're willing to come down a little from what it's currently at. If not, I'd still be interested in the Foundry. Thanks!

Always looking for modern and legacy staples.