Topic: Krenko's Elves [Standard], [Opinions]

Okay,  my sons thought I was nuts for trying green ramp with Krenko, Mob Boss and his goblin buddies, but in play testing so far, this one has done quite well against their various decks.  Please take a look and let me know what you think, or if you have any suggestions.  I do realize that Goblin Chieftain will rotate out of standard in a couple of months, but thought it might be a fun play for a few FNMs between now and then.

I ramp to get Parallel Lives out and then let Krenko (and, sometimes, Garruk) do his thing.

Note, I do plan to replace the Abundant Growths with Rootbound Crags as I get them.

12 Forest
6 Mountain
1 Rootbound Crag
3 Abundant Growth
4 Arbor Elf
4 Goblin Arsonist
4 Llanowar Elves
2 Pillar of Flame
4 Krenko's Command
4 Mogg Flunkies
4 Elvish Archdruid
4 Goblin Chieftain
2 Garruk Relentless
4 Krenko, Mob Boss
4 Parallel Lives
1 Garruk, Primal Hunter
1 Warstorm Surge

I'm still working on the sideboard, but plan to include Naturalize, Thunderbolt, and other theme specific answers.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Krenko's Elves [Standard], [Opinions]

I actually think it is a very interesting idea.

A neat addition might be Beast Within.  Would allow you to deal with some larger threats quickly, like Planeswalkers, but once you have a Parallel Lives or two out you can then easily use it on your own creature tokens or Goblin Arsonist as well to give yourself a huge mass of larger creatures.

Also, Craterhoof Behemoth could do some huge damage in this deck.  Either that or something else that can give some of your creatures trample or evasion to let them definitely get through.

Re: Krenko's Elves [Standard], [Opinions]

NullParameter wrote:

I actually think it is a very interesting idea.

A neat addition might be Beast Within.  Would allow you to deal with some larger threats quickly, like Planeswalkers, but once you have a Parallel Lives or two out you can then easily use it on your own creature tokens or Goblin Arsonist as well to give yourself a huge mass of larger creatures.

Also, Craterhoof Behemoth could do some huge damage in this deck.  Either that or something else that can give some of your creatures trample or evasion to let them definitely get through.

What would you recommend cutting to fit in one or both of those?

That's where I struggle the most--figuring out what to cut. I get something that works fairly well, but the more I tweak it, the worse it tends to play.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Krenko's Elves [Standard], [Opinions]

Goblin grenade would be nice, Any air support to help deal with delver?

Re: Krenko's Elves [Standard], [Opinions]

HikingStick wrote:

What would you recommend cutting to fit in one or both of those?

That's where I struggle the most--figuring out what to cut. I get something that works fairly well, but the more I tweak it, the worse it tends to play.

Yeah, that's always my biggest struggle as well, which is why most of my deck ideas are sitting at like 75 cards at the moment, because I can't decide what I want to cut.  I guess the best answer I have is just to keep playing it and see what cards end up not being as helpful or used as often as you originally thought.

Off the top of my head, I'd say that you could probably cut some Goblin Arsonists.  You'd probably rather be spending your early mana for ramp instead of a goblin that has rather limited usability.

Re: Krenko's Elves [Standard], [Opinions]

I'll second that Goblin Grenade would be nice; but, as an alternative, you could kill multiple birds with one stone by subbing Arms Dealer in for the Mogg Flunkies.  Given that you'll be pumping goblins out like an assembly line, you won't mind sacking a few of them to pick off their flyers (or other obnoxious creatures).

The other problem I can see here is when you get decked.  Then what?  I've found that the best decks are the ones that find a way to keep your hand full or at least to pull what you're really looking for.  The only thought I really have there that fits this deck would be Rummaging Goblin/Mad Prophet (the former obviously benefits more with Krenko).   The other alternative would be Descendants' Path which could let you drop more creatures out for nothing - all the more reason to stick to only 1 or 2 types.

Re: Krenko's Elves [Standard], [Opinions]

I don't really see the point of the Elvish Archdruids at this point unless you only want to boost the elves, the extra mana doesn't seem very useful since your curve tops out at 5 so it would probably just let you have your entire hand on the field a turn faster if you're lucky.

I agree with Craterhoof Behemoth, it's pretty beasty (no pun intended) Also given that Krenko's Legendary I'm not sure if you need 4 since most of the time you'll have a dead one sitting in hand but maybe since he's such a huge removal target he's worth keeping 4 of

I thinnk Goblin Arsonist is way better than Mogg Flunkies personally since you can use it to take out their utility creatures Birds of Paradise and the like, or an unflipped delver, and if you add arms dealers then it'll be an awesome target for saccing

Re: Krenko's Elves [Standard], [Opinions]

Thanks for the great feedback. 

I did a bit more play testing this evening against massive mono green, infect, mill, werewolves (that dang Moonmist!), and RW Champion of the Parish variants, including one with Doomed Traveler and War Falcon.  It did well overall.  Against mill, I was still able to get enough cards in hand and on the field to wrap it up (starting with Krenko in hand helped!).

Against fliers, I sideboarded in two Thunderbolt and two Plummet (replacing two Mogg Flunkies and two Elvish Archdruid), and the deck held pretty well (with the Pillar of Flame and Goblin Arsonist as other utility damage dealers.  I will consider removing one Krenko.  I'm going to make some additional tweaks and will post the updated configuration. 

I'll also let you know how she plays at FNM.  So far, I've had numerous early game wins.

BTW--with the Abundant Growth in play, I've even thought about subbing in some Intangible Virtue, to give my tokens a boost.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.