Topic: [Standard] (w/RTR) - Filibuster

I like the Azor's Elocutors effect... It relies on slowing down decks, and without ramping, will take 10 turns to win (minimum).
But ten turns isn't so long when you have Cancel, Dissipate, Detention Sphere, along with Fog Bank, Palisade Giant, and a few others, does it?

I tried to balance out the removal with the barriers...
Any thoughts/Suggestions?
I'm sure the sideboard could be rounded out a bit. Also, please correct me if I'm wrong that paying life (shock land use) != damage... Therefore it shouldn't affect the filibuster counters, correct?

Last edited by corvair64 (2012-09-26 19:39:07)

Shahrazad - Yo Dawg! We know how much you like playing MTG, so we put a game of MTG in your game of MTG!

Re: [Standard] (w/RTR) - Filibuster

I believe that's correct about the shocklands, so you should be alright there. I think you'll be better served with a lot more counters and fog effects like Fog, Safe Passage, Divine Deflection, Terrifying Presence, Moonmist, etc. Splashing for green seems reasonable with Evolving Wilds and Temple Garden both in Standard right now. I think Supreme Verdict isn't as good simply because if you have to pull the trigger on it while your Elocutors are out, you'll have to survive another 5 turns.

Re: [Standard] (w/RTR) - Filibuster

Ghostly Possession is a great card to lock down their creatures from dealing any damage to you, and pairs amazingly well with Palisade Giant as well.

Re: [Standard] (w/RTR) - Filibuster

LootPinata wrote:

I think Supreme Verdict isn't as good simply because if you have to pull the trigger on it while your Elocutors are out, you'll have to survive another 5 turns.

The supreme verdicts are there for pre-filibuster board wipes, as well as ways of clearing the board if the filibuster isn't working out. It's kind of a flavor preference too... what better way to end a filibuster then to clear the room? wink

The green splash is interesting too, since fog is so cheap... but I think there's too many dual-color casting costs to effectively support it.

NullParameter wrote:

Ghostly Possession is a great card to lock down their creatures from dealing any damage to you, and pairs amazingly well with Palisade Giant as well.

THAT's awesome! Making the switch now. smile

Shahrazad - Yo Dawg! We know how much you like playing MTG, so we put a game of MTG in your game of MTG!

Re: [Standard] (w/RTR) - Filibuster

A few thoughts here.

First, I don't know that this would really be all that viable without a way to force add counters to Azor's Elocutors.  You could easily have it to four counters and someone casts Unsummon - there went all your stalling spells for nothing.  Similarly, as it loses counters for each source that deals damage, they could easily cast a burn spells to drop a counter here or there.  If more than one creature gets through, you're done.

To that end, I think the deck that makes them run will either be more control based with a LOT of creature removal or use the crap out of the detain mechanic.  Given that there are only so many sources of detain, I'm thinking control is the better option.  But then again, this is the beauty of rotation, right?  Nobody knows what will and will not work just yet.

Third, is there an alternate win con here?  What if they see what you're doing in game one and then just wait to cast Murder on the Elocutors?  Then what?

Anyway, more specifically, I would drop Divine Verdict in favor of Oblivion Ring - it costs one less, doesn't have to wait for them to attack, and proves more versatile against other possible threats.  Detention Sphere needs to be 4x.  That'll be pricey, but it takes care of all their tokens or something else dangerous easily.  Syncopate really isn't what it's cracked up to be.  It might exile their spell if you counter it, BUT, it requires you to keep a lot of land free.  I'd drop it to 2x and the New Prahv Guildmage to make room to up Azorius Charm to 4x as the ability to unsummon their creature AND take away their next card draw will be paramount.  That and it telegraphs what they will be playing so you can use Judge's Familiar, Syncopate, Cancel, and Dissipate more effectively.

Definitely a neat idea and I wish you the best of luck with it.

On a side note, this could splash red and take advantage of Goblin Electromancer to make things like the overload cost on Cyclonic Rift much easier to work with.