Topic: Thinking of playing Walls for GameDay...

Saw similar deck on a couple weeks back...
I'm thinking it might stand a good chance for Standard at Game Day...
Any thoughts as to how to make it more solid?

Thoughts on its weaknesses against the common delver/jund huntmaster stuff (and how to improve)?

Shahrazad - Yo Dawg! We know how much you like playing MTG, so we put a game of MTG in your game of MTG!

Re: Thinking of playing Walls for GameDay...

You might want to think about at least sideboarding some Haunted Guardians for use against quick aggro decks.  Could really shut them down.
I would personally put a couple in the main, possibly in place of Doorkeepers.

You might also want to look at giving yourself more of a win condition than just mill and an easily killed big creature.  Devil's Play might be good since you can easily generate the red mana, and with that you might want to put in a single mountain to search up when you happen to not have any Axebane Guardians.