Topic: Anyone wanna trade for small EDH things?

I'm working on a Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper EDH deck.

I could use ideas, as well as needing the things on my wishlist.

Unfortunately I have mostly just standard cards. But let me know if you'd like to trade some things.

This will be my first EDH deck, so I'm excited.

Re: Anyone wanna trade for small EDH things?

Because he has a "nontoken" clause, you want things that come back on their own and you want sacrifice effects.

So you want undying and you want persist, plus ways to sacrifice those creatures.

Things I would play:
Parallel lives
Goblin bombardment
Phyrexian plaguelord
Lightning coils
Doubling season
Grim backwoods
Grave pact
Soul of the harvest
Harvester of souls
Deadbridge Chant
Beastmaster ascension
Crater hoof behemoth

To start with, anyway.

Re: Anyone wanna trade for small EDH things?

I actually wrote an article on Sek'Kuar. It's budget but the bottom of the article has non-budget suggestions too. He's a really fun general with a unique playstyle!

Re: Anyone wanna trade for small EDH things?

Oh hell yeah, forgot about parallel lives. Wish I could afford doubling season though. Would be pretty cool with undying.

Cool article man! I chose Sek'Kuar as my commander because I liked how there wasn't many decks out there playing him. And there's something about sacrificing creatures that I just love. So I figured I'd give him a shot.

Re: Anyone wanna trade for small EDH things?

If you're feeling like combos:
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed can make a MESS with some persist creatures thrown in.
Lavaclaw Reach and Ceaseless Searblades works well.  Lavaclaw is a cheap (last I checked) dual land in your colors so that helps too.

I enjoy fling effects, and they give you sac outlets to trigger your general.  Bloodshot Cyclops is in color and repeatable.

ETB effects like Pandemonium or Warstorm Surge would be terrifying for your opponents to play against.  (Sac a couple creatures, burn you for 15,18,21...)  Killing wave might be worth running in that regard.  If you pick only 2 cards from what I've listed, pick these two.

Going back to combos: Sekki, Seasons' Guide goes infinite with Pandemonium.  (The gatherer comments explain it, if it's not clear.  I know it certainly wasn't for me at first)  Up to you if that's your type of thing or not.

Some generally nice cards to have/cards I personally like to run:
-I really like Elixir of Immortality.  I include one in all my EDH decks, but it's questionably necessary.  At worst it gains you 5 life.
-Wrath effects; I like to include one as it give you an answer when the board locks up or gets too scary.  Damnation would, of course, be ideal, but cheap options are out there too: Life's Finale is my usual.
-You're running black; Exsanguinate is super awesome, especially in multiplayer (which EDH almost always is) where it can be a kill spell and/or just an "I don't die now" spell.
-On a similar note: you're running red; Insurrection is often just called "I win."  It's really powerful, up to you if you want to run it or not. 
-A tutor or two is nice to include.  Diabolic Tutor is probably the standard.  Demonic Tutor cost less to play and costs more to buy!  I try to avoid running too many of these (black has a ton) as it can make the deck too repeatable.  You're a lot less likely to run into a completely random "this interacts with this interacts with this interacts with..." which, at least for me, is what really makes EDH fun.
-Mana fixing & the like:  I like Darksteel Ingot (indestructible is awesome, someone can and will blow up all the artifacts at some point) and Spectral Searchlight because: hooray politics (it's EDH after all)

Hope I haven't thrown too many options at you.  Have fun and enjoy my favorite Magic format!

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