Topic: Premium: Edition Checklist suggestion
When looking at the edition checklist feature, I find it's difficult to quickly recognize what cards I have and don't. I would find useful a feature that allows me to have certain cards highlighted if they meet a certain number threshold. I suggest this number be user-defined, since different collectors consider different amount to be "completed."
E.g., I would want to be able to set some variable X in an edition's menu as 4, representing a playset. Now, when looking at, say, Journey into Nyx, all cards where I have 4 or more copies of that card, that card's line is highlighted in some color (perhaps user-defined also). But, when I go to the Gatecrash edition's menu I can set it to 1 and have the same above-mentioned results (because maybe I just want 1 copy of non-standard card, and a playset of standard ones).