Topic: How Long For Canada -> USA Shipping?

Hello fellow traders,

I am currently in the midst of a trade with a Canadian from Ontario.  I live in Maryland, USA.  The other trader sent the cards about 3 1/2 weeks ago, but I still have not received them yet and we are both getting a little nervous.  Any thoughts on what we should expect for Ontario -> Maryland shipping times?

Re: How Long For Canada -> USA Shipping?

i had one take almost 4 from canada earlier in the month...letters seem to go much faster than bubble mailers if that info helps (so if it was a letter, you're likely boned).

Profile  |  Tradelist   |  Wishlist

Re: How Long For Canada -> USA Shipping?

I live in Minnesota, just a few hours a way and it usually takes around three weeks.

Re: How Long For Canada -> USA Shipping?

I have done several trades with Canada, on this site, and on another. And I will say, that there has been some real variance on it. I think it has been anywhere from just under 2 weeks to about a month. I know in OK, I am not as close to the border as you, but I don't think the difference between us would make much difference in the shipping time from Canada.

Re: How Long For Canada -> USA Shipping?

thanks for the replies, everyone.  it has been about a month now, so hopefully his cards will arrive any day now.

Re: How Long For Canada -> USA Shipping?

Just to toss in my experience I have 1 canada trade maybe 2 but I know 1 and it took 2 weeks total minus negotiating my cards got there in about a week and a half his cards got to me about 2 weeks so I guess it all depends on how lucky you get lol

Re: How Long For Canada -> USA Shipping?

I live in Canada and have done lots of trades to the US. Normally it's between 5-10 business days.  There are some cases where it took about 3-4 weeks.

Re: How Long For Canada -> USA Shipping?

I've had mine to and from canada take as little as a week and as long as a month and a half (outliers to be sure, but it has happened twice) And I have shipped to Canada and received in both Virginia and Washington and they take the same amount of time. Though I will say it is a hellova lot cheaper in WA to send to Canada than from VA, in VA it cost me close to 10 bucks for the cheapest, in WA it cost me 4.50...crazy, but I love it since I'm in WA now =P

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