Topic: Cancelling Orders - Still Allowed?

Quick question: I know at one point in time Deckbox market sellers were allowed to specify minimum order guidelines on their profiles and actually enforce those guidelines and refund orders that violated them without having to worry about negative feedback.

I had to cancel someone's order today and can no longer find the verbiage in the rules that explicitly allowed this. I'm pretty sure it used to be there. Is it no longer there? Is this no longer allowed under the market rules?

Because I really don't want to risk negative feedback and this would be a dealbreaker for me as a merchant on the site.

Re: Cancelling Orders - Still Allowed?

It seems to me that this falls under "various other reasons" for a seller to cancel an order (ref).

The blanket statement "Buyers are able to leave negative feedback for canceled purchases" leads me to believe that you would NOT be protected from negative feedback.

It's possible that this is out of date ("Last Modified: 10th March 2014"), but given Deckbox will NOT implement minimum order sizes (ref) I wouldn't expect Deckbox to back you up on this.

That being said, if you do get negative feedback in this case you should open a dispute to have it removed.

Re: Cancelling Orders - Still Allowed?

d72B wrote:

It seems to me that this falls under "various other reasons" for a seller to cancel an order (ref).

The blanket statement "Buyers are able to leave negative feedback for canceled purchases" leads me to believe that you would NOT be protected from negative feedback.

It's possible that this is out of date ("Last Modified: 10th March 2014"), but given Deckbox will NOT implement minimum order sizes (ref) I wouldn't expect Deckbox to back you up on this.

That being said, if you do get negative feedback in this case you should open a dispute to have it removed.

Well, there is precedent on this: I have canceled orders before on these grounds and Sebi has said that it's fine. I just recall their being explicit verbiage in the rules stating this in the past, and now I can't find it, or maybe I'm misremembering.

It seems like with the introduction of the shopping assistant, though, we might not expect buyers to visit the profiles of individual sellers before ordering, in which case this exception may no longer be worth granting.

In which case I'm going to just remove all the prices on my seller account for the indefinite future.

Re: Cancelling Orders - Still Allowed?

As a small update, the buyer recommended that I just put these conditions under my shipping options. So I did that. Pretty sure that has to be enforceable.