Topic: Personal Updates

Hey, all. I've updated my bio with the following, but as I trade most with those within this group, wanted to make the 'announcement'.

Update 8/12/2024:
    Much as I hate to write this, as of today, I will assume no responsibility for packages with tracking lost by USPS. While I know DB doesn’t REQUIRE me to replace them, I’ve always done so regardless for the sake of good faith, but with hundreds of dollars in cards being lost and replaced in a matter of months, I can no longer keep this practice going. So as of today, if my TRACKED package shows delivered to the address you gave me, I will consider it a successful delivery, and will not replace it (Nor will I expect you to, if the roles are reversed). I will follow up any losses with USPS as usual, but I will not be replacing cards moving forward. Opening or accepting a new trade with me assumes you agree with this caveat, and will refrain from leaving me negative feedback for circumstances I cannot control.

   As a side note, I'd also state that if you are within 40 minutes or so of the tri-state border of MA, CT, & RI, I'm willing to meet up with you at your(or my, or any) LGS to trade in person. It sucks that we can't even rely on USPS to get our TRACKED packages reaching our trade partners, but I've literally replaced (actual post-trade value) $462 in trades recently, and it's just too much. So it was either this, or stop trading online altogether, which I'm not quite ready to do. Yet.

  That aside, I will also be purging much of my bulk (Which I consider any card of <$5) very shortly, so if anyone would like to flush out their want list with anything I have, I'll throw an additional 15% or so in your favor for anything on my wishlist.

Thank you all, and as always, be well, and stay amazing. Happy trading.


Last edited by Sightburner (2024-08-12 13:19:32)

Re: Personal Updates

Here's to wishing I was in the tri-state area and we could just hang out on occasion.

Feeling super alive and vigorous so I wanted to contribute my 2 cents: I've had similar experiences, but I arrived at a slightly different decision.

I essentially gave up on tracking. The extra expense and post office hassle hasn't brought me any additional peace of mind, or help, at least as far as Deckbox is concerned. Sketchy people are going to be sketchy, regardless. And I've tried all manner of approaches with it, like tracking without the person even knowing ("aw, man you didn't tell me it was arriving today, I guess someone stole it because now it is gone") or making a big deal out of the process with visuals of each step. I just avoid tracking now and trade (as cheaply as humanly possible) with the folks I trust 100%. It limits my pool, sure, but the trading process is cheaper and breezier, and regrets are minimized, thanks largely to folks like Steven and this group.

YMMV, so this is just a working theory for now, but if you can find the little fuckers (most post offices in Seattle do NOT have them) you can send heavier envelopes just under 2 oz with the extra 1 ounce stamp (a meager 20 cents) which has been a real life saver, as far as having things delivered successfully. Knock on wood. The mail carriers seem to give those extra attention, for whatever reason (vs. 2 or more forever stamps, which let's face it, is soooo uncool and deserves to get tossed in the garbage).

Happy to read other people's workarounds and epiphanies as well.

Re: Personal Updates

Ohhhh nooooowwww you have that policy after i replaced all those sticky er lost cards for you sad seriously though I agree with you. I have the same policy and had it for a while. Ill use tracking as a proof so to speak, but even now, I have one trade where the package just stopped moving. it sat at the regional USPS of the trader for 10 days, and only now, as in last night, did it start moving again, but the other guy wanted me to replace it immediately. Kinda sick of the USPS

on the bright side, I also purged alot of my bulk. At this point im just looking to foil out what I can of my decks, but even then i may start buylisting some of these decks. having over 20 EDH decks and keeping them all updated is annoying xD

Re: Personal Updates

The entire point of Tracking a package I thought was to absolve yourself of when it is "Delivered" and they say it is not.  I would have to review the rules, but I thought the website specifically pointed out a clause about tracking and delivered.  I could be wrong though.

Of my 500 trades I have tracked close to 40 of them and most have been on request of the other trader.  I don't think any of my tracked envelopes have gotten lost, except one that tracked into hawaii somehow, but eventually made it back to its target location of montana.  I have had about 4 envelopes not make it to me and about 8 not make it to others for a net loss of 150$ or so on my part.  3 of those not arrivals were later confirmed as scammers.  I have always considered this acceptable vrs the cost of tracking.  Or I think I have just been very lucky to have such a low rate of loss compared to how great this community and service is.  Then again, allot of my trades are smaller and I aim to keep them around 20$, I don't do as big a trade as you do very often ^_^

That being said, I want to offer my most sincere apologies that you were forced into adding such a clause onto your bio.  That very much so is a total bummer.  I may be a stranger in some regards, but I can still commiserate with someone when something bad happens.  Best of luck to your future, and hopefully a little bit of mental support will help that you don't get too mentally scared of this experience ^_^

Re: Personal Updates

It sucks to have to include this in your bio, but almost seems necessary at this point.

USPS has been kinda trash for a bit now, I was lucky for 100+ trades until recently, but unfortunately now have to pay out of pocket for a trade that has been lost(it was PWE, so not in the same boat as tracked), and it's seeming at least one more has possibly gone missing.

I've noticed in the past couple of months that deliveries seem to take longer, even tracked sometimes get stuck or delayed. It's too bad, as USPS is always more readily available shipping/carrier option.

Re: Personal Updates

I've been fortunate in that I can't recall USPS losing any of my recent tracked packages to other traders but I have noticed recently they have decided to give my packages the "Cross country tour" where its somehow gets redirected to the other end of the country when I'm just sending to like a state or two away.

That being said, I agree with all of you. Personally, if the trade is large enough, I just pay the extra for insurance. In my experience, USPS tends to handle insured things more carefully when they are online for actual value.

I am cool with replacing something if it has indeed been lost from tracking but there needs to be a little patience and understanding from people that I don't control the Post Office and it is delayed a few days or the tracking is not updating, it's not immediately going to get replaced. It needs to be at least 12-15 Days from the day after I send it out before I even think about offering to replace it. As far as I am concerned, if tracking shows delivered, unless it's clearly in the wrong state or location, the blame should fall on the PO and the Reciever should be following up with their local PO to figure out what happened as well. It should not be solely my responsibility to try and track it down from not even close to where I live.

Don't get me wrong, I know things happen and Im more than willing more often than not to work out issues. But I need to draw a line of what is expected of me when there is nothing I can do when I've done what I can. Tracking is proof I sent the cards and they are on their way and can be planned for when they arrive.

Re: Personal Updates

Correct, @Veldwraith.
Deckbox policy states that if a tracked trade is lost by USPS, it is not at the fault of the sender, and does not require reimbursement. I just personally hate anyone walking away from a trade with a bad taste in their mouth, so I've been willing to work with them.

And while I'm sure a time or two, someone might have walked away with a second instance of my cards and kept mum about it, generally, it's been with traders I knew, liked, and trusted, so it's been less of a concern. I'm just being clear now to avoid any future issues with new trades, despite the fact that I'm sure SOMEONE won't read my bio, and get their panties in a knot when I enforce it. Ah, well.

I've considered the no tracking rule myself, as ironically, I've had fewer instances of PWE's getting lost than I have with tracked packages (Funny ol' world, ain't it?). I suppose I've resisted this concept BECAUSE of Deckbox's policy, and the tendencies of other traders to want high value trades tracked, though I've clearly been doing so anyway, so WTF is wrong with me, lol? It's definitely something to consider, @pygmydynamo, so thank you for the suggestion.

@Helios52: Very well said. I generally give a week or two past anticipated delivery date for things to have the chance to arrive before replacing, but all too often, they end up lost. I haven't done the insurance thing yet beyond a couple of trades that broke the $100 range, but that might end up being the forward caveat.

I appreciate all of the suggestions and commentary, and again, grateful to everyone in this group who has made it possible for me to go THIS route instead of just hanging up my profile and selling out my trade stock. Looking forward to trading again with anyone I haven't scared off witht his statement. Be well!


Re: Personal Updates

I have had nothing but outstanding service and interactions with you good sir.  My post here was in the hopes that you can find in any way at all some support for you when something you did not deserve happened to you.  You might be surprised to find that I would even go so far as to just mail you random free cards as part of community effort to just help spread the loss to all of our shoulders.  But I suspect, like me, you would be too proud to accept such a thing ^_^

Love the game, and love the trade ^_^. Be well friend!

Re: Personal Updates

Veldwraith wrote:

I have had nothing but outstanding service and interactions with you good sir.  My post here was in the hopes that you can find in any way at all some support for you when something you did not deserve happened to you.  You might be surprised to find that I would even go so far as to just mail you random free cards as part of community effort to just help spread the loss to all of our shoulders.  But I suspect, like me, you would be too proud to accept such a thing ^_^

Love the game, and love the trade ^_^. Be well friend!

I didn't take it as being argumentative, and hope my reply didn't come off as such. Just clarifying my position despite listed DB rules smile
But same, and much appreciated!


Re: Personal Updates

I have this in the top of my profile and I still can't get people to read it.

<TL;DR> - Do not use certified mail unless we have discussed it, the trade needs to be over 25 dollars US or 50 international, yes you can use PWE just don't cry about "but it was in X condition when I sent it" because that isn't my fault. If we are trading RL I will always ask for pictures, don't care if the card is a buck or 500.</TL;DR>

I've done so many trades I've only had 4 issues out of my over 600 trades, but I am always up front about expectations. Sometimes people say 'nope' and they are out, and that is great; because if we can't agree on the principle then I don't want the trade to move forward anyway. I feel as long as the expectation is set before accepting no one is ever upset. And times where my side has messed up, I make them whole, I don't want anyone having a crappy experience, and I've had the same done for me.

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: Personal Updates

AmarusCameron wrote:

I've done so many trades I've only had 4 issues out of my over 600 trades, but I am always up front about expectations. Sometimes people say 'nope' and they are out, and that is great; because if we can't agree on the principle then I don't want the trade to move forward anyway. I feel as long as the expectation is set before accepting no one is ever upset. And times where my side has messed up, I make them whole, I don't want anyone having a crappy experience, and I've had the same done for me.

Well said!

I don't get people who don't read profiles. It saves SO MUCH time and BS.
