Topic: Here kitty kitty kitty...

So it's not exactly news to those of us in the deck discussion area that I scored Ajani, Caller of the Pride at the M13 launch... but that has led me to believe I should reshape my CATS deck (see the title 'F Broadway'... see what I did there?)

Here's the deck as it currently sits:

The deck is currently constructed to be half about cats and half about life gain, with a splash of green that will almost assuredly be going away very soon.  I'm moving to a mono white cat token and life gain scenario.  I'm building in at least two White Sun's Zenith and plan on including Raksha Golden Cub and Kemba, Kha Regent to help pump all the kitties and to help make more of them.  I'm also going to sideboard the Rhino M13 guy that doubles all life gain.  There will also be at least two of Ajani's Sunstriker as it fits both lifegain AND the cat theme smile.

My question for all of you guys really concerns the equipment I should run to make both of them work.  I'm torn what exactly I should be aiming for given the abilities of Raksha and Kemba.  On the one hand I can go for things that make them indestructible or hexproof (see Darksteel Plate and Swiftfoot Boots) or I can go for just making them hella blockers (see Peregrine Mask and Veteran's Armaments) or I can go with the more versatile, traditional pumping and benefit for attacker pieces that would be able to help all the other kitties on the board (see Infiltration Lens, Leonin Scimitar, Darksteel Axe, etc.).  I'm also thinking Ring of Thune (the M13 ring for white creatures that gives them vigilance and the counters) could prove useful. Given that my experience running equipment in decks is, well to be honest, ZILCH outside of the M13 pre-release, I'm open to suggestions (outside of the major swords... I don't want to break the bank here).

I welcome your thoughts on what bling I should provide for the kitties.

Last edited by TyWooOneTime (2012-07-10 03:27:34)

Re: Here kitty kitty kitty...

It may be a bit pricier than you'd like, but Lightning Greaves was the first card that popped into my head when I read this.  And although it doesn't fit too well into your Cat theme, the Gatherer discussion page has an awesome life-gain combo with this - Daru Spiritualist + Starlit Sanctum = HUGE life gain.  And if you have a Leonin Shikari in play, it effectively kills any "target creature" effects.

Re: Here kitty kitty kitty...

Seeing as you're running mono white and the specific cat creature type, with a couple of legendary creatures, you could definitely run a Konda's Banner to pump them all up at once.  Probably want to play only one though, since it would be useless without those two out.

Beyond that, if you want to be about gaining life, there are the obvious ones: Basilisk Collar and Loxodon Warhammer.

With Kemba, possibly throwing out creatures non-stop, you should probably also include Angelic Chorus and the new M13 Healer of the Pride, and, even though it isn't a cat, you could technically also add the Suture Priest.  I guess that all just depends upon what slots you have open.  Pride Guardian could also be a good inclusion.

Sorry, not too many Equipment ideas because I generally don't run much equipment either.

Re: Here kitty kitty kitty...

I like Healer of the Pride, as it could let me replace Soul's Attendant to get essentially the same effect while also playing into my cat theme (although it sucks that it costs three more to play).  Funny that you would mention Loxodon Warhammer because I remembered this morning that some of the equipment will need to provide trample, as there isn't anything much more annoying than having a huge Ajani's Pridemate that can't do anything because they keep chump blocking it with little critters.

For the Lightning Greaves, I can see the benefit of those, but Swiftfoot Boots do the same thing only they provide hexproof as opposed to shroud (which can be really nice).  I'm not too worried about having to pay one for the equip cost on them as I really think most of the "infinite" combos are overrated as they need roughly four or more cards working in tandem in most cases (which I find is an easy way to get yourself killed when working toward).  I can also see where Konda's Banner could be beastly as I'd want to equip my legends with it (which is a plus) and it would give +2/+2 to all of my cats (another plus).

I do have two Pride Guardians I'm going to try and swing in there and Angelic Chorus would be funny once I start really dropping cat tokens.

Any other equipment thoughts?

Re: Here kitty kitty kitty...

Champion's Helm is another one that would protect your legendary creatures.  Golem-Skin Gauntlets and Pennon Blade could also become relatively humorous in the right circumstances.  You may want to find a way to block flying creatures, so adding something like Spidersilk Net might not be a bad idea.

And as far as getting damage through with your big guys, I would also suggest Trailblazer's Boots and Whispersilk Cloak.

Last edited by NullParameter (2012-07-10 15:16:05)

Re: Here kitty kitty kitty...

Depending on how much equipment you decide to put in Puresteel Paladin is always worth considering, especially with cats who love equipment and with Leonin Shikari in play it can get out of hand really quickly. But given the lifegain focus I don't think I'd go for it, only if you decide to move more towards lots o cats.

also consider Rebuff the Wicked to protect Mr. Ajani, also I thought I'd point out that if you're making a deck based on Ajani it should be an exalted deck, not a cat deck, lol, this deck seems like it would prefer Ajani Goldmane, but it's up to you, exalted with ajani is going to be way over-done

Re: Here kitty kitty kitty...

Ugh... the thought of a Tormented Soul attacking with several exalted bonuses with Ajani's secondary (lifelink and double strike)... that's just gross.  But also way too predictable.

Ajani Goldmane was the one I previously had in the deck, but Ajani, Caller of the Pride's ultimate will still work out quite disgustingly with how many cat tokens it will create.  The life gain mechanic isn't really the primary goal here as it's clear much better life-gain decks are out there, but this gives me a bit more flexibility with regard to what I can do and how I can win.  Sure, getting to 40 and letting the Felidar Sovereign trigger can be fun, but so can gaining life to the point the opponent can't kill you while you generate buttloads of kitties, all the better to overrun them with.  That and the idea of Ajani's secondary on a creature that has a Loxodon Warhammer with Cradle of Vitality or even a Celestial Mantle is just about as equally gross as the exalted combo.

A revised build is now posted.

Last edited by TyWooOneTime (2012-07-10 21:19:04)

Re: Here kitty kitty kitty...

I got to may want to include a set of Steelshaper's Gifts in the deck.  While it doesn't help you get the specific creatures you want on the battlefield any sooner, it DOES help you get the equipment you need when you need it.  And with such a varied set of equipment in the deck, this would definitely come in handy!

Re: Here kitty kitty kitty...

In the life gain theme, and considering the number of cat tokens you may be pumping out, perhaps Congregate would be a better choice than Rest for the Weary..? More expensive to cast, yes... but potentially more ludicrous life gain as well. wink

Edit: Although, now that I look over the deck again, I see it's currently Modern, which Congregate would break.

Last edited by MMJuno (2012-07-11 13:15:09)

Re: Here kitty kitty kitty...

MMJuno wrote:

In the life gain theme, and considering the number of cat tokens you may be pumping out, perhaps Congregate would be a better choice than Rest for the Weary..? More expensive to cast, yes... but potentially more ludicrous life gain as well. wink

I agree, without some immediate way to capitalize on your cats you could easily get Wrathed or something and then all will have been for naught, but if you out in Congregate you could have enough life that you'll easily win anyway