Topic: Have the prices gone nuts?

I am sure many of you have noticed but what is going on with eternal card prices? a demonic tutor should not be 30 bucks or am I missing something? Lots of cards are showing really wacky prices and wondering if anyone is addressing the issue

Re: Have the prices gone nuts?

Yeah, I almost crapped my pants when I saw REGULAR Nicol Bolas (not the planeswalker variety) is over $6... but if you click onto the TGCPlayer page, the prices are alright.  Best anyone can figure is that somehow a bunch of them were skewed upwards or there was some strange glitch... just be careful and check those prices!

Re: Have the prices gone nuts?

I wanted to pick up a Gilded Drake for my new Zedruu deck, but they went up to $30 over the last two weeks. Blast!

Re: Have the prices gone nuts?

Yeah, bolts and coutnerspells are 3 apiece and Sol Rings are >20. Something is weird

Re: Have the prices gone nuts?

There is something wrong with how cards are being sorted.

When I click my demonic tutor it takes me to the foil DCI version on TCG player. For my Underground Sea it takes me to an Unlimited version rather than revised.

They are throwing the prices off majorly.

Re: Have the prices gone nuts?

I may be wrong but it appears to me that the prices shown here on are averages of all versions of a specific card. This unfortunately skews pricing and can make trades seem unfair.

I've been using tcgplayer to find specific prices and then use a calculator to make sure my trades are fair.