Topic: Keeping it rolling...

As I'm on a pace of one new idea per day, I just had a fun thought to run with a new deck idea...

So with no more delay, I present:

You've got 99 problems and this Lich is one (see what I did there?):

The basic idea here is to pair Phylactery Lich with a nice artifact to do some major damage.  Well, since a simple Smelt or Naturalize could cost you both the Lich and the artifact, why not pick a shiny, indestructible artifact?  Stuffy Doll enter stage left.

So realistically, the deck proceeds by popping out Black Cats and Ravenous Rats to disrupt their hands while giving me chump blockers.  Toss in a few Krenko's Commands to add some tokens, throw in ramping with Infernal Plunge, Vessel of Endless Rest, and Gilded Lotus (and to a lesser degree Liliana).  Once you hit critical mass and put out Stuffy Doll you can start board clearing in the way most doll decks do, but if you ALSO have the Lich paired to the Doll, well, those don't get dropped by the board clears either.

Anyway, I guess this really isn't that different from most Stuffy Doll decks, but man, I'll take a 5/5 indestructible Lich paired with the Doll every day of the week.


Re: Keeping it rolling...

I had considered trying to do something along the lines of pairing Stuffy Doll and Phyactery Lich as well.

I've had a couple different thoughts, and not sure which one or combination of ones that I would want to try to work with yet. Some ideas included:

* Ways to Flicker the Lich to get more phylactery counters on artifacts in an artifact-heavy deck, thus making it a little more difficult to kill the Lich.
* Into the Maw of Hell, for essentially 13 damage to the face.
* Lure on the Doll, allowing both the Lich to get through as well as taking damage from their own creatures.
* Prey Upon or Ulvenwald Tracker, combined with Deathtouch (such as pairing Nightshade Peddler with the Doll) for repeat removal.

Edit: I see, looking at your list, that I forgot about Blasphemous Act too... hmm.

Last edited by MMJuno (2012-08-24 13:35:19)

Re: Keeping it rolling...

Stuffy Doll is awesome, and while it is indestructible, it isn't really uneasy to "destroy".

Black Sun's Zenith, Curse of Death's Hold, Fume Spitter, Ghoulflesh, Mutilate, Necropede, Tragic Slip, etc.
All things I've seen in decks that will instantly take out two of your creatures for a measly -1/-1.

I think Stuffy Doll opens up your strategy to a lot more removal than just using a non-creature artifact would.
For example, pairing it with something like Darksteel Axe essentially makes it impossible to get rid of.  Or at least a Manor Gargoyle would make them work to get the removal since they need at least -4/-4 to make it happen, at which point they'd probably be able to get the -5/-5 for the lich anyway, so it wouldn't really matter.

Re: Keeping it rolling...

True, on the -1/-1 issues, but Melira, Sylvok Outcast could help with that to some extent (at least for those that generate counters.

Flicker or temporary Hexproof effects could help with a couple of the others, but outside of something like Unsummon on your own creature, of course it won't solve everything.

Darksteel Axe was, indeed, one of the artifacts I was thinking of as a target for the Lich's counters.

Re: Keeping it rolling...

Good points.  I only wish Darksteel Axe wasn't rotating... Manor Gargoyle can provide another option.

Thanks for the input guys!

Re: Keeping it rolling...

Meira would help deal with state-based removal, but you'd have to factor in a way to ensure you get her out.  I think having multiple indestructible artifacts along with flicker effects would be the way to go.  I'm not sure off the top of my head of anything Standard-legal that would fit the bill that hasn't been mentioned already, but I will say that it's harder to deal with an indestructible artifact than an indestructible artifact creature, so I'd work the Darksteel Axe in while it's still legal and see what can replace it when the new block debuts.