Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

I'm on board with droppping Exquisite Blood and Predatory Rampage if others are on board.  My only reservations are that they are both quite useful. 

Exquisite lets you actually gain a boatload of life off Killing Wave, such that the opponent either has to pay to keep the creature and you gain, or they drop the creature and that's just dandy too.

Predatory Rampage is as close as we can get to Overrun in a post-rotation world that I'm aware of... which would be nice to make all those ooze tokens that much more dangerous.

Do we want to move to full post-rotation format?  If we're going that way, we could build in cards that will be pulled for RTR cards (i.e. Corpsejack Menace - which also rocks undying creatures and gives them two +1/+1 counters).

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Predatory Rampage doesn't give trample, so as long as they have a few creatures to chump block with, it isn't really all that useful.

Another option for an Overrun effect, plus giving everything trample, is Craterhoof Behemoth.  Or Garruk Relentless (flipped).  A few Rancors would also do the trick.  And Revenge of the Hunted makes them block only one creature, so essentially lets everything else though with ease.  So I think we have some other options if that is the effect we're looking for.

Also, relinking the deck here, so I don't have to keep going back to the first page.  Deck:

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Predatory Rampage is going and Champion of Lambholt will be dropped to 3x to add 1x Craterhoof Behemoth - for those late game situations where other strategies have failed and you just need to overrun them.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

I've gone ahead and dropped the BOPs, and Reassembling Skeletons to make it post-rotation.  I also dropped one Exquisite Blood so now we're sitting at 60 cards.

So I guess the question now is, thoughts on the deck?

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Even if we drop the BoPs, I think we need to replace it, at least partially, with something else that provides ramp, otherwise we're going to be way too slow in getting to our actual end-game (any of the expensive enchantments, preferably multiple of them).  I'm not sure that there is much to help us out for ramp at the moment though, without knowing the full RTR list (which will hopefully include BoP).

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

I know the Gate to Golgari dual land will be a good option too, as it's a common dual land.

But for ramping, Arbor Elf is about all we have outside of Farseek or Avacyn's Pilgrim which sadly doesn't even provide a color that helps...

I do know that if we're waiting for rotation, there are a LOT of other options... I mean Vraska the Unseen is going to be put in EVERY G/B deck in standard... Jarad too (since we're sacrificing stuff).  Corpsejack Menace would double the power up from undying too... and that's three cards from the third of the set that's been leaked.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Any more updates that we were going to make to the deck?  Just curious since everybody had gone quiet for some time now.

And ugh, Woodland Cemetery just jumped up to $11-12.  I can't decide if I should try to get the last one I need for a playset now so that I can play this deck, or if they'll end up dropping in price later on.  If anybody has one that they want to trade, I'm open for negotiations. smile

Last edited by NullParameter (2012-09-10 20:29:00)

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

I would dig around to see if you can get one for $7 online (they're out there) as apparently they're going through the roof now that everyone has made a mess in their pants thinking about Vraska, the Unseen.  It's a shame too, because 95% of the Golgari decks being posted on TappedOut are a joke where someone just put 4x of each leaked card and nothing else.

For the build-pass-build deck... my sense is we were at 60 cards, so it SHOULD be good to go.  Sadly the input has tapered off but I'm all for trying to figure out whether it'd do any good.

As a side note, I'd think a few Parallel Lives could always help the deck.  Why not get 2x or 4x the ooze/wolf tokens?

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I would dig around to see if you can get one for $7 online (they're out there) as apparently they're going through the roof now that everyone has made a mess in their pants thinking about Vraska, the Unseen.

I'm going to be laughing really hard when people realize that Vraska, the Unseen isn't even going to be competitively playable in an environment with Oblivion Ring and the new planeswalker kill card, not to mention that she's 5cmc and doesn't even make an impact until several turns after she hits the board, and I doubt it'll be uncommon for someone to just hold a bonfire/magmaquake until she ultimates, then laughs hysterically, she's a very fun card, without a doubt and I'll be trying to get one for my Ghave deck, until she gets banned in EDH (which could happen very realistically) but not until her price plummets to about where Tibalt's sitting at right now, on a side note, I don't think that she should be included in our deck, unless they re-print doubling season, in which case all bets are off and she's going to be an absolute bomb, but I hope for the sake of standard that they don't reprint Season, no matter how much I want a playset

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

I look at Vraska as being a total 1x of in a Golgari deck because, who knows, you might get lucky.  If nothing else it gives you one more possible way to win (however unlikely it may be).  But you can tell everyone is all pumped about her, Woodland Cemetery has more than doubled in price in the last week or so since she was leaked.

I'm also not seeing all the excitement about Slitherhead.  Best case scenario he's a chump blocker and a Hunger of the Howlpack (mind you, the non-morbid version).  I'd rather put hungers into a deck with the full knowledge that Golgari operate on creatures dying regularly.  Combine that with Corpsejack Menace and, well, that's +6/+6 for one mana.

Or, more importantly, I think undying is the elephant in the room that somehow all the kids at TappedOut are forgetting.  If you double the counters, why not roll with that?  Give all your creatures an extra life and power them up significantly when they die?  Yes please.  Even sacking a Strangleroot Geist with Jarad can count for five of the opponent's life without a Menace on the board.

Anyway, all that whatnot aside, are there other thoughts on the deck?  I don't know that it will hold up once RTR drops (not that it would before hand wink ).  I'd say if you want to run it Null, give it a shot and let us know how we all did.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Been trading for a bunch of cards, finally got my last Woodland Cemetery and Killing Wave in the mail, so I think I'm going to be taking this deck to FNM tonight.  Will report back later tonight on how everything went.

Although I just realized that we don't have a sideboard, so I'll have to come up with something.......

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Oops.  Congrats on the playset of Woodland Cemetery as those are apparently worth their weight in gold these days.

I look forward to how it goes.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Yeah, I got the first three before the price hike.  This one I had to trade an arm and a leg for (and shipping body parts isn't cheap!), but it sets me up well to play some Golgari after rotation, so hopefully it is worth it.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

If you'd like to take a look, here is the sideboard that I came up with quickly.  I'm terrible at sideboarding, and even worse at making a sideboard in the first place, so it probably sucks.

Additional spells to make use of all that sacrificing
2x Bone Splinters
2x Gnaw to the Bone
2x Grim Flowering

A few more creatures that add onto the theme and give me some advantages in other ways
1x Disciple of Bolas (Just because it didn't make the cut and I think it goes perfectly in this deck)
2x Solemn Simulacrum (The only card that isn't rotation safe)
2x Acidic Slime (Artifact/Enchantment removal, plus another sac target)

Some general protection against stuff in the meta
2x Witchbane Orb (Protect against Bonfire of the Damned, and other such threats)
2x Curse of Death's Hold

Oh yeah, and I substituted Birds of Paradise for the Arbor Elves for the time being, since they can block fliers and make black mana.

(Whole Deck)

Last edited by NullParameter (2012-09-21 20:00:50)

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

NullParameter wrote:

If you'd like to take a look, here is the sideboard that I came up with quickly.  I'm terrible at sideboarding, and even worse at making a sideboard in the first place, so it probably sucks.

Additional spells to make use of all that sacrificing
2x Bone Splinters
2x Gnaw to the Bone
2x Grim Flowering

A few more creatures that add onto the theme and give me some advantages in other ways
1x Disciple of Bolas (Just because it didn't make the cut and I think it goes perfectly in this deck)
2x Solemn Simulacrum (The only card that isn't rotation safe)
2x Acidic Slime (Artifact/Enchantment removal, plus another sac target)

Some general protection against stuff in the meta
2x Witchbane Orb (Protect against Bonfire of the Damned, and other such threats)
2x Curse of Death's Hold

Oh yeah, and I substituted Birds of Paradise for the Arbor Elves for the time being, since they can block fliers and make black mana.

(Whole Deck)

A general idea about sideboard is that its usually best to only have cards that hate specific styles/strageties because if you just put cards you like that didnt make the cut youll never put them in, theyre just not as good, things like topor orb and grafdiggers cage are sideboard cards, or my favs surgical extractions smile

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

imsully2 wrote:

A general idea about sideboard is that its usually best to only have cards that hate specific styles/strageties because if you just put cards you like that didnt make the cut youll never put them in, theyre just not as good, things like topor orb and grafdiggers cage are sideboard cards, or my favs surgical extractions smile

Yeah, I know the general idea, but without having played the deck, I don't know its weaknesses yet.  I have Witchbane Orb in there to hate on some things.  Grafdigger's Cage would only hurt this deck since it has a bunch of undying.  I added the Acidic Oozes to hate on artifact type decks and such.  etc. etc.

I definitely have a few things in there for hating, but not knowing entirely what to hate on means that I had some room for maneuvering and just added in some other things that I thought might add to the deck so I could try them out if I found them necessary.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Had to work late instead of going to FNM....... neutral  Next week......

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Possible Sideboard Cards:

Bower Passage (Flying)
Cower in Fear (Tokens)
Crushing Vines (Self Explanatory)
Deadly Recluse (Flying)
Elixir of Immortality (Mill)
Fog?? Craterhoof Behemoth/Overrun
Ghost Quarter (Inkmoth Nexus)
Ground Seal (Snapcaster)
Human Frailty (Um... Goblins??)
Naturalize (Again, self explanatory)
Sever the Bloodline (Tokens)
Victim of Night (Werewolves, vampires, and zombies)
Vile Rebirth (Reanimator)
Witchbane Orb

Cards I'd consider for main deck:

Harvester of Souls
Reaper from the Abyss
Skirsdag High Priest
Vampire Nighthawk

Just trying to give you some thoughts, this is everything I can think of that isn't about to rotate that I'd recommend, there's no point in looking for things you might be able to use once and that's maximum

Good Luck Next week!! I was working tonight also so I feel ya sad Sucks to miss it

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

I finally got to play this tonight!  And sadly, it bombed pretty hard.  Went 1-3.
If and when you can get the big enchantments out (Exquisite Blood, Feed the Pack, etc.) then they can be great.  The problem is that the current meta, at least where I'm at is just way too incredibly fast. 

The main problem is that there just weren't enough creatures staying in my hand, especially when I'm using them as an extra resource to draw cards and kill things.  Blood Artist + Barter in Blood definitely stole the show though.  Any time that you can get a couple artists out and then essentially kill four creatures, that is at least a 16 point life swing in your favor.  I cleared more than a couple boards with back to back Barter in Bloods, but that also left my board empty.

The problem wasn't quite as much of the fact that there aren't enough creatures in the deck, but rather that they all cost so little and are rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things, that you end up committing a lot of them to the board very quickly.  And when you do that, and then sacrifice a bunch, you end up with an empty hand and just top decking the rest of the game.  With all the extra life gained from the Blood Artists, will definitely want to include a full set of Sign in Bloods.  For the most part, the enchantments are definitely cool when they hit the field, and allowed me stall for a few more turns whenever they did, but they should probably be dropped almost entirely for something that will help out more immediately and more readily.

I am gonna have to say though, that I sided in a couple Gnaw to the Bones and they rock the house in this deck.  Sack a bunch of creatures to get a life swing from the Blood Artists, and then gain twice that much life, and then do it again with flashback.  Even if you have only 4 creatures in the graveyard, that is 16 life for 6 mana.  Will probably be main boarding those from now on because you really need that extra stall factor here.

Champion of Lambholt was pretty useless, because you'd just end up wanting to sacrifice it anyway.  Will definitely drop those.  Craterhoof Behemoth was much the same way; you never had enough creatures on the board and enough mana to make it worth while.

Lastly, definitely need a bunch of enchantment and artifact hate in the sideboard, possibly main.  Oblivion Ring shuts down your sacs.  Witchbane Orb shuts down Blood Artist.  And I'm sure there is plenty more where that came from.

Gaining from sacrificing and life gain are really the stars of the deck, and we definitely need to play more on that fact.  A lot more.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Interesting.  Perhaps it would make sense to throw in Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord, Ghoultree, Boneyard Wurm, or something like that given the number of creatures in the graveyard?

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Interesting.  Perhaps it would make sense to throw in Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord, Ghoultree, Boneyard Wurm, or something like that given the number of creatures in the graveyard?

I would say that is probably an amazing idea, actually.  And possibly Jarad's Orders as well, because that gets you the best of both worlds (especially since you can choose to only find one and it goes right to your hand).

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Did Gutter Grime ever have an impact?

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Did Gutter Grime ever have an impact?

I wasn't ever able to get it out once, because it was never relevant enough.  By the time I had that much mana lying around, I didn't have enough creatures out to make it worth while because they were busy chump blocking and being sacrificed.  The Exquisite Blood at least came in handy a bit with only a single Blood Artist, and Feed the Pack was able to essentially double the number of blockers I had lying around, but Gutter Grime just doesn't have an immediate impact and requires me to keep feeding it more and more creatures to be useful.

Re: The build-pass-build a deck game...

Bummer... In that case I'd say there's where we make room for the graveyard pumping critters.

On a side note, after playing with Lotleth Troll at my pre-release, I am a fan.  But not to the degree that I'd want 4x of them.  Maybe 2x because it's very quick and easy to just start dropping creatures to pump him, only to realize you have no blockers.