Topic: [Questions/Ideas] Adding items to the wishlist, setting defaults

Okay, like everyone else, I've been using the new interface for a while now, and I like it overall.  There's one area, however, where the new interface just seems to get in the way: adding cards to the wishlist, particularly when working with a single edition.

Currently, when you click in the wishlist field, you get a popup that has all inventory for that card name listed, and you have to click the "+" button to add cards to the wishlist.

After clicking the "+" button, I need to specify the quantity, edition, condition, language, and any special features (e.g., foil, full art, promo).

Since inventory now keeps a separate row for each card variant (e.g., Act of Treason in M11, M12, and Gatecrash), would it be possible to go back to entering wishlist items directly from the inventory screen, with logic directing the system to add a version that matches the current record/row? 

   Looking at Act of Treason in my Inventory, I have three rows reflecting M11, M12, and Gatecrash. 
   If I click into the Wishlist field on the the Gatecrash record/row, I'd like to simply input a number
   and have the system add that quantity to my wishlist using the Gatecrash edition.

Because some may still want to add other versions of different editions, a button or icon to launch the current method of adding cards to the wishlist should be maintained.

When I add cards to the Wishlist, I most often (over 99% of the time) specify the same details for Language and Condition (NM, English).  Would it be possible to let us set defaults for wishlist items (only language and condition), similar to what can be done for inventory (which is not working, by the way--the edition will not stick for me in Chrome).  Rather than seeing them in the Wishlist popup, however, I'd prefer to see them in my profile settings.

Currently, when we add cards (to Inventory, Tradelist, or Wishlist) we may select from a number of condition options, or may leave the condition information blank.  In the Wishlist, would it be possible to add an "ANY" for Version, Condition, and Language (and, possibly, the promo/foil/etc. field)?

When the fields are left blank (intentionally or not), trading partners must ask each other about versions (being offered, or desired), and the trade configuration window flags many records as not being matches, just because the versions do not match.

If "ANY" becomes an option on the wishlist (specifying that the trader will accept any variant for the category in which it is selected), the number of rows flagged in trading opportunities as non-matches would be reduced.

   I want three Act of Treason for a current Standard deck. 
   I just want it for the deck I will play, so I don't care if it is M11, M12,
   Gatecrash, or any other edition.
   Similarly, I don't care about the language or condition--I just want
   the card so I may add it to my deck.

When searching trading opportunities, any potential partner with a version of Act of Treason would appear as a valid trade--the row for Act of Treason would show up without any highlight.

Persons with copies of Act of Treason for trade would also benefit, because they would know immediately if the other trader would accept the version they have (e.g., M11, Good, Spanish).

The "ANY" option only makes sense for the wishlist, because it indicates the recipient does not care what Edition and/or Condition and/or Language.  It does not make sense on the Tradelist or Inventory--leaving things blank (unspecified) makes more sense there.

Okay, I'm disegaging the clutch on my brain now.  Thank you for your time.  Have a nice day.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: [Questions/Ideas] Adding items to the wishlist, setting defaults

I definitely agree and was going to post something similar for single edition cards.... I mean if there is only one edition, why not default to the only edition it can be?

Re: [Questions/Ideas] Adding items to the wishlist, setting defaults

frankenskid wrote:

I definitely agree and was going to post something similar for single edition cards.... I mean if there is only one edition, why not default to the only edition it can be?

The reason that they can't just default right now is because there is a definite chance that they don't have all of the editions if the edition isn't listed in Gatherer (there are quite a few that aren't).  In general, if you aren't guaranteed to know that there is only one edition, then it isn't really the right thing to do to default it, because that could just cause things to be mislabeled in people's inventories.

Re: [Questions/Ideas] Adding items to the wishlist, setting defaults

Ok so you exclude the corner cases, and default the rest..... what's so hard about that?

Re: [Questions/Ideas] Adding items to the wishlist, setting defaults

frankenskid wrote:

Ok so you exclude the corner cases, and default the rest..... what's so hard about that?

How do you define those corner cases automatically when they don't know about the other editions?