Topic: W:Venser; Grim Mono; Power Artifact more

Current Wants: (lots on my wishlist, but these are what I'm actively trading for)

Power Artifact
Grim Monolith
Tezzeret, the Seeker
Saphhire Medalion
Minamo, School at Water's Edge
Riptide Laboratory
Sower of Temptation
Stonybrook Banneret
Venser, Shaper Savant
Hapless Researcher

Knight of Meadowgrain
Raking Canopy
Aura of Silence
Cenn's Tactician
Champion's Helm
Door of Destinies

Last edited by Almundjoy (2013-06-16 02:08:42)

Re: W:Venser; Grim Mono; Power Artifact more

Temple of the False God
Wash Out
Long Term Plans
Aura of Silence

I have whatever else on your wishlist. If you wanna trade start one up

Re: W:Venser; Grim Mono; Power Artifact more

Started a discussion smile

Re: W:Venser; Grim Mono; Power Artifact more

started a trade

Re: W:Venser; Grim Mono; Power Artifact more


Re: W:Venser; Grim Mono; Power Artifact more
