Topic: Want:to see your trades Have: Take a look at mine

Hello guys, I'm currently building 3 decks at the same time and i'm looking for a lot of diffrent stuff if you could have a look on my tradelist and post something below that would be great!

Re: Want:to see your trades Have: Take a look at mine

What are you looking for? Your wishlist only had 4 items on it.

Re: Want:to see your trades Have: Take a look at mine

Multiple things mostly Dragons, demons and angels
Also Black,Red and White lands

Re: Want:to see your trades Have: Take a look at mine

Sounds like someone is building Kaalia >_>

Profile   |   Foil Traders Community
Free yourself from yourself

Re: Want:to see your trades Have: Take a look at mine

I am indeed

Re: Want:to see your trades Have: Take a look at mine

Everyone and their mother makes a Kaalia deck these days, Wizards hit gold with her, because everyone loves dragons angels and demons...just fun stuff.

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: Want:to see your trades Have: Take a look at mine

Updated wishlist, also really intrested in lands