Topic: Added 2500 cards, lots of promos, foils, and other awesomeness
Looking to trade away all of my extra/unused cards for stuff I might actually want. Take a look and see if you can use anything. Will gladly try and make trades work.
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Deckbox Forum » Trading Post » Reddit MTG Trades » Added 2500 cards, lots of promos, foils, and other awesomeness
Looking to trade away all of my extra/unused cards for stuff I might actually want. Take a look and see if you can use anything. Will gladly try and make trades work.
I'm looking for a liliana of the veil. If you see anything you want lmk.
I am interested in LOTV if you can find some combination that adds up to that.
I would rather not trade the liliana down
I need a bunch of $5-$10 cards you have. I have started a trade up with you.
Looking to trade away all of my extra/unused cards for stuff I might actually want. Take a look and see if you can use anything. Will gladly try and make trades work.
Still interested in the Azusa, Lost but Seeking if you see anything you want of mine
Sending you a trade.