Topic: Cracked a box of Theros...Haves and wants

Theros Haves:

Agent of the Fates
Anger of the Gods
Anger of the Gods (F)
Arbor Colossus
Bident of Thassa
Boon Satyr
Celestial Archon
Colossus of Akros
Fabled Hero
Firedrinker Satyr
Fleecemane Lion
Hammer of Purphoros
Hundred-Handed One
Medomai the Ageless
Medomai the Ageless (F)
Mistcutter Hydra
Polukranos, World Eater
Prognostic Sphinx
Psychic Intrusion x2
Rageblood Shaman
Reaper of the Wilds
Shipbreaker Kraken
Stormbreath Dragon
Temple of Deceit
Temple of Mystery
Temple of Triumph
Titan of Eternal Fire
Triad of Fates
Whip of Erebos

Theros Wants:

Ashen Rider
Curse of the Swine
Dissolve x2
Gift of Immortality (F)
Hero’s Downfall x3
Magma Jet x4
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx x4
Satyr Hedonist
Swan Song x3
Thassa, God of the Sea (F)
Thassa’s Emissary (F)

Re: Cracked a box of Theros...Haves and wants

Have- curse of the swine regular and foil, foil gift of immortality, ashen rider, interested in anger and thoughtseize, im working on uploading all my things from theros as we speak! LMK

Re: Cracked a box of Theros...Haves and wants

I have some of that stuff I'm really interested in your foil medomai. I'm gonna be updating my list later today so I'll start a trade.

Re: Cracked a box of Theros...Haves and wants

Have a jap foil gift of immortality... not sure if you're interested in that.  Lots of others as well, let me know or start up a trade.  I'll get most of my theros added to DB at some point

Re: Cracked a box of Theros...Haves and wants

I have:

Ashen Rider
Curse of the Swine
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx

Start up a trade if you're interested