Topic: Commander 2013 Pre-Con Discussion

Just a simple thread discussing the new pre-cons.

I got to play both the Naya and Esper one. The Esper one is my personal one so, naturally, I did enjoy playing it the most. My friend hAs the Naya and Jund ones, which is where I was able to play Naya. Such fun games and almost always evenly matched (I say almost because Esper creamed Naya).
But my feelings on Oloro himself are mixed. I see him being added to the "Hated" Commander list because of what he is capable of. I also don't want to build a run of the mill Oloro deck.
I guess we are what I am saying is yes, I am just as excited about the decks as anyone, but don't want to keep seeing the same cookie cutter decks these commanders are capable of. Especially Oloro, seems like his decks will all be fairly the same with my current knowledge of cards.

I collect Requiem Angel and am always willing to take one in a trade.

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Re: Commander 2013 Pre-Con Discussion

So is there a question in there somewhere or are you just making statements? Lol

Re: Commander 2013 Pre-Con Discussion

I've seen a few of the cards but not the full decks yet. Hopefully I can afford one next week here. Going bricks as those are my favorite color. I'll have to read the list of cards for the decks.

Re: Commander 2013 Pre-Con Discussion

When I saw oloro, I thought "wow, he's so good!". But then I thought he looked overpowered and maybe not too much fun.  The Jund deck actually looks pretty fun to me now.  I'm thinking the shattergang brothers could be the core of a stax deck that isn't so powerful it's no fun.  And prossh makes me want to get all the kobold cards, which is bizarre.  I want several cards out of the grixis deck, but it doesn't look like something I'd want to play at all.

How does everyone feel about opal palace so far?

Re: Commander 2013 Pre-Con Discussion

Themadhatter2304 wrote:

So is there a question in there somewhere or are you just making statements? Lol

I just came off a 9 hour grave shift because of daylight savings so my paragraph and sentence structure is highly influenced by my tiredness. >.>

What is Bricks? Pardon my ignorance, I just call em by the Alara shards.

I love Opal Palaces ability to change colorless mana into colored mana. The added +1/+1 for your General is just a smallbbonus. I personally don't play any generals where the counter benefits it highly else my opinion might be higher. Just as good as Command Tower though IMO.

I collect Requiem Angel and am always willing to take one in a trade.

Profile | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Commander 2013 Pre-Con Discussion

I was just asking if you had a question about what to run with oloro or something like that. Also opal palace, IMO, is freaking amazing. For one, the color fixing is fantastic. Second, adding counters to any general is better than no counter, general damage in lengthy game is a really viable win condition, even with smaller generals that you can just cast a bunch of times.

Re: Commander 2013 Pre-Con Discussion

I was wondering, because nobody really raves about shimmering grotto.  I didn't know whether adding counters brought it to the level of command tower, which is like a pain-free city of brass (already a great card).

Re: Commander 2013 Pre-Con Discussion

I don't think opal palace is as good as command tower. No draw back to any color of mana you can possibly use is broken, but I'm a big fan of opal palace too.

Re: Commander 2013 Pre-Con Discussion

And shimmering grotto is completely viable in edh I think . I mean I'm not gonna rave about it, but any kind of mana fixing, depending on how many colors are in your deck, seems good to me

Re: Commander 2013 Pre-Con Discussion

And shimmering grotto is completely viable in edh I think . I mean I'm not gonna rave about it, but any kind of mana fixing, depending on how many colors are in your deck, seems good to me

Re: Commander 2013 Pre-Con Discussion

Lol on kindle and it auto corrected g r I x I s

Re: Commander 2013 Pre-Con Discussion

Now that I have slept I can talk more about Opal Palace.

I do dislike Shimmering Grotto, you must pay 1 each turn just to color correct. I do run Prophetic Prism in some decks. They do what Shimmering Grotto does but let's me draw a card. Mana is never a problem in EDH so let's not talk about the 2cmc drawback vs. Grotto.
Or I use Rupture Spire and Transguild Promenade. Yea they enter tapped, but you only need to pay for em once instead of every turn.
As far as Opal Palace is concerned. It is a Shimmering Grotto (almost) with a second ability. I do like it, but I retract what I said about it being as good as Command Tower. The more I start running colorless mana producers like Basalt Monolith, Pristine Talisman, Thran Dynamo, etc. The more I like color correcting options. I will likely never use Grotto but stick with my Prism instead.
Just to make it easier I will run a Chromatic Lantern where I can though...

I collect Requiem Angel and am always willing to take one in a trade.

Profile | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Commander 2013 Pre-Con Discussion

I'm quite liking the pre-cons as I have seen. I'll share some opinions about the four I've experienced thus far.

Jeleva is just awful. The Jeleva player got targeted right of the bat when we tested out multiple pre-cons, and was still able to keep pace with three other players. Once that sucker gets tuned up, it'll be the new 'Kaalia'. That said, I think that Nekusar may just be worse, if he is built around.

Oloro also is going to be played. I've seen a lot of people new to EDH who love Orzhov, and Oloro Extort is going to be a big thing. I personally have no interest in playing him, as gaining 10-20 life before the game even begins is not a wise play style for those who want friends. I don't like him.

Prossh and Jund are my favorite thus far. I love dragons, token decks, and aggressive play, so it's the deck for me. Plenty of potential to go in different routes, and I agree that Shattergang Brothers are going to be an awesome deck. Also discovered an accidental infinite combo with the deck while testing it out, so it has plenty of combo potential.

Marath was my least favorite. Sure, it has very solid cards in it, but it doesn't quite do it for me. If I tweaked the deck to be able to deal with threats a little better, I'm sure it would be more competitive. Opal Palace really shines in Marath, though. I kinda like the idea of a Gahiji group hug/pillowfort type deck, and may be building one in the future smile

Looking for Tenth Edition NM Raging Goblins!!!

Re: Commander 2013 Pre-Con Discussion

Nekusar is my new favorite, I have so much draw in the deck. Reforge the soul, windfall, howling mine, font of mythos, spiteful visions, I have never seen people lement to draw cards so much as with my new grixis. I draw the hate and I love it, I normally drop boots, plate and a sword or two on Nekusar to make sure he can stick and then presto game over in about three to four turns.

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